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View Full Version : Stihl MS 261 Versus Husqvarna 550XP

Springfield Acer
03-24-2013, 05:28 PM
I added this comment on the Husky thread but due to the name, the question never really got completely answered. I got some good info on Husky only so here it is again:
Does anyone have hands on experience to give an educated comparison between the Stihl MS 261 and the Husky equivalent?
It appears to me that Husqvarna's equivalent is the 550 XP.
My concerns are weight, starting, fuel consumption, any operational issues.
I know how to use a saw and have cut for years with cheap ones.
I have now used the Stihl MS 261 and am ready to make the step up and am going with one of these two companies.

Mountain Winds Farm
03-24-2013, 05:40 PM
First question is how much, how big are you cutting.We use a 575 husky on the big stuff and the 455 and 460 on smaller stuff. We find the more power and to some degree weight of the saw makes for an easier time cutting alot of wood. If it is smaller wood the smaller saw are easier to handle.

Springfield Acer
03-24-2013, 07:20 PM
I want a saw that will easily handle 18 to 24" trees. I used a friend's MS 261 on a 42" tree with only an 18" bar but managed. What impressed me was its cutting speed on all the stuff that was 8" thru 30".

03-24-2013, 07:53 PM
Ive been in the woods cutting for over 35 years,and I personally use the husky XPs. I have a 365, 371, and a 385. I have used every saw that is profesional grade,and I like the Huskys. I think that if you feel comfortable with the feel of a certain saw than thats the one to use. I personally dont use a bar less than 20 inches. the reason being I dont have to bend over as far to cut. I also like saws that have a min cubic inch of 60cc. I dont know what the stihl your asking about is,but I find that when I use my 385 I use less gas to cut a cord of wood than if I use a smaller saw. Hope this helps.

03-24-2013, 09:04 PM
My advise is to get the most powerful saw that you can afford. I use a Stihl 361 (current equivalent model is the 362). The 362 will cost more and weigh a bit more than the 362 or the 550 but is actually easier to use due to higher cc/hp which will cut faster. I also had a lighter weight Husky 350 which was a great saw. Had very low vibration and was a joy to use. Regarding the Stihl 261 versus the Husky 550 it looks like the 261 at 3.06 hp/50.2 cc is not quite as powerful as the Husky 550 at 3.75 hp/50.1 cc. I believe the big difference is the Stihl is constructed with a magnesium housing with will provide long life. Check the Husky to see what it is constructed of. If you do go with the husky check out the Alamia website. They had the best prices in the past and still may.

Springfield Acer
03-24-2013, 09:30 PM
The info I was looking at showed the Stihl at 3.06 cu in not 3.06 hp. The hp I saw said 3.75 just like the Husky.
That being said, saws are somewhat like evaporators; go a bit bigger, you'll use it; right?
I have a very healthy respect for chainsaws and I do not want to take too big of a next step.
After running the Stihl, I was ready to buy one but I'm more of a Husky person.
I guess it's a Chevy/Ford kinda thing.

I was all set to buy a 60 to 70 cc saw but not in the commercial series. Now that I have run the commercial, I am sure I will be happy with that 50cc or the Husky equivalent. I agree about the bar. I will have a 20" bar on it. Apparently, nobody has any horror stories about either.

Maybe I'll buy the Husky and do a little saw swapping with my neighbor when we cut together to compare notes.

Thanks guys.

Springfield Acer
04-11-2013, 08:31 PM
I bought the Stihl 261 and have used it for an hour or so and so far am very happy with it. There was no dickering on the saw but the dealer did right by me on a hard case, two chains, a file, and a six pack of ultra oil that extends the saws warranty to two years. I was very happy with the deal. I did buy one carbide chain but am using the stock so far.