View Full Version : Hydrometer question
03-23-2013, 08:13 AM
Just purchased a hydrometer because of the unreliable results using a thermometer. My problem will be how to best use it. I only have 6 taps and I've been lucky to get 5 gallons at a time. Need a cheap way if there is one to get a short hydrometer reading on 8 or less ounces of syrup.
Noseguard 76
03-23-2013, 09:23 AM
Not going to happen.
happy thoughts
03-23-2013, 09:54 AM
My problem will be how to best use it. I only have 6 taps and I've been lucky to get 5 gallons at a time.
Refrigerate or freeze small batches of near syrup and combine them into a bigger batch. Then you'll have more volume to test. And also less work/cleanup overall when bottling. I don't bother bottling until I have at least a gallon of syrup more or less to make it worth it.
03-23-2013, 10:00 AM
Why not, seems like a pyrex graduated cylinder would work. A short 1-inch by 8-inch hydrometer cup holds 3.48 ounces. A 100 ml graduated cylinder holds 3.38 ounces. The hydrometer displaces some volume of liquid. I'll try a pyrex graduated cylinder for 7 bucks and be able to test as little as 4 ounces at a time
03-25-2013, 07:42 AM
You'll need to make sure to keep the cylinder of 1"x8" cup nice and straight, so that the hyrdometer doesn't bump up against the sides and throw off the reading.
03-25-2013, 04:11 PM
Noseguard, I'm thinking that you have no other choice but to expand your operation. You have the hydrometer now, I think the rules say if you have one (a hydrometer) you must tap a least 25 trees. You will just have to break it to the family.
Just joking.
03-25-2013, 06:55 PM
Noseguard, I'm thinking that you have no other choice but to expand your operation. You have the hydrometer now, I think the rules say if you have one (a hydrometer) you must tap a least 25 trees. You will just have to break it to the family.
Just joking.
Indiana, you are absolutely right as I've come to the same conclusion. Need to open the wallet and spring for the hydrometer cup. Will then need to tap a few more trees to make it worthwhile. There is something inherently satisfying about making maple syrup. I do have a great woodlot 45 minutes if i decided to go big time. Have 30 acres of 16 to 23-inch hard maples on a hill side. This all started with a trip home from Burlington Vt in early January. Stopped at Dakin Farm to purchase a quart of syrup. They had 3 5/8th inch spiles left over from last year for sale so i bought them thinking I'd tap trees. Later found 3 more spiles at a hardware store in Camden NY so I escalated to 6 taps. Been scrounging buckets and water jugs ever since. Found a need for containers so I made a purchase from Leader and also picked up 5 more spiles. Had to make a trip to Massena NY for work so I popped by MKS Enterprises in Norwood for more containers and, in a moment of weakness. the coveted hydrometer. Had a poor yield Saturday so i tapped 3 more trees and hung the buckets I use to transport the sap on the trees. This INSANE. I spent the rest of Saturday visiting Duncan Donuts and Ice Cream places getting more buckets for transferring sap. Now I'm thinking of setting up cinder blocks and perhaps a 12 by 12 pavilion at my wood lot for boiling sap from some 25 taps gravity fed off of the hillside. When does it end??
03-25-2013, 07:55 PM
This INSANE...........................When does it end??
Yep, you're done in. lol
You can use a briefcase thermos until you get a hydrometer cup. That's what I did a few years ago, problem is I'm still using the thermos.
03-25-2013, 08:51 PM
"When does it end?" For me I hope it ends when I'm in my nineties, sitting in my shack beside a 4'X12', smoking a pipe and watching my grand kids splitting wood and firing away.
But in till then, just adding, upgrading and making things better each season. AND stop using that word "INSANE", they may lock us all up!
Massena NY. There is a plastic plant there that makes packaging like compact disc cases, small bottles? It was at onetime penny stock that I heard of. I think it might have got government funds and made something of it self.
03-25-2013, 09:42 PM
WNYBassman, like your idea about the thermos. Should work fine with my small Batches.
Indiana, I see you are located on the Banks of the Wabash. Anywhere near Wild Cat Creek or Tippiecanoe? My 4th Great Grandfather General Samuel Hopkins led an expedition up there during the War of 1812. Part of his command was ambushed at Spur's Defeat.
My sap sugar content must be going up, just finished 48 ounces of syrup from 12 gallons. Closing in on 2 gallons for the season. Yeah Baby!!
03-26-2013, 05:16 AM
We are south of Tippecanoe quite a bit. I'm very near where the Wabash becomes the state line. Just south of Terre Haute, on the west bank.
Sorry to hear about the ambush, you know how it goes, a few bad apples.
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