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View Full Version : so it begins.. wood fired arch build

03-22-2013, 09:42 PM
Well, I'm fairly handy.. father was a metalshop/woodshop teacher so I learned to be hands on at a young age.

I just got my 2'x3'x7" stainless pan, now I need to build a arch for it.

I have a few questions to start with, I might know how to do the work... but not the logic/experience you all probably have on building them. I have browsed around looking at a few different types on here and think I will build something a lot like the leader wood fire evaporator/half pint.

First question is, where can I find a cast iron door for the front of it? I have spent way to many hours looking.. and I know I can just make one but the arch alone will be a pretty big undertaking for me with my work schedule.

Second question, do I need to have a damper on the stove pipe?

If people have any plans or suggestions please let me know early on, gonna start modeling one up in CAD tonight.

I'm gonna slowly update this with pictures and progress as I go but my buddy's small evaporator is going to be a starting off point.. Only picture I have of it (not my pan either)


03-22-2013, 11:44 PM
This might help... http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/united-states-stove-barrel-stove-kit?utm_campaign=bazaarvoice&utm_medium=SearchVoice&utm_source=RatingsAndReviews&utm_content=Default

03-23-2013, 05:46 AM
Google davy jones evaporator, or arch. It's a great starting point and you can customize it as you go along. Doors for a barrel stove seem to work ok and are cheap and easy to install, I thought I saw some airtight ones. A damper is not needed as these smaller arches are designed to be controlled by the ash door, but you can do what you want, I used a damper but its always wide open so I may take it out. For the grates, I used some 1/4" angle welded "V" up look like this, VVVVVVV with 3/8 gaps in between and a cross piece on either side. Good luck and post some pics of your progress in the "homemade" section

03-23-2013, 07:33 AM
If you know anyone who hauls scrap iron, they sometimes run across old wood furnaces with good cast doors.
They also can be built from fairly thick (3/16) flat sheet steel with a 1 or 1. 1/2 by 1/4 thick perimeter band around them.. Flat alone will warp quick. You will also need a perimeter band on the front face of the arch, as that flat metal will also warp. Insulation will help this situation a lot. If you have less time than money, the barrel stove kits is also a good way.

03-23-2013, 06:26 PM
Awesome info on that stove door kit! I checked out that davey jones evaporator and it looks pretty much like the one my buddy purchased from maple hollow (except 4 legs rather than 6).

03-24-2013, 12:38 AM
I used the Davey Jones plans to build mine. (With some modifications) Check out my photobucket

03-24-2013, 06:24 AM
Z/MAN I couldn't see the photobucket pics??

03-24-2013, 07:04 AM
Looks good

I used the Davey Jones plans to build mine. (With some modifications) Check out my photobucket

03-24-2013, 07:54 PM
Ravenseye, Click on my Photobucket and then on the left side of the page click on show albums and then on Home made evaporator. I don't know why the albums don't stay open, they used to.