View Full Version : Cleaning boiling pans and other equipment

03-22-2013, 08:20 AM
Just a quick question, when cleaning your pans, or buckets, etc...is just plain water the correct way to go? I know about not using soaps, but what about bleach?

Does everyone just use plain water?


Scribner's Mountain Maple
03-22-2013, 10:42 AM
" when cleaning your pans, or buckets, etc...is just plain water the correct way to go?"

I would suggest filling syrup pans with water, add a QT of white vinegar and bring to a boil. Let cool a bit then scrub pans clean. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

Not sure about buckets, I would use boiling water to clean them as the 200 degree temp will kill bacteria on contact.

03-22-2013, 10:46 AM
i use vinager or anti-bacterial dish soap. if you rinse it well enough dish soap is fine and hey if it is good enough for dishes and cookware it has to be fine for maple equipment. vinegar is my first choice it works great and is cheap, does a really good job, i also use the "magic eraser" cleaning pads, just about the best thing since sliced bread.

03-22-2013, 10:54 AM
Thank you!!!

03-22-2013, 11:44 AM
Bleach is bad news around stainless steel. Those nasty chorline ions penetrate the chromium oxide layer and cause pitting corrosion. Around the welds, where free iron already exists, I think you get double jeopardy with the corrosion. Eventually the pitting could penetrate the stainless.
Better to clean with hot fresh water, and rinse a-plenty. The heat of boiling will do all the sterilization you need.
For de-scaling, use the commercial pan cleaners from the dealer.
Stainless is a fantastic metal, but when welded, becomes very susceptible to corrosion in the wrong chemical environment.

03-22-2013, 12:56 PM
I use hot water and a little bleach for my galv. buckets and plastic tanks. Rinse well.

I use water with Pan Acid (from the maple suppliers) for my stainless steel evaporator. Then use Baking Soda to neutralize any acid residue, then rinse well.

03-22-2013, 01:00 PM
Thanks again everyone! I was just curious on how I should do it. I'll keep the bleach away form the stainless.