View Full Version : Come on! A Prediction too...

03-21-2013, 09:20 PM
Well as some of you know I am having majory surgery on my right arm April 8th...and I'm betting that the sap will still be flowing past April 8th cause that's my luck and it will make me real upset to be pulling taps on April 7th with it still flowing...

BUT I hope it is still flowing for everyone else! :cool:

03-21-2013, 09:33 PM
I just hope it starts flowing again before april 7.

03-21-2013, 11:46 PM
If it keeps flowing after April 8th then everyone here has to send me a Pint as Recovery Medicine....LOL! :lol:

happy thoughts
03-22-2013, 04:49 AM
I just hope it starts flowing again before april 7.

Me, too! Maybe we should ask Don to schedule his surgery a little early! :o

All the best Don and a speedy recovery!

03-22-2013, 07:18 AM
Isn't your gravity line delivering to your sugar shed? So you need a contraption to push a button to pump into the evaporator.

03-22-2013, 07:38 AM
Is it possible to have your kids or friends collect and then freeze somehow until you can get back to it for the evaporation part? Hope all goes well. Mountain, WI is waiting, waiting, waiting.....

Good Luck

03-22-2013, 07:43 AM
It will be all over by the 8th. When you pull your taps on the 7th it will turn warm and the season will be over.

03-22-2013, 07:47 AM
I feel your pain Bro. This could be my last year Sugarin' as i am considering a move to Montana, I have a trip planned on April 3rd (the company picked it) So i may end up missing a majority of the season if i doesn't roll back around soon.


03-22-2013, 08:32 AM
I really think it will be over by then. My evidence is that I have begun to see Silver Maples not just budding, but flowering. The Reds are getting bigger buds as well. I found a sap moth in one of our buckets last week. I think the forecast is for good temps this next week, but the week after that the temps may not be freezing at night. It's been about 4 weeks now since we tapped, with only about a week of temps too cold to flow. That means we only have about 2 weeks left.

03-22-2013, 11:25 AM
Judging by the Buds on some of my Silver Maples and the weather forecast I'm thinking we are gonna get one last huge flow here next week and then it will be over... We'll see!

I'm actually considering having my Step Son collect the sap and see how I feel after the surgery and if I can do it one handed I'll try (Boiling). We'll see what the Sap Gods have in store!

03-22-2013, 11:31 AM
I predict six more weeks of winter :mrgreen:

03-22-2013, 11:42 AM
I predict six more weeks of winter :mrgreen:

Well if you're related to the groundhog then it's over...LOL!

happy thoughts
03-22-2013, 11:42 AM
I predict six more weeks of winter :mrgreen:

Careful! Ohio has already indicted our groundhog and sentenced him to death for a faulty prediction :o


03-22-2013, 12:32 PM
Nah, I think Punxsutawney Phil and Ma Nature are in cahoots.

Ms. Nature has her knickers in a twist because we did nothing but complain about the warm temps of last year, and that practical joker Phil, tired of all the ridicule, wanted in on the gag.