View Full Version : scary moment

03-21-2013, 06:36 PM
this a lengthy post,

if you will recall i have helped my now 70 year old great-uncle with the family 7500 tap bush for the last 8 years. well at the end of last years dissipointing season i approached him to see what he was thinking about doing with the farm as he gets older.

well he told me that he didnt want to talk or think about it! which i kinda figured it is what he would say, so i told him i was going out on my own, half hoping it cause him to think about it, knowing he wouldnt, which he didnt. so this past spring the wife and i looked at few different propertys around the area that were close with the idea that we could start the business while still working at my job nearby.

well the third woods i wlked into was the best maple woods ive ever seen in this area! average tap count was a steady 50 + with some large areas upwards of 90+ taps per acre, roufly 100 acres,some wheres around 5-6000 taps when fully tapped. so we went to farm credit created a 26 page business plan and recieved a farm start-up loan. the plan is to lease the lease the woods until we can buy it, along with the house that we are renting from the same landowner, this house has a 2 car 22ft by 28ft garage that we have converted into a sugaer shanty. i bought a used 4 by 12 woodfired evap. this was all signed and in motion by sept 1. in the time between sept 1 and feb 15 we brought in 20 cord of wood, bought the equipment, set up the shanty(had to clean it out 1st- 5 pickup loads) run the tubing ( most went up during my brother and cousins christmas break) came to be about 1300 taps. plan for 1st year was 1000. 1st boil was feb 15, since then ive boiled 6 times and a total so far of 175 gallons give or take. i have no ro this year, but have a preheater hood and 7 in drop flu. that is a brief summary of my life up till tuesday.
whis cold snap we are having ive been doing more firewood, i know that i wasnt going to have enough, so my cousin is on his springbreak this week he came up to help do wood. he was cutting the tree tops into logs-like and was dragging them through a reavine and up the other side to block them later.
i had already dragged a dozen through and was on the last 3 small ones. for some reason my 9n ferguson didnt want to pull them up, i reajusted the choke a few times and tried again,on the third try the logs dug into the trail, stopping the tractor from going foward, the tires with chains were still digging when the front end came up, i realized that it was too late to press the clutch and started to jump off. i hit the ground first and the tractor flipped over onto me pinning me down. my left leg was was pinneddown across the logs, my back was being pinned down by the fender and triangle sign to the ground along side the logs. i was face down.from my nipples up i was free. i could deal with my leg but not being able to breathe hardly at all........ i thought that was going to be it.
my cousin saw the whole thing thought i was dead, came down and tried to lift the weight off of my chest, but he couldnt, my phone was trapped in my pocket and he didnt have his. so he ran to my neigbors house 1000ft away and they called 911. ha came back and could lift the tractor a few inches to help me breathe. the cops arrived 10 min later and helped hold the wheel so i could breathe. unfortuneatley the more they lifted the more it pinched my leg. 10 min later rescue arrived and acessed the situation.
all told 5 companys showed up, they had to bring airbags, chain the tractor from sliding and go really slow. i was pinned for roughly 70 minutes. what a relief when the airbags picked the tractor up and they pulled me out. i was rushed to ecmc in buffalo and praise the lord i only have bad cotusions on my left leg and a fratured right #8 rib along with mutiple cuts and bruises and alot of pain. now can take my lazy chair out to the shanty and boss everybody!:D

Run Forest Run!
03-21-2013, 06:52 PM
That is absolutely horrifying! You are so fortunate that you weren't killed! I don't suppose now is the time to ask about your screen name.......

Welcome back to the forum from under your tractor.

concord maple
03-21-2013, 06:52 PM
WOW!!! You are very lucky. We pray you have a speedy recovery and get well soon.

03-21-2013, 07:05 PM
Well bonehead, i can relate on a few different levels. Most all of us "mans men" have had a time or 2 where we have nearly lost an eye, finger, ect. Just use it as a learning experiance and consider yourself very lucky. I have also been a fire/medic for over 10 years and have only come across 1 deceased farmer under a tractor wheel....not pretty.

Have fun being the boss the rest of the season;)

03-21-2013, 07:17 PM
WOW,,,,,,glad your mostly o.k.

Just reading your story makes me wiser as it should all of us. I will keep this story inmind next time I do ANYTHING that can turn bad, chainsaw, atv, snowmachie etc.

Your story has a great ending.

Thanks for sharing.


03-21-2013, 07:23 PM
Hey boneheadben, I saw the news report so I called some friend To make sure it wasn't them.They Told me it was someone on the other end of 3rod. Your one lucky camper. The name is appropriate. Well I hope the rest of the season goes better for you. Jim

03-21-2013, 07:47 PM
Glad you made it man. Was not your time.

Here is a video of one of my friends flipping his 8n over. Scary stuff for sure.


03-21-2013, 07:49 PM
I can just hear your Uncle, Dang it Bonehead I told you not to flip it! Glad you are pretty much ok! Don't forget to go to Church Sunday!

03-21-2013, 08:23 PM
Happy to hear that you are ok. In my opinion the Ford n series are the most dangerous tractors out there. I wouldnt use them for more than pulling a finish mower, small wagon, and maybe plowing snow.

03-21-2013, 08:30 PM
I had a 47 for years used all over the farm in Troy, gathered sap, plowed, ran disk harrow ect ect. Loved the tractor. I sold it when I moved up here to the woods though.

I bet A good logging winch or logging arch will be on your shopping list

03-21-2013, 08:34 PM
Glad you are alright. A friend of mine in Oregon died from the same accident on his 9N.

03-21-2013, 08:42 PM
Glad to hear you made it alright. Rolling a tractor is one heck of a scary experience. I have yet (knock on wood) to roll one all the way over but came close enough to make sure I have ROPS on everything I use in the fields/woods.

03-21-2013, 09:14 PM
Man Bonehead I am glad you are ok! That's why I use a Four-Wheeler to collect sap and move logs...:cool:

03-22-2013, 10:53 AM
thanks for all the well-wishes everybody, run forest run i chose that name since ive loved splitting wood since i was young. my grandfather who is a retired logger allways told me to never log or drop trees without somebody else with me, so ive tried to never be alone. as for my 9n i love that tractor, one it was free, works just great for this woods, most of this woods is level so to speak, with the exception of that ill-fated gulley! which is scheduled to be made not so steep this year. i was pulling the logs through since i knew that i couldnt pull my trailer through the gulley loaded.

maple flats
03-22-2013, 11:15 AM
NYS has a program, retrofitting ROPS to older tractors. Search it out, called ROPS 4 U, administered by Bassett Healthcare, in Cooperstown, NY. They find the ROPS and then you have it installed. They pay 70%, up to a max of $800 something, (I think it might be $840 now). I had one mounted on one of my tractors (my other one came with a ROPS). Luckily, I never needed it YET, but it's there when needed. If you are ever going to pull logs you must have a ROPS, and use the seatbelt (yes, they install a seatbelt too). Even if you get a log winch you should have a ROPS. Too many farmers get killed in roll overs. You got away lucky this time, don't press your luck. At the time I had mine installed they covered 70% up to $700 max, mine cost $1275, thus I paid $575 for safety and piece of mind. At that time (4 yrs ago?) I was told that more common tractors cost less to ROPS up than mine and that most were done without you needing to pay more than the 30%. You'll have to check how 9N Ferguson fares in that respect.

Gary R
03-22-2013, 11:35 AM
I had a co-worker killed a few years back on a tractor roll over. The steering wheel pinned his chest to the ground. His children were watching as he died in a few minutes. Consider your self lucky.