View Full Version : Single pass % by RO brand and membrane type

Cider Hill Maple Farm
03-20-2013, 02:09 PM
For those of you who run a 600 gph RO, I think it would be interesting and educational for all to see what the sugar content is after one pass. Please include the manufacturer of the RO, pros-cons, what Type, size and number of membranes you are using. I'm starting this thread to hopefully answer a lot of questions, for not only myself, but for all who are in the market for an RO. Thanks in advance for any input!!

03-20-2013, 03:20 PM
I have a 8 yr old Sprintech500-2%sap at 38degrees=8%,running it at 285 lbs pressure doing 345+ gallons / hr.1 pass

03-20-2013, 03:21 PM
Obviously it's going to vary depending upon how you set it, how your machine is plumbed (serial or parallel processing), and what your ingoing sap sugar concentration is. Typically, a single standard membrane can concentrate to a maximum of approximately 4.7X the incoming sap concentration before you start running into problems. Concentrate flow rates will be extremely low when you're pushing it that hard though.

03-20-2013, 06:27 PM
We are running and older echo-chem one post with a brand new Mark E4 membrane this year. Our starting sugar is lower than most at around 1.2-1.5% It puts out about 7-9 gallons a minute of permeate and we set it somewhere around 1.5 - 2 gallons per minute of concentrate output which puts us around 400-450 PSI. Depending on Temperature and starting sugar content we usually have between 8-11% on the way out. Second pass we take our sap to around 15% and we only run the machine around 300 PSI. We rinse after every 1000-1500 gallons of raw sap processed with 550 gallons of permeate and wash every 4 rinses.

03-20-2013, 07:03 PM
First year using Springtech 500. Noticed that actual (measured) output of concentrate is somewhat less than that indicated by the flow meter. Raised 37 degree, 2.1% sap to approx 12% generating 325 gal/hr permeate and 55 gal/hr concentrate at approx 350 psi membrane pressure. Have tried to rinse at/before 1,600 gal. Went to 1950 gal. once with no problem.

Jeff E
04-01-2013, 09:29 AM
I run a CDL 600 with a 6 season old Filmtec Mark 1 membrane.
I have been typically doing 2% sap input, single pass to 8% with 6 GPM permiate (for up to 5 or 6 hrs), with a concentrate rate of 2.25 GPM. Typically this is at 400 to 425 psi.
With good clean sap I can run like this for 8 hours, going through 4000+ gallons of sap. No short rinses needed. I have only done a short rinse once, when late season sap was 'boogering' up the RO.

Now on season 6, my rates are dropping, so with the same concentrate output and pressures, I am pushing to get 5 gpm on the permiate. This drops my concentrate %. So I am considering a new membrane. Any advice?
I really like the CDL and the recirculation pump. The consistant performance hr to hr is amazing.

04-01-2013, 09:40 AM
Hi maple E; Have a 600gph new turbo Lappierre. witha mark1membrane...some stats; 11 degrees celius sap 250 psi per flow 6 con flow 4.5... reading 6 percent. The raw sap feeding machine is 2.5 percent. As the sap cools off in the evening the flow rates drop so raise the psi to 280 for same flows. I find if clean the membrane to specs with perm; wash tank 2.5 hrs to 45 celius dont need to soap wash. Running 3500 taps throu it. The weather tightened up in Muskoka...more snow. going to be some big runs in April! Bushmark