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View Full Version : bad smelling foam

03-20-2013, 11:54 AM
Yesterday I boiled down 70 or so gals., left it in the pan (which I've done before) to finish in the kitchen today. Everything appeared to go well with the boil yesterday, the sap looked clear going in, I didn't notice anything off with the smell of the steam while it was boiling and the color of the "sweet" was good, and it tasted good. Everything went well this morning in the kitchen but towards the end of the finale boil (finishing) the foam got thick and sticky along the edge of the pot (this is normal at least for me) but it (the sticky gooey) took on a nasty smell. The syrup has a tast similar to the smell if you know what I mean. This has happened in the past. Can anyone tell me what's happening? Is this "buddy"? Thanks, Ted

03-20-2013, 12:52 PM
I'm not sure. When I had a batch of buddy syrup a couple years ago, it smelled bad right from the beginning. Even the "metabolic" flavor that I've been experiencing was right off the bat.

03-20-2013, 05:08 PM
This might sound very odd, but years ago I had similar situations. Nice fresh sap, great smelling stuff outside, next day finishing inside still smelling great, then all of a sudden it started smelling and tasting bad. I even threw out over a gallon one night.

I started putting the pieces together and the very next time I did everything exactly the same and I had the same thing happen, but bottled it anyway. The next day it tasted fine.

This is what I discovered, for me. It was beer. When I drink a few beers it messes up my sniffer and taste of sweet things. Since I quit drinking beer while making syrup, I have never had another bad smelling situation.

I told you it was odd. But just a thought.

03-20-2013, 05:34 PM
This might sound very odd, but years ago I had similar situations. Nice fresh sap, great smelling stuff outside, next day finishing inside still smelling great, then all of a sudden it started smelling and tasting bad. I even threw out over a gallon one night.

I started putting the pieces together and the very next time I did everything exactly the same and I had the same thing happen, but bottled it anyway. The next day it tasted fine.

This is what I discovered, for me. It was beer. When I drink a few beers it messes up my sniffer and taste of sweet things. Since I quit drinking beer while making syrup, I have never had another bad smelling situation.

I told you it was odd. But just a thought.

No wonder I've never made a drop in all these years. Must be an alcoholic ha ha.

03-20-2013, 05:37 PM
I had a batch last year that had a off, metabolic taste and I was the only one that thought it had a bad flavor. I started a thread here and ask for input.

We went ahead and finished, filtered and bottled in pint jars. Didn't want to waste syrup bottles on syrup that I wouldn't sell. BUT the point of this story is that I think that filtering the syrup corrected the problem. Or, maybe I could have a similar beer / taste bud conflict.

Run Forest Run!
03-20-2013, 06:04 PM
This is what I discovered, for me. It was beer. When I drink a few beers it messes up my sniffer and taste of sweet things. Since I quit drinking beer while making syrup, I have never had another bad smelling situation.

I told you it was odd. But just a thought.

So wnybassman, would it be safe to say that you are now "buddy wiser"? ;)

03-20-2013, 06:05 PM
Either buddy or I did one time burn some kinda tastes the same......crappy

03-20-2013, 06:24 PM
Thanks everyone! I'm leaning toward "buddy". I mentioned that I didn't smell anything wrong with the steam but it was very windy yesterday so mabey I missed it. Also I hadn't consumed anything that would have affected my sense of smell. Anyway, I now have 3 gals. of buddy (I think) syrup. If I made sugar out of it would the sugar still have that taste? Is there anything else I could do with it besides throw it out? Thanks, Ted

Ed R
03-20-2013, 07:00 PM
the last syrup I made last year had an off flavor/metabolic taste. I canned it an started using it in my morning coffee. I don't taste any of the off flavor in my coffee other than the sweet.

Springfield Acer
03-20-2013, 08:27 PM
I've been posting on another thread on this. I made a batch last night and it smelled bad cooking and I swear it tasted bad too. My helper thought so too. Tonight, three of us tasted it and we all thought it tasted good. It had a stronger taste but it tasted like all it needed was fresh butter and hot cakes!

Russell Lampron
03-21-2013, 05:45 AM
If you aren't filtering it before you finish it it could be the nitre burning and giving you the bad smell and taste. I had some that I thought tasted like crap and found out it was the root beer that I drank that was making it taste bad. I switched to Killian's boiling sodas and no longer have the problem.