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View Full Version : sap bags

03-19-2013, 09:43 PM

we r trying tese bags this year, they r pepsi bags, we cut the corner off to dump, we use the cap for a washer on tomo hawk spouts

03-19-2013, 11:39 PM
Why do you tap so close to the ground ?

03-20-2013, 06:05 AM
I'm a parttime (logger, woodsman) you damage alot of valuable timber when you tap high, and i dont want to geta ladder to reach the buckets when the snow melts.

Kettle Ridge
03-20-2013, 07:28 AM
Where do you get the bags? New or used?

03-21-2013, 07:33 AM
some local guys go together and buy them, they r new. they bought 10,000 in Feb. these r 4 gallon but they have had them 5,6,7,8 gallon.