View Full Version : Need Sap?

03-19-2013, 03:33 PM
Any of you folks in CT need more sap to restart your season or keep it going? I'm calling it quits this weekend or the beginning of next week, but the forecast is for more and more sap here. I'll continue to tube, collect, filter and put in barrels on my property if anyone is interested. Otherwise, I'll just pull taps.

I can't say what the sugar will be next week, but it's still 2.5%-2.75% now. We can check it before you pick up and I'm fine with whatever the going rate is for pick up. I just hate to see the rest of an amazing season go to waste.

I've got 90 taps out right now and have been averaging around 50-60 gallons per day over the last few days.

I'm in Hopkinton, MA 01784. You can email me or call.


03-21-2013, 07:34 AM
Like Sean D, I will be calling it quits this after this weekends boil. I have gathered all the syrup I can store and my wood supply is running low.

I have 35 taps in Middlebury, CT 06762 and they are still running pretty good after being in for only 4 weeks.

So if you are interest, please e-mail @ (pphillips@snet.net) so we can work out any details.

Paul (aka Agent914)