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View Full Version : I have no shame when it comes to salvaging sugar

Run Forest Run!
03-18-2013, 12:00 AM
I finished my second batch tonight. Yeehaw! As was suggested on this forum, I popped my filters into ziplock bags and put them in the freezer. They will once again be swished in the next batch of warm sap, as they were today, to extract all of the maple sugar left behind. Then I got to thinking. (always a bad sign) What if I took a little extra sap and swirled it in my cooking pot before I clean that pot with soap and water. So that's what I did. I now have a small container in the freezer with about 1 1/2 cups of "syrup swish/sap" in it to add to my next pan of boiling sap. And that "syrup swish/sap" is measuring over 6% sugar. Like I said, I have no shame. :emb:

Edit: And I apparently have no brains either because I have posted this in the wrong section after a long day. :lol:

03-18-2013, 02:58 AM
It's not in the wrong section... LOL!:lol:

You're addicted! :cool:

I finished my 3rd batch just now...1 Gallon 68 oz...Pic in another thread!

03-18-2013, 03:31 AM
Every little bit counts for us micro maplers!
Thats a great idea Karen, I had about 5.5 gallons of sap collected and decided to boil it on my propane burner cause it's not gonna warm up here for a while,
it seemed like a waste to just wash out the sticky left in the bottom and sides of the pot. Next time i'll do the swish and save.


03-18-2013, 06:26 AM
This is why I came in this moring. We are woundering what to do with the in side of our filters. There is a thick jelly like stuff that i can scrape off early. then at the end of teh filtering, its crystalized on the top. So we are going to try to thin it with sap and reporcess it. Anyother coments out there about what to do with filter left overs.

Run Forest Run!
03-18-2013, 09:17 AM
It's not in the wrong section... LOL!:lol:

The forum fairy must have waived her magic wand in the night because this thread used to be littering up the Michigan forum. Thank-you forum fairy for moving it.

5 Oaks
03-18-2013, 09:23 AM
You mean when I lick the "left overs" out/off stuff that have cooled off it is not normal?

Ed R
03-18-2013, 09:32 AM
Rig something so you can let them steep in the steam in your hood during the next boil, that way you dont reintroduce sugar sand into your pans. The sugar is all out and they are alot easier to clean up.