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View Full Version : removeing 5/16th tubeing form a fitting?

whitetail farms
03-17-2013, 07:57 PM
I just was given 60 taps all on tubeing that hasnt been used in about 3 years , im trying to redo the tubeing and so far I have just raised the mainline a couple feet for more pitch but how would I go about taking the lateral line off the fitting so I can tighten the lats up... they are on there pretty tight and I dont think they will just pull of with out heat but I think a torch is to much....maybe those hand warmers like for hunting that generate heat would work,I also have a leaking saddle can I just put a new one in the same spot,thanks for your help this is my first time running tubeing and so far im loveing it and am excited to keep learning more about it,nick

03-17-2013, 08:02 PM
You have to take a knife and slit the tubing then cut a new end.

03-17-2013, 08:40 PM
To remove tubing and cut tubing I use anvil pruning shears. They have a blade on one side and an anvil on the other. You can get them in the gardening section at a hardware for about 7-$10. To cut off tubing you cut next to the fitting then hold the anvil on the tubing and use the cutting edge and cut from the fitting toward the end of the tubing where you cut it. Takes practice but it can be done without damaging the fitting at all. You have to make the blade go up and over the barbs. Many times you don't have to cut all the way through either once most of the way through you can use them as pliers and peal it off.

A leaking saddle could be that is just not tight enough or it may need to have a new gasket. It is also possible that the hole in the line is damaged no longer round if thats the case tape over the hole with electrical tap and drill another hole a few inches away.

03-17-2013, 09:47 PM
I use a pair of diagonal wire cutters and carefully nip the plastic around the barbs.

03-18-2013, 08:10 AM
I use a propane torch and heat the tube til it looks shiny. Grab it with pliers from the side and pinch it, then tear it off. Trim and you're ready to re-use.

03-18-2013, 08:56 AM
On gravity, reusing fittings is acceptable (as long as you're not reusing spouts). On vacuum, reusing fittings is not adviseable, as the scoring marks made on the fittings will be sources of leaks.

whitetail farms
03-18-2013, 07:20 PM
okay thanks for your help guys got my mainline hung the way i want hopefully theres enough snow to cancel school tomorrow and i can go work on the laterals and replaces some saddles.... I will be wearing my PJs inside out tonight!!!!!!!!