View Full Version : We Made Maple Cream !! Thanks to this site

03-17-2013, 01:42 PM
The kids are happy and so is dad.

Followed the directions here for Maple Cream and it turned out wonderful.

235F, straight into ice water, a splash of water mist on top,,,,let it go down to 70F, into the Kitchen-Aid and wisked it for approx. 15 mins on low.

Seems maybe thin, hoping it firms up a bit once refridgerated.

Thanks to all here who gave tips on Maple Cream.

Going to enjoy a little dab now !!:cool:


Mike R.
03-17-2013, 05:07 PM
Good to hear your doing something maple related while the sap isn't runnin. I made some maple candies a few weeks back, using up some syrup from 2011. I will have to try making the cream some time.

03-17-2013, 06:20 PM
Hey Mike:

I think were in for a great run soon.

I will try maple candy too, I,m sure there is directions here to read.
I dont have molds for candy.
Is there a way to make them with no molds ?

