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View Full Version : Massport Major Pics or diagram

The Sweet Spot
03-17-2013, 08:57 AM
Ok now I have found some information on the pump that I have. All that I have is a vacuum pump with pully, and a tank underneith. I would like to know if anyone has a diagram or pics of there massport setup? We could run this pump on electric with a generator, or use a gas motor, and a mechanical releaser. I do have a Zero vacuum tank. We would like to get this set up right and I would like to know what works the best.
Thank You Troy

03-17-2013, 01:24 PM

This is the setup we have. The pump runs around 23" to 25". Yesterday for some reason the regulator stuck and it ran most of the day up around 28" before I noticed it. The 3hp motor does not like it that high was starting to get a little hot!


The Sweet Spot
03-18-2013, 08:28 PM
Now that is what I'm talking about. How does the oil circulate? Do you have a diagram of your setup, I have never seen one of these pumps set up like this. Is that a muffler on top and an oil drain to capture what makes it that far? I love the oil filter with the radiator fins, nice thinking.
Thank you

03-21-2013, 08:13 AM
Yes that is a muffler on top with a oil line drain. The reclaimer tank is a 30 gallon air compressor tank on its end with a internal inductor cone and oil plate baffles. The oil filter bracket is one I machined out. The cooler is simply baseboard fin heaters piped in series. The only thing I have to add is a temp switch on the oil going thru the cooler because most of the time the oil gets too cool and the electric motor runs hot with the thicker oil. The oil flows wide open thru 1/2" and 3/8" fuel line.