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View Full Version : Design standards

Michael Greer
03-16-2013, 08:15 PM
While designing my new sugarhouse, I've run into a couple of questions, and wonder if there's some guide to standard layout, or collection of best practices. This forum works well when you need a new idea, or something to jog the creative juices, but sometimes it's difficult to sort out the "right" answer from the many opinions. Is there a book or a publication of standards or industry recommendations?

03-16-2013, 09:01 PM
One source of information is a book called the "North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual" It was produced by the Ohio State University Extension in Cooperation with the North American Maple Council. Dr. Tim Perkins who's on this forum is one of the editors.

Clarkfield Farms
03-17-2013, 12:01 PM

Not necessarily "standards" but I thought it might be useful. The folks in Albany at the Ag Protection Unit also are using this and suggested it to me; I first found it here though, if I recall.

Michael Greer
03-17-2013, 07:48 PM
Thanks Yeastpimp. I just found an answer to one of my questions.

09-10-2013, 12:34 AM
Yes Michael I will recommend you to go though the book named. BOOK INDUSTRY COMMUNICATION which is written by David Martin and Liz Potter on April 2000. I hope that will help you out. It contained almost every detail and information you need.

09-10-2013, 08:58 AM
Michael...the problem with books are they are typically slanted toward one opinion. By placing a question out to the forum you get a wide range of answers that have worked for different operations. From those answers you can decide which best fits your situation. You can also make it your own by putting multiply ideas together.
Take a floor for instance. One may prefer a concrete floor, my choice, another may like a patio stone floor over a packed surface, another may like a heated floor, while yet another uses a composite floor.
They all have their benefits for a specific operation. I like the concrete for its ability to wash down, and since my sugar house is the basement of a metal building with earth on three sides and totally open on the one. I have a nice cool storage place for syrup in the off season. With a small propane heater, I can heat it up when needed to bottle or it is a great place to bottle on a hot summer day.

Just preference your question as: what do you do for or use for...what would you do different if you could change and why.

If I had great drainage I can see how patio blocks would be a great floor due to flexibility of cleanup, ability to pull a block and set a drain pipe, or the best is a maple leaf design set in a red stone with a plain or light color for the remainder of the floor; or make your own mold of a maple leaf and color the mix so as to have a stepping path....then make another mold around the first to square off the leaf sides and then lay the regular blocks around. I bet you don't find that floor in any book. LOL

See that you just gave me a great idea on how to finish the walk way into my sugar house. Thanks Michael!

"Let a book stimulate your thought process...don't let it limit your thoughts".
