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View Full Version : Leaking Lines

03-15-2013, 09:43 AM
This is my secon year tapping trees and I thought I would use tubing this year. My lines seem to be leaking, I must be doing somthing wrong. I have pushed the tubing onto the connectors as tight as I could get them. Also, sap is leaking around my taps. Please help, my liquid gold is dropping on the ground!!

03-15-2013, 11:00 AM
Tubing needs to be the whole way on the fittings. A tool helps alot but for doing a few you can soak the ends in a thermos of hot water or use a lighter (not good for the tubing) Check youtube for tubing install videos. Your tap holes are either the wrong size, ovaled, or the taps aren't in hard enough. Don't over pound them either, but they should feel solid when grabbed, no wiggle.

03-15-2013, 11:19 AM
Awesome Thank You!! Ill go out today and fix my lines!

Jeff E
03-15-2013, 11:26 AM
Sometimes sap is frozen in the lines and the sap pushes out around the taps, you dont lose much when this occurs. Just go collect the sapsicles and enjoy them!