View Full Version : How much sap to use to fix syrup?

03-15-2013, 07:16 AM
Hey all

My first two teeny batches both have crystals in them, which I know isn't bad, but I'd like to *fix* them by adding more sap and reboiling.

Now...how much sap do I need to add? For example I have already tried to fix about 250 ml syrup by adding 500ml raw sap, but the result was still quite thick.

Is there a ratio I should know about? Any help greatly appreciated.

Greg Freeze
03-15-2013, 10:48 AM
It would help if we knew how syrup you had. I over cooked my first batch while it was still on the evaporator...it was a gallon and a half. I left it in the fridge for several days, then decided I should fix it. So, I added about a third gallon of sap to it and boiled it back down.


happy thoughts
03-15-2013, 11:44 AM
galena- What are you trying to do? Remove the niter or bring your syrup to density?

03-15-2013, 12:17 PM
Use the Pearson's Square method in the North American Maple Producer's Manual.

A shortcut rule of thumb is to add about 2.5 ounces (1/3 cup) of water (or sap, it doesn't matter) per gallon, per "Brix heavy". For example, if you have 1 gallon of syrup that is 1 Brix heavy, dilute it with about 1/3 cup water. If you have 2 gallons that is 2 brix heavy, you'll need 1-1/3 cups of water.

03-15-2013, 12:59 PM
My prime concern is my 2nd batch which is 3/4 litre finished. Approx 750 ml. Don't know the Brix# just know I have crystals r us.

03-15-2013, 01:20 PM
You can't make proper syrup without a hydrometer. You need to know the Brix! Otherwise, you're just fumbling around in the dark. Think of trying to build a sugar house without a tape measure. Sure you could do it, but it won't be very square!

03-15-2013, 01:22 PM
Best guess would be that if it formed crystals, it was maybe at least 2 Brix heavy. But as they say in Vermont: "Hard tellin', not knowin'!"

happy thoughts
03-15-2013, 02:13 PM
What kind of crystals? Bigger crystals like rock candy or fine grains like sand? If it's fine grains then I suspect that's niter not sugar. If it's niter and you don't have a good way to filter it - ( I see coffee filters in your signature) -let it stand a day in the fridge to settle out then carefully pour off the clear stuff. You can dilute the remaining cloudy sludgy stuff with lots more sap and try to run it through a coffee filter. Then throw this filtered and clearer sweet sap into your next batch.

The problem is that every time you bring the sap/syrup above 195-200F more niter will form. As far as filtering syrup, coffee filters might work on very thin sap that's nowhere near syrup. At syrup density those same filters won't work well if at all. At that point you'll either have to buy a proper filter or just let it stand and settle out.

If you truly have sugar crystals then you cooked past density. You can try to dilute and reboil it as you did but 500 ml sap to 250 ml syrup seems way too much dilution. 30-60 ml would probably more than do the job for that small amount of syrup.You're basically starting from midway to syrup all over again.

And FWIW- everyone that produces large amounts of syrup and especially if they sell it will tell you you need a hydrometer. With the amount of taps you have and the small amounts you (and I) are producing I don't agree. You can make a good enough version for home use without breaking the bank. If I had an extra $50 bucks to spend on a hydrometer, a cup and shipping I'd just buy the darn syrup, lol, and save myself a lot of work. :)

03-15-2013, 06:32 PM
What kind of crystals? Bigger crystals like rock candy or fine grains like sand? If it's fine grains then I suspect that's niter not sugar. If it's niter and you don't have a good way to filter it - ( I see coffee filters in your signature) -let it stand a day in the fridge to settle out then carefully pour off the clear stuff. You can dilute the remaining cloudy sludgy stuff with lots more sap and try to run it through a coffee filter. Then throw this filtered and clearer sweet sap into your next batch.

The problem is that every time you bring the sap/syrup above 195-200F more niter will form. As far as filtering syrup, coffee filters might work on very thin sap that's nowhere near syrup. At syrup density those same filters won't work well if at all. At that point you'll either have to buy a proper filter or just let it stand and settle out.

If you truly have sugar crystals then you cooked past density. You can try to dilute and reboil it as you did but 500 ml sap to 250 ml syrup seems way too much dilution. 30-60 ml would probably more than do the job for that small amount of syrup.You're basically starting from midway to syrup all over again.

And FWIW- everyone that produces large amounts of syrup and especially if they sell it will tell you you need a hydrometer. With the amount of taps you have and the small amounts you (and I) are producing I don't agree. You can make a good enough version for home use without breaking the bank. If I had an extra $50 bucks to spend on a hydrometer, a cup and shipping I'd just buy the darn syrup, lol, and save myself a lot of work. :)

Hey Happy, we seem to be on the same wavelength in terms of size and experience (more or less LOL) and yeah it is *fine*nitre crystals, I've just never had so many of them before! Now that I know a bit more about sugaring I know the coffee filters aren't really doing the job...but don't want to use a syrup-eating felt...so I think I'll try Run Forest Run's suggestion of a jelly bag for a filter, it seems to work well for her. At this stage I'd use frickin condoms if someone else swore by them :lol:

I have approx 2l of what was going to be the start of batch #3, apart from what I managed to spill on the floor when transferring it :cry:. Seeing that the weather for the next week or so is going to be totally out of whack, I may as well use it to help correct batch #2. Who knows maybe April will be the month everything comes together finally.

Thanks much all for your input!

03-16-2013, 07:52 PM
OK get this, I now have a veritable Everest of small sugar crystals - I though it was just nitre that was taking its time to settle - more than I have ever got from a batch!! Will post pics soon, not right now as crazy redhead bf over ;)