View Full Version : Extended Freeze up After Tapping

Big Buck Acres
03-14-2013, 05:06 AM
I tapped approx 40 trees last weekend, weather was great and the sap was running, however the weather suddenly turned cold (well below freezing) and it is supposed to stay below freezing for approx 10 days.
Will the be taps be ok after this extended cold spell? or am I going to have to redrill taps?

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-14-2013, 05:16 AM
The taps are fine. Don't redrill

03-14-2013, 06:05 AM
.... it is supposed to stay below freezing for approx 10 days. Will the be taps be ok after this extended cold spell?

Yes, the taps are fine. Water uptake by trees happens during the freeze, so this is good. Sap can't run when it is frozen, but will once it warms up again.

03-19-2013, 04:38 PM
Speaking of redrilling taps, did I read that a tap is good for about 6 weeks before it starts to heal? Is that only when the sap is flowing?
I tapped, it flowed well for one day, then a week above freezing, followed by a week below freezing, finally 2 weeks of proper weather, then it is below freezing for this week. That's 5 weeks. Just wondering.

Thanks for your input.

maple flats
03-19-2013, 04:48 PM
Much of that depends on the temperatures encountered. A tree heals the tap hole as it gets micro organisims in the taphole. This happens much faster as the temperature rises higher. At freezing to maybe 40 degrees it would take much longer than if we had like last year where we got 70's and even 3 days of 80 in a 14 daty period in mid March. Temps like that give micro organisims more ideal conditions to multiply, aside from the fact that the trees also bud early with conditions like that. If you use buckets, make sure the tap is clean when installed. If on tubing, use a check valve or at minimum a new spile (tap). Also changing the drop helps considerably, especially on drops that are 4-5 yrs old or older.

03-20-2013, 05:34 AM
Thanks for the information. It barely got to 40 since I have tapped. I used new spiles this year as I went to 5/16. That means new tubes to the buckets at the base of the tree.
See they just changed the forecast to include temps above freezing starting this weekend!