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View Full Version : now this seems more like boiling weather!!

03-13-2013, 07:13 PM
cold and snowy, now if i just had some oil lanterns and did not have to listen to the buzz of my generator!!

03-13-2013, 07:59 PM
Love the quiet out there when it is snowing! Perfect boiling weather!

03-14-2013, 10:45 AM
Hey Bowtie, have you thought about building a noise reducing shelter for your generator? Not sure how big it is, but when I worked both construction and factory jobs, we built MDF (painted/laquered to protect from elements) with 2x foam sheet insulation boxes & sheds for all our generators and air compressors. They REALLY reduced the noise pollution.

Some may say it's an unnecessary expense, but trust me, it does wonders for the eardrums and peaceful sanity.