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View Full Version : Less heat radiat off stainless stack than galv

03-13-2013, 05:58 AM
This year i replaced my old galv stack with stainless and was surprised to see that stuff nearby doesnt get as hot now. Not sure why, didnt make any other changes and same stack temps just curious if anyone else observed this

03-13-2013, 07:36 AM
If you are measuring with an IR gun and the the stainless is new and shiney you could be getting a false reading. It is very hard to read surface temps of shiney material with an IR gun. Try using a thermo couple attached directly to the stack.


03-13-2013, 11:22 AM
Or hit it with a little flat balck spray paint, the temp will read real good with a IR gun then. We use them a lot at the shop, especially if we are heating up parts to drop off shafts, well either hit it with some flat balck, or turn up the acetelene and put some soot on the part.

03-13-2013, 03:31 PM
no digi temp gun here, im well aware of there limits and quirks as we use them at work, stack temp is with the same probe thermometer mounted in the same place, my observation has just been that surfaces that used to get noticably warm to the touch near the stack seem to be much cooler this year with the stainless stack, only difference i did make is stack is 1 ft taller, but cant imagine going 15 to 16ft of stack could make that much difference! Just thought it was an interesting curiosity as i was affraid the shiny stainless might reflect away more heat or such and make the stuff around it even warmer!