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View Full Version : Flat Filter Size......What Works the Best?

Flat Rock Farmers
03-12-2013, 02:12 PM
Hey All,

We just had our first boil of the season Sunday night, were able to sweeten the pans and draw off six 200ml bottles of nice light Grade A, almost Fancy syrup!
It was our first time using our 16" x 16" flat filter/canner. We bought a 36" x 36" orlon filter and a dozen pre-filters as well. We used the orlon filter and two
pre-filters dipped in boiling sap and filtered thru that. It filtered well and was nice and clear. The only problem was that 36" square was a pain in the butt to
get on the filter rack. There was obviously a bunch hanging over the sides which dripped boiling sap all over our shelving and would probably get burnt if the
propane burner was going!
Any of you guys that use flat filters......what size filters do you use? Do you cut the 36" x 36" into four separate 18" square filters? Also how do you guys
clean your filters afterwards? Do you need to keep track of which side of the filter was up when you clean it so not to have the "dirty" side down when you filter
again? Do you reuse your pre-filters?

I know there's alot of questions but any advice on sizes and how you use your flat filters would be a great help as our first experience made us feel pretty foolish
and we'd like to at least put on the impression that we know what we're doing when there's family or guests in the sugarhouse!:rolleyes:

Thanks A Bunch,

sap retreiver
03-12-2013, 04:42 PM
Great question. I'm interested in buying one and was wondering the same thing. The one I've seen didn't have filter hanging out. I think we're thinking the same way now, cut em to fit with a little extra

03-12-2013, 05:37 PM
I cut my orlan filter in half(i have a 15x15" canner so I'm not sure if you would be able to do that) but then I used 2-36x36" pure filters folded in half. So basically 4 prefilters, I used it that way today filtering right off the evaporator and the 5 gallons of syrup went though in about a minute and a half, and was very clear. Also the best way to filter it is when it's screaming hot like coming right off the evaporator

03-12-2013, 07:01 PM
Hello...I just went with the 16x32 flat filter rack. I bought the orlon 32x32 sheet as well as the 32x32 12pack of pre filters. I took the rack and the Orlon to an upholstery shop and had him form fit two Orlon filters into the rack from one sheet. He sewed the corners in nicely as if it were factory made.I then took my 36x36 pre filter sheets and cut them in half making them individual sheets. I laid two sheets over my orlon form fit filter and tucked them into the corners. I finish on propane in a different 16x32 finish pan that sits on a higher table situated perpendicular to my filter rack and pan (on a steamer and another stove). When I have reached the magic numbers I shut off my finish pan propane and open the spout right into the center of my filter rack. No mess at all and good filter pass through speed. When the finish pan is empty, I verify syrup temp in the bottling pan is over 180 and less then 200 and start to bottle. Very happy with the process....no mess. I will rinse the filters in a ss pot/pail of steaming hot water and let drip dry. The water then goes back in my sap pan so I don't waste the syrup from the filters.
It's my first year doing it this way and I am happy with the results.