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View Full Version : Buckets on a main line

03-11-2013, 07:37 PM
I've tried something new this year. Seems to be working really well and was wondering if anyone else has ever seen this or tried it. I hang my buckets on the tree as normal. About an inch up from the bottom i put a threaded sap spout into the bucket. I then run a 3/4" line to my main line. This way i never have to worry about my buckets overflowing on a really good day. This year is my first year trying this so I only have 8 buckets on this set-up. At the last bucket i put in a y one part going to a bucket and the other part going up a little past that to create a syphon. So far so good. Any input or info on this would be great. I love to experiment with new and crazy ideas !!!!!!

03-11-2013, 07:48 PM
Why wouldn't you just set it up with lateral lines or line a regular tubing system? I would think that would be cheaper that way to

03-11-2013, 08:24 PM
You can drill hole in the bottom but it will leak , 5/16 spiles are better for the tree and dont leak as bucket spiles and line is cheaper!

03-12-2013, 06:13 PM
I also have gravity fed lateral lines. But last year i noticed that my buckets produced much more then my line taps. So this year i wanted to Experiment. I hab=ve a hard time getting home in time to empty my buckets on really good days. So i figured I'd give this a try. And so far all is working well.