View Full Version : Sap flow from a 5 tap run and a 11 tap run

03-11-2013, 06:47 PM
i am new to tubing i was wondering how much i can expect from my 5 tap run and my 11 tap run.
my other question is will the sap from the 11 tap run be a steady stream or no? the 11 tap run is putting
out about 1-2 gallons a day is that how much can expect or should there be more?

thank you for the help

03-11-2013, 08:27 PM
i am new to tubing i was wondering how much i can expect from my 5 tap run and my 11 tap run.
my other question is will the sap from the 11 tap run be a steady stream or no? the 11 tap run is putting
out about 1-2 gallons a day is that how much can expect or should there be more?

thank you for the help

does anyone have an idea?

03-11-2013, 09:41 PM
Probably not a steady stream from 11 taps. When the sap is flowing good, a single taphole will put out 1-2 drips per second.

Also, a typical taphole will generate somewhere between a quart and two gallons of sap during a day of good sap flow, so 1-2 gallons per day is a little low for 11 taps. Of course, depending on your location, the trees may not be running well yet. My colder trees are only just starting to produce normal runs.