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View Full Version : Advantage of a good slope ?

03-10-2013, 09:58 PM
I have a bunch of trees about 12 or so, that I can tap and they are on the top of a ridge.

I could tap a bit high and place my collection barrel say 10 feet away from the last tree,,,,or...I can tap say 12 trees and then at the last tree run the 5/16 tubing down the ridge and place barrel down at the bottom, maybe 25 feet my tube would be from the last tap.

Giving the 25 foot run is better I think, for natural vacuum,,,right ?

That tube would have a great slope too, like a 45 degree angle to the bottom of the ridge !!

Is one way better than the other ?



03-10-2013, 10:02 PM
Natural vacuum will help somewhat, though not to the extent that a vacuum pump would.

But, if you can gain some vertical head without too much additional expense in tubing then, by all means go for it. You can test the vacuum effect by pulling the upper tap and sticking your finger against the tap.