View Full Version : Storage of finished syrup

03-10-2013, 09:43 PM
I know...this is a silly question but I just have to ask. How do you store your finished syrup? Its not refrigerated when on store shelves so I'm assuming that if you bottle it properly it'll keep. I'm still a beginner, but what I do is..once it's syrup I filter the syrup into glass containers. At this point I let it sit a few hours and let the "sugar sands" settle to the bottom. Next I draw off the syrup leaving the sands and murky stuff in the bottom of the container. The drawn off clear syrup I heat in a stainless pot to 195 degrees, pour directly into bottles, screw the caps on tight, tip em upside down for a few seconds then let them sit on the table to cool off. What do you think?...safe to leave in the pantry instead of the fridge? And how long?

Also, I take the bottles prior to filling them with syrup and clean them really well, then boil them in water for a while to be sure there's no bacteria to worry about.

Thanks for any input anybody has for me!

03-10-2013, 09:58 PM
My understanding is: As long as the syrup in the jug is above 180 degrees when you screw the cap on, you will not need to refrigerate.

Vermont Creation Hardwood
03-11-2013, 02:03 AM
The absolutely best way to store syrup is in the freezer. The best storage vessel is glass. I've read tests that show plastic container storage has the side effect of lowering the grade and taste over time. That's because the plastic is not perfectly non-porous, meaning some oxygen gets through the plastic over time and oxidizes the syrup, darkening it slightly and having some effect on the flavor.

Freezing reduces this change in any container. Refrigeration is second best. Room temperature is for selling, and hopefully it sells fast.

For me the syrup tastes best warm, straight out of the evaporator. Sap tests best cold. Frozen it tastes even better, since the water freezes and the sugar is concentrated.

happy thoughts
03-11-2013, 07:57 AM
How you processed is perfectly fine. If it's the proper density it will keep in a cool place for at least a year or more. The key words there are proper density. Syrup below 66 brix is more prone to spoil. If for some reason you think your syrup might be on the light side then it's probably best to refrigerate or freeze it.

All opened bottles need to be kept refrigerated.