View Full Version : Lots Sap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-09-2013, 04:40 AM
:)3000 gallons on 2100 taps,looking for that again today,HAPPY,HAPPY HAPPY,HAPPY,GO N.Y. SUGARMAKERS

Cider Hill Maple Farm
03-10-2013, 05:56 AM
Would love to see that here today!!!

03-10-2013, 06:21 AM
sap didnt run as well as like here yesterday due to a deep freeze friday night got down to 12 degrees took most of day for trees to thaw now today look out hoping for the flood gates to open.

03-10-2013, 12:29 PM
120 gallons on 35 buckets yesterday. Is that decent? Never had that much, ever!