View Full Version : Starting a batch and restarting the next day--good or bad?

03-08-2013, 10:10 AM
Hello all--

My dad was curious if it's possible to start a boil of a batch of sap, stop, and restart again the next day? or is not advisable to start-stop? When we hit those big runs it is hard sometimes to keep up, and was just wondering if there are any negative consequences if we started to do this. THANKS!

03-08-2013, 10:32 AM
Hi SweetSyrup - You didn't mention if You were Batch Boiling or running a Continuous flow setup - So I'll assume Batch Boiling - Nope - Shouldn't bother a thing. I would cover the Pan - Pans once they cool, to keep debris, bugs and mice etc. out. I have made Syrup both ways and have let it sit and got back to it and no problem. You might get a little darker syrup is all. In Cold Weather it can sit for several days - of course some worry about freezing and splitting their pans - but - I have never had that problem. You should be ok. -----Mike-----

03-08-2013, 08:18 PM
I am posting on behalf of my dad who does all the cooking up in Florence. Just a small setup for us, maybe getting 20 gallons of syrup each season (at least, when the weather is normal), most of which we give away to family and friends. I do know he'll add preheated sap to his pans once they get to a certain low point, but it's not a continuous flow. Thanks for the input--I will certainly pass along the info.