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View Full Version : Homemade RO Info request

03-08-2013, 08:53 AM
Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if you guys could give me a bit of info on your homemade RO systems. I am going to be building one this summer and was trying to piece together info from the site, but since there are so many posts I forget which ones I have read or havent.

Could you guys tell me the following please?

1. Type and size pump you have (gph etc)
2. Number and type of membrane
3. Series or Parallel
4. Gallons processed per hour/day (either or)
5. Cost
6. Overall impressions/areas of improvement.
7. Any thing else you would like to tell me about RO that you have learned.

Thanks everyone you all are always so helpful and I know it helps me out alot.
