View Full Version : has anyone ever boiled sughum sap

03-07-2013, 10:50 PM
It is a big grass looking plant that my neighbor is thinking about growing. You run it threw roller and squeeze the juice out of it and boil it to make a syrup and that is about all I know. Any more info would be great.

03-08-2013, 05:07 AM
Yes I have You can do some U-tube search sorghum syrup production and see how folks do this. I change out my maple pans and use a 29x82 inch flat batch pan. It boils at an 8-10 gals of juice to 1 gal of syrup. It very good and has a flavor like no other molassas. You have to watch your number of growing days. The short varities are Simon and Sugar drip. I really like sugar drip for it's flavor. There is one of the guys from Kentukey on this site that does it too. A web search will help you a lot. Also there is a production manual by a group in Oklahoma I believe. It's very helpfull. It has differnt finish temps too 228-232 filtering is not so compiclated. good luck But I've got to get thru maple season 1st