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View Full Version : Fuel Oil Tank & Pan Question

03-06-2013, 05:05 PM
Does anyone out there that has a fuel oil tank setup use something other than steam pans? I'm wondering how a flat pan would fit on my horizontal placed fuel oil tank. Currently my opening for 3 steam pans is about 19.5" x 38.5". I'm just thinking about changing from steam pans to something better so I don't get the burning on the sides of my steam pans. Any help is appreciated.

03-06-2013, 05:21 PM
Dont know about a horizontal setup but here is a shot of mine.



03-06-2013, 05:24 PM
Here's mine.

03-06-2013, 06:29 PM
I would think horizontally you'd need a lot of bracing inside. I could be wrong but my 2x4 with preheater weighs in around 65lb add 10-15 gallons of sap to that and you've got some weight. Add 1000 degrees of 2 y/o dry oak and I think you'd sag a bit. Just my 2¢

03-06-2013, 07:53 PM
well Troutman10 let me know what you figure out. I have a oil tank set up with steam pans, since i built mine i\ve got a bad injury to the neck shoulder area and its so painful scooping for long periods. let us know what ya figure out. im going to the scrap yard this weekend. and hopefully have a full pan set up by the next weekend. my openeings
22x47 3/4 (not sure how that happen with the 3/4 haha )

backyard sugaring
03-06-2013, 08:38 PM
My oil tank has a 27" x 24" flat pan and a 27"x 24 flue pan. My flue pan drops down inside the fire box. Good luck. Lee

03-06-2013, 08:48 PM
Mine is stretched out to fit a 2x8 set of flat pans. Havent had any problems with it holding the weight or anything yet, and I've had the firebox full and cranking for extended periods. and its full of about 70 full size firebricks. I bet it weighs 1500 lbs with sap in it. I should be concerned about my floor! The only thing I'd say is use good heavy angle iron for the upper frame. I have 3 in angle all around the top. no bracing anywhere else. All the welds are solid seams too, not spot welded. I bet I went through 5 of the small spools on my 110 welder. seems to be holding up but this is only the second year. Have already cooked more this year than all of last year.

Over engineer it and it'll work.:lol: