View Full Version : Is it possible to sterilize a 2" gas trash pump for limited sap hauling??

03-05-2013, 04:16 PM
What do you think?

03-05-2013, 04:40 PM
I would say no. Remember anything that does get left behind gets concentrated right along with the sugar.


03-05-2013, 06:12 PM
Thanks Jason-
But help me with your logic- just askin' in case I have missed something.
Pump throws 120 gallons a minute.
It will be on for 2-3 minutes maybe 6-7 times this season for me as a pump station emptying a large tank; depending upon how much sap we collect in our 150 buckets.
The housing is aluminum, and I believe the impeller is as well.
All hosing is food grade poly from Atkinson.
Appreciate any insight you have...

03-05-2013, 06:51 PM
are you talking a new pump or a used for pumping who knows what pump?

03-05-2013, 07:18 PM
are you talking a new pump or a used for pumping who knows what pump?

This pump has been used for lake water only....but there's bacteria issues there for sure.
We water the cottage property in the severe drought to save the trees.
I will buy a new foodsafe intake hose from Atkinson's, next down coupling from 2" to 3/4" and have 400 feet of foodsafe poly for the outflow to the shack holding tank.

03-05-2013, 09:11 PM
I wouldnt be at all worried about using it then, likely just flush with water if it were me, bacteria isnt so much an issue as we boil it all, its more a fear of chemicals leaching into sap then being concentrated. If it were a unknown pump of one that had been used to pump out who knows what kinda crap from catch basins etc, i would say no, or atleast not without a complete teardown and replace any rubber etc parts that can absorb stuff, lake water tho just give it a good flush. when i got my new sap pump i let it pump hot water for a good while recirculating to clear any residues from manufacturing etc

03-06-2013, 07:29 AM
If used for clean water like you indicated it should be ok. When people talk about trash pumps normally they have pumped septic or something close to that with it as trash pumps will pass more than just water through the impellers. If your too worried about bacteria plug the bottom hole and dump in some peroxide.

Someone tried to sell me a used pump this year, when i asked them what they had used it for they said they pumper some type of liquid fertilizer with it. If you have owned the pump and know it's only had water then you should be ok.
