View Full Version : help with sign

05-25-2006, 06:57 PM
We are in the process of making a "Maple Syrup" for sale sign for the end of our laneway and have an empty space we need to fill. So far we have Maple Syrup for sale, wood fired, 100%, and that's it.
What else could we add? our phone number? Any suggestions thanks ian

maple flats
05-25-2006, 07:13 PM
You need to make people want your product. Say something like 100% pure maple" and "You've tried the rest, now try the best" or "world's best", might want to give hours or other info. You must DRAW the customer in, why do they want your's instead of any other?

05-25-2006, 08:21 PM
I find signs should have as little writing as possible. Drivers can't read a
story, the more you write the smaller the print has to be. Try a picture
of a camp or sap bucket on a tree or something ,along with the words.
You would be amazed how many kids in high school etc. can paint stuff
like that at a very low cost or free.

05-25-2006, 08:31 PM
Also may depend on where you live. In NY, unless there is local zoneing laws regarding signs, you can put anything on the sign. However, I have a copy of Vermont Sugar Law. They are very descriptive in what is said on a Maple Syrup Sign, and how a sign must look. Dont know if its enforced or could be enforced, I live in NY. But something to check on especially if you live in Vt. Other areas may have different regulations.


05-25-2006, 08:49 PM
Don't make it too cluttered, or it all gets lost on someone driving the speeds I do 8O Really, ya can't read much even at reasonable speeds. More important to use large letters, high contrast colours and keep it simple than to fill all your spaces. The further away someone can see it, the more time they have to decide to stop, rather than squinting at it on the way by.

05-28-2006, 06:20 AM
Maybe you could contact the art teacher at the local school. Have the Kids make up some signs. Like a contest, First prize could be mmmm... some syrup maybe. Then just sit down and choose. I know I have a hard time resisting anything that kids are involved in. :lol: :D :o

maple flats
05-28-2006, 07:16 AM
My sign seems to work well and it only says DAVE'S SUGARHOUSE with the 911 address. Then in season i add a picture of a maple bucket hanging on a tree (This came from the NY maple producers assoc., same as is available for official NYS road sign except slightly smaller). So far I have not had a fire false call, maybe because the sugarhouse sign is so prominant, maybe just luck, maybe the sugarhouse is far enough off the road that folks need to look for it to see it. (400' off road and 225' back in woods)