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View Full Version : Bubble, bubble, boil then TROUBLE

03-05-2013, 07:32 AM
Hey gang, I fired up my homemade set-up last night for the first time, and went through most of a 55 gal drum of sap. My problem (I believe itz a problem) is that my stack is only warm to the touch and my last pan has condensation on the bottom. I don't believe I have any leaks (will double check that today), could I have over insulated? I used 3" rock wool throughout the arch (even the side of the fire box is touchable) but nothing else. At the risk of sounding idiotic, could the rock wool be absorbing TOO much heat? Do I need a hard surface to deflect more heat to the back of the pans? Would it be sufficient to tin over the rock wool? A 4x8 roll of 24 gg sheet metal is A LOT cheaper than fire brick and I could re-tin my pan 5 times for the cost difference.

Thanx for the help folks,

03-05-2013, 08:04 AM
Sounds like you just need more heat. I suggest adding some forced air, then see what happens to the stack temp.

03-05-2013, 09:01 AM
The insulation can not absorb heat in the manner you mentioned. Do you have some pictures of your arch?


03-05-2013, 10:21 AM
How big is your fire? How big is the wood? How much air can get in. How much space is there under your pans? Do you have a damper in the smoke stack?

Doesn't sound to me like you have enough heat. Could be draw (not enough air in, not enough stack height, not enough space under the pan, too small a smoke stack) or it could be wood (too big, not dry, not enough)

Insulation won't cause your problem. I'll bet smoke is leaking out around your pans too. Always happens when there isn't enough draw.

You need a HOT fire with lots of small wood and lots of air. There should be enough fire that you can see flames all the way to the end of the arch, almost to the point that they enter the smoke stack. Anything less and you're going to be there a while.

03-05-2013, 03:33 PM
Big E, I think you are right on several points. I already increased the space tween the pans and floor, I can go to a bigger stack if I have to (was trying to get one more year out of the 6"), there is a damper WIDE open, I may need to tend the fire more frequently. Will let you all know how it pans out (get it "pans out," itz a joke, oh, never mind).

03-06-2013, 11:41 AM
Mark - You didn't give any real information - Eddy asked a lot of good questions about your setup. Over the years I've learned a few basics. Have Your fire up on a grate, have a seperate ash cleanout door (Sure it helps when shoveling out ashes - but more important as a combustion air supply under your fire and you can close it down some if the fire gets too hot), No stack damper - as we are not heating a home we are boiling sap - use the ash door for air control if needed. Forced air is tricky and you have to be able to regulate it - Unless you have an air tight rig you could have a Sugar Shack full of smoke - LOL - I rather have steam. I'm not against Forced Air (As I once Operated High Pressure Boilers in Electric Generating Plants) but - it takes some tinkering to get it right. Hey! Ya having Fun? Thats what it is all about. See Ya! ------Mike------

03-06-2013, 12:18 PM
Hey Mike, the firebox is about 2ft cubed, there is a grate with an ash door, the damper-pull makes sense and I'll do that b4 the nx fire. I increased the gap tween the pans and the floor and that made a significant difference. I'm just starting to play with a small blower for the AUF (smoke not a huge issue as I'm operating under a lean-to). Only my third day with this arch so the bugs are showing themselves one after the other.

Any other pearls for me? Thx.