View Full Version : Introduction

Brad W Wi
05-23-2006, 05:29 AM
I'm introducing myself, so here here goes. I'm 55 and from Wisconsin, I started tapping about 6 years ago with 6 pails and a large pot. Two years later I was up to 50 pails and a home made evaporator. I'm now in the process of building a 24x40 building, part of it to be used for making maple syrup. I purchased a new Dallaire 2x8 to use as well as another 200 pails and some other equipment. I'm probably jumping into this without my eyes open, but it's to late. I really enjoy tapping, it gets into your blood and you want more and more of it. I've never seen a real evaporator working yet so I'm sure I'm in for some interesting times. I've learned alot from this site and am always ready to learn more. I'll be retiring at the end of '06 so I'll have plenty of time to work at this. I've probably been a pest on here before and will continue to be so. You people have so much knowledge that I need to tap it. Thanks for your help in the past and I'm sure I'll be talking to you all in the future

Brad W Wi
05-23-2006, 05:33 AM
I ment to put this in the Introduce yourself area. I also forgot to put in that I'm not the brightest bulb in the box when it comes to computers.

05-24-2006, 03:55 AM
Welcome to the group. Like you said sugaring gets in your blood. I hope all goes well for you. Get all the info you can from anywhere, before you fire up your rig.Alot of things can happen in a hurry that would leave you not enjoying it very much. But I am sure you will find any info you need and have a great time doing it. Good luck on the up coming season. and remeber. Once you tap you never go back.

Brad W Wi
05-24-2006, 04:54 AM
I'm introducing myself, so here here goes. I'm 55 and from Wisconsin, I started tapping about 6 years ago with 6 pails and a large pot. Two years later I was up to 50 pails and a home made evaporator. I'm now in the process of building a 24x40 building, part of it to be used for making maple syrup. I purchased a new Dallaire 2x8 to use as well as another 200 pails and some other equipment. I'm probably jumping into this without my eyes open, but it's to late. I really enjoy tapping, it gets into your blood and you want more and more of it. I've never seen a real evaporator working yet so I'm sure I'm in for some interesting times. I've learned alot from this site and am always ready to learn more. I'll be retiring at the end of '06 so I'll have plenty of time to work at this. I've probably been a pest on here before and will continue to be so. You people have so much knowledge that I need to tap it. Thanks for your help in the past and I'm sure I'll be talking to you all in the future
250 pails
2x8 stainless Dallaire evaporator, Polaris6x6,
Allis Chalmers WD
Building new shack in summer 0f '06 .Still using only 50 pails and 24"x 36" flat pan for '06

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05-24-2006, 07:02 AM
Retire at 55!! :D :D Sounds like you made some good choices for sure. :D

Brad W Wi
05-24-2006, 07:10 AM
Viet Nam vet 2 tours and municipal employee 32 years. It all counts on the retirement.

Fred Henderson
05-24-2006, 07:18 AM
Welcome to Maple Trader, always nice to have new ideas. How many years did the military service add to your retirement years in public service?

05-24-2006, 08:57 AM
What units did you serve with?

Brad W Wi
05-24-2006, 10:24 AM
325abn I sent you a private message

05-25-2006, 08:46 PM
Welcome from Northwest PA.
Sounds like you are getting set up for next year and this should be a nice hobby for you after retirement! Congratulations!


maple flats
05-28-2006, 07:24 AM
Beware of early retirement. I retired at age 54 and have never been so busy in all my life. First off I decided to start driving school bus, then I started making maple, sawyer for sugarhouse was so slow i bought a sawmill, now i do some custom sawmilling, I had 4.5 acres of blueberries but was going to sell these out but my grandson said he really enjoyed working in the blueberries so I bought over $10,000 in new equipment to handle it, now I don't even get to go fishing. BUT i have not been in this good shape for years and I do enjoy everything I am doing. Maybe early retirement wasn't so bad afterall. Welcome aboard!

Brad W Wi
05-30-2006, 04:59 AM
Maple Flats, I've got a list as long as your arm of "honey do's" plus I like to hunt, fish and trap. I've got some food plots on the 40 where I tap and thats just for watching wildlife. I figure I'll be getting off my dead a$$ more and possibly lose some of my"Milwaukee Tumor" We'll be building a new home in two years so I got that to look foward to as well. For me it's the right thing to do, as long as I don't screw it up and drop over. I'll try to keep you posted.

Brad W Wi
05-30-2006, 05:35 AM
Forgot to add the "Big Allis" as I call her my Allis Chalmers WD, is a work in progress. She was built the same year I was, I figure I'll never be restored but I'm trying to restore her. And now I did something to the PTO this past weekend and need to tear that apart. My wife says my mistress name is Allis Chalmers. Seems I'm always doing something with her.

05-30-2006, 09:53 AM
I remember my Grandpa saying that "retirement is the best job I've ever had, the only trouble is most of the time I'm so busy I feel I need an assistant" :D He lived to about 90 and still had lots on the go.

Neat on the Allis too ... I have a D14, built same year as me. Have to get the rear rim welded back up and get it back onto it's feet. Hopefully this week as the grass is growing like crazy so I think hay season will start quite soon.

cheers, Andrew