View Full Version : RO washing

03-01-2013, 09:54 PM
First off I am washing with soap everyday it is run. However the other day I ran it for about 30 min with the concentrate valve almost shut and the membranes blocked pretty quickly. My wash cycle that night didn't do much and the flows slowed way down today after only an hour or so. Do I need acid now to return them to normal or is there something else I can try first?


03-02-2013, 03:47 PM
I would try to do a high PH wash first. What kind of membrane do you have? 270 high ph would be 10.5 most all other membranes go up to 12.5 and do multi washes if this dont work you may need acid just be careful with your acid its a very special procedure

03-06-2013, 05:16 AM
I dont know the age of your ro, but the new manuals out that i keep anduse are pretty good for the Lapierre ros. The old ones werent worth much for cleaning. I do some of the rinses and non chemical washed, but i had a 600. I usually dont max out my conc or pressure, I would rather recirc for a little bit and take it easier on the membranes and pressures, or ro to a tank if needed and re ro that tank. 75% removal is what they were made for,even though they do more, Early to mid season I dont mind re doing sap, though I need all the dark syrup i can make. But usually early and mid it doesnt seem to affect my grades. Now that they are plugging though i ve seen where producers had to wash and rinse twice to get their systems back topeak. I am also big on sending them in at the end of season to get cleaned and checked out. Hope this helps

03-06-2013, 11:28 AM
Thanks guys. I did a triple wash but am waiting for sap to see if it returned membranes to orginal levels. I have XLE-4040s only second season using them. The pinched concentrate valve was done by accident. I usually run conc and permeate equal and recirculate.

MikeL- Do you send your membranes back to Swanton or somewhere 'local'?

03-06-2013, 07:23 PM
You didn't say what kind of wash you did.
I found that a rinse, soap wash, rinse, hot water wash and rinse, brings the membrane back to new.
This is after running 1500-2500 gallons through a 600 GPH R.O.

03-06-2013, 07:24 PM
I take mine with me to open house at Lapierre, also im a dealer for them.
good luck