View Full Version : Michigan March Tapping/Sap Flow

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02-28-2013, 11:46 PM
The other thread was getting long and a few suggested we start a new on for March so here it is!

Ill start I tapped Feb 8th and to date have 75 gallons. Nothing flowing today.

shane hickey
03-01-2013, 06:48 AM
Collecting this morning then boiling this afternoon

03-01-2013, 07:33 AM
Tapped on Feb. 9th as of last night I have 65 gallons of sap. Plan on boiling March 9th. for the first one this year.

sugar daddy 1
03-01-2013, 08:48 AM
Tapping next week looks like a nice run for next weekend. I think I said the 10th missed it by a day or two. Followed by a freeze up. Still a lot of frost in the ground when that breaks I am thinking around St Patrick's day hang on to your hat that might be a busy week. Good luck all get to the woods it a great place to be!

03-01-2013, 09:37 AM
We tapped last Saturday and Sunday. Some buckets are full (5gal.). We are going to collect and boil tonight.

03-01-2013, 09:42 AM
Where is my sap ? I have collected a grand total of 75 gallons with my 50 taps this year so far. Boiled three times so far - twice with 5 gallons on my turkey fryer and once with my flux capacitor and 10 gallons on the kitchen stove.

So I had a full 55 gallon barrel yesterday. I hooked the flux capacitor up to the sap barrel yesterday, ran the supply line through a bucket of hot water to prevent freeze up and then went to sleep.

This morning I go out and check my sap barrel. It looks like its almost empty. And the water barrel is 3/4 full.

Sweet ! No work and already 8 % concentrate in the sap barrel. Still ice in the barrel too.

I think I am going to male me a FAST gallon of syrup tomorrow.

03-01-2013, 01:46 PM
I know I said I was done tapping but some how I feel like I should add more. I plan to add 14 more taps Sunday or Monday. That will total 50 taps in silver maples on my farm. The trees by the road are running well but not today. Too cold. This is my first year so I want to try a lot of my tree to find the best producers. Might try some box elder too.

03-01-2013, 03:57 PM
SugarShackJack here. We tapped on Feb 16th. 146 taps. First small run 130 gal of sap. Working around storm this week we have 90 more gals but taps were still dripping. Maybe some more to gather tomorrow. Will be boiling tomorrow. Also boiled last Sat cooked 130 gals down to just what the evaporator holds about forty gals. Really a good day to boil as evaporator was doing about 40gph. Hope it's dry tomorrow.

03-01-2013, 04:48 PM
9 taps in 7 trees and have a measly 1 1/4 gallons, it will get better, right?? Still have 11 taps to put in and I'm shooting for next weekend. Have to learn a lot this year (I know, I'll learn something new everyday, always do) because next year I gained permission to tap all the maples I want in a 200 acre woods. Good amount of maples in this woods so I'm stoked (pun intended) for next year and I have yet to ever make any syrup : )

03-01-2013, 05:27 PM
Just wait even with 9 taps you'll be amazed when it really starts flowing! I'd add the other Taps Wednesday cause Thursday is the Warm up!

200 acres of woods...I'm Jealous!:cool:

Gonna eat dinner in a few and then Fire up the Evaporator for 2013's 1st Boil! Videos to come!

shane hickey
03-01-2013, 05:44 PM
Just finished boiling doesnt look like anything is going to happen until Tuesday maybe. Good luck to all

03-01-2013, 06:02 PM

Your probably boiling right now. Hope so. Also hope you get some video of it for us to enjoy.
I want to see it due to me not having sap so your video is all I can get for now.

Looking forward to see the syrup in bottles from your boil tonight too.

Hope it works wonderful for you.


03-01-2013, 06:43 PM
I tapped last Saturday, the 23rd. I boiled last night and made 1 1/4 quarts of the yummiest pankake topper ever! Time to rest a little before the real runs start. Found a few little things to tinker with, but I'll be ready when those maples start flowin. Good luck tonight Don, hae fun. I was recently at SBS with my family and that little shiny half pint in there sure looked nice!

03-01-2013, 07:42 PM
Made 80 gallons of light today, got around 10000 gallons to boil yet but its froze up in the buckets, guess that will wait till next week, the sugar content on the woods trees has been around 3.2 roadsides were 4+.

03-01-2013, 08:00 PM
Seven taps in 6 trees, with Milk jugs. One tree kicking it out the others just dribbling. Jackson area.
I plan to add 5 more taps to more trees before next weeks thaw. 8 gallons of sap in less than a week.
Not bad for a beginner just making some for myself.

03-01-2013, 08:34 PM
Already seeing some funny sap in the buckets. Had 55 degrees in the sun today.

03-01-2013, 09:13 PM
I plan on putting out about 50 taps tomorrow. I got my little cousin coming out to help. The one test tap my 4 year old daughter helped me put out monday hasnt yeilded much yet, about a gallon so far.

03-02-2013, 08:38 AM
Ran through 90 gallons of this last night. Got to syrup right at the end, and shut down. My cousin is bringing his sap today. Won't be long before 2013 syrup hits the filter.


03-02-2013, 05:17 PM
I picked up 48 gallons from the 70 taps I put in a week ago in NW Jackson Co. Broke 2 small plastic buckets while dumping out the ice. Gotta wash up a couple more before the run starts this week. Probably won't boil until next weekend unless I get swamped this week.

sugar daddy 1
03-02-2013, 07:17 PM
9 taps in 7 trees and have a measly 1 1/4 gallons, it will get better, right?? Still have 11 taps to put in and I'm shooting for next weekend. Have to learn a lot this year (I know, I'll learn something new everyday, always do) because next year I gained permission to tap all the maples I want in a 200 acre woods. Good amount of maples in this woods so I'm stoked (pun intended) for next year and I have yet to ever make any syrup : )

I am with Don get them in by mid week

sugar daddy 1
03-02-2013, 07:23 PM
Looked at what we had made this time last yr 450 gal what a differents a yr makes . get some rest next week is going to be a good .

03-02-2013, 08:02 PM
Finished up boiling 77 gallons out of 111 taps. Going to put put out 20 more taps tommorrow because now my fuel oil tank is done will take piocs tommorow and do a test boil to see how it work can't wait till sun goes high and sap runs now. Only secound year and wife says I have the bug. This liquid gold trades for alot of things and family loves it. Now I told wife after sap is done we need to start doing beekeeping because I love honey too so during boiling intervals I will research that too.

03-02-2013, 08:07 PM
Put in 150 taps today, some were really running good. Hoped to put in more but didn't work out, maybe next weekend.

03-02-2013, 08:10 PM
Wow I'M in middlevile not far from you too cold here sap didn't run today what a difference 20 miles makes

03-02-2013, 08:40 PM
Finished up boiling 77 gallons out of 111 taps. Going to put put out 20 more taps tommorrow because now my fuel oil tank is done will take piocs tommorow and do a test boil to see how it work can't wait till sun goes high and sap runs now. Only secound year and wife says I have the bug. This liquid gold trades for alot of things and family loves it. Now I told wife after sap is done we need to start doing beekeeping because I love honey too so during boiling intervals I will research that too.

Ken...Great site for BeeKeeping...just like this site! http://www.beekeepingforums.com/forum.php

Any Questions about Bees hit me up. It's only my 2nd year on that too but I've learned alot already. I'm DonMcJr over there too!

No Flow for me today...

03-02-2013, 08:44 PM
Thinking the rest of the taps will be put in tomorrow, I see what you guys are talking about come Wednesday into the weekend. Looks good and keeping my fingers crossed!

03-02-2013, 09:31 PM
Hfitch.....not too far from you in marlette. I say go for it. Weatherman changed his forecast last night. High of 33 this tuesday....then increasing everyday with a high of 48 this coming friday. We put all taps in today....guessing we are close to 300 now.

I think we are on the edge of crazy week....right after tuesday. Hang on....

03-03-2013, 01:01 AM
I've put in 50 taps so far as of three weeks ago (all reds) here in Richland, and have gathered a total of about 120 gallons over that time. It looks like this week there will be a few good run days... but then my concern is that the season will be over by March 9th. At least for reds, anyway. Why? Because it looks as if temps will stay above freezing day and night for nearly five days. My reds already have pretty respectable buds. If the temps stay that high for that long, not only will there not be any flow, but wouldn't the trees have started metabolizing to the point that the sap becomes 'buddy' from then on out?

03-03-2013, 06:01 AM
I've put in 50 taps so far as of three weeks ago (all reds) here in Richland, and have gathered a total of about 120 gallons over that time. It looks like this week there will be a few good run days... but then my concern is that the season will be over by March 9th. At least for reds, anyway. Why? Because it looks as if temps will stay above freezing day and night for nearly five days. My reds already have pretty respectable buds. If the temps stay that high for that long, not only will there not be any flow, but wouldn't the trees have started metabolizing to the point that the sap becomes 'buddy' from then on out?

The only thing about the weather forcast more than a few days out is only speculation...:confused: then have forcasted good sap run weather the following week for the last 2-3 weeks... I agree that now it;s forcasted only a few days out so it should be good week for sap run :) but who knows what another week will bring... It's michigan... we could get a foot of snow....:lol:

03-03-2013, 06:23 AM
Wow I'M in middlevile not far from you too cold here sap didn't run today what a difference 20 miles makes

We tapped 30 trees in GR and the rest at the farm in White Cloud. It was 8 deg in the morning in W.C. got up to about 30. The March sun was doing the trick.

03-03-2013, 06:49 AM
Ken...Great site for BeeKeeping...just like this site! http://www.beekeepingforums.com/forum.php

Thanks DonMcJr I will does it take alot of time taking care of them

03-03-2013, 07:52 AM
Had the gang over yesterday to cut more wood. Put up another 2 cord, some for the house, some for the shack, I think I finally have enough.

No sun yesterday, snowed off and on most of the day, temp topped out at 25, no sap here.

Might get a little tomorrow and Tuesday, don’t expect any today, but the dam should burst Wed.

Need to make a few last minute modifications today, scrounge up a few more buckets, and tap some more of those silvers.

Bring it, I’m ready.

03-03-2013, 01:02 PM
Ken...Great site for BeeKeeping...just like this site! http://www.beekeepingforums.com/forum.php

Thanks DonMcJr I will does it take alot of time taking care of them

Not really. Once you get them Started you check on them every few weeks until the end of Summer then you'll be wanting to sped Money on a Honey Extractor...$200 to Infinity and beyond...LOL!

Here's two Threads with Videos... Bulding the Hive, Installing it and then Extracting the Honey.

Building Hive and Installing >

Extracting > http://www.beekeepingforums.com/threads/7779-My-1st-Honey-Harvest-2012!?p=162906#post162906

The Book "Beekeeping For Dummies" is actually a great book written by folks that know what to do!

03-03-2013, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the info

03-03-2013, 04:21 PM
went out and put some more taps in. Have 4 left but the cold wind was getting to my ears, so they can wait til tomorrow. That will give me 20 taps total, all withing 40 to 50 feet of the house : ) 3 trees are huge sugars that got 3 taps each, 2 more sugars that got 2 taps, a couple reds that got 2 taps and a few smaller sugars that got 1 tap each. All but 2 trees run in a line from east to west so they all have good southern exposure. I hope to see that warm March sun next weekend!! Really, really excited to see how much sap I get from these trees!!

03-03-2013, 05:20 PM
went out and put some more taps in. Have 4 left but the cold wind was getting to my ears, so they can wait til tomorrow. That will give me 20 taps total, all withing 40 to 50 feet of the house : ) 3 trees are huge sugars that got 3 taps each, 2 more sugars that got 2 taps, a couple reds that got 2 taps and a few smaller sugars that got 1 tap each. All but 2 trees run in a line from east to west so they all have good southern exposure. I hope to see that warm March sun next weekend!! Really, really excited to see how much sap I get from these trees!!

You'll be Drowning in Sap by the end of next week! If your addiction isn't bad yet it will once you see how much sap you actually get...just saying...LOL! Cool!!!!:cool: Do you have Storage for the Sap? You're gonna need it!

03-03-2013, 05:57 PM
My taps started dripping around 4 PM. Stopped as soon as he sun was down. Some gave a lot in that 90 minutes. I am in Midland, Mi.

03-03-2013, 06:13 PM
NFS.....interesting. We had 24 here....maybe it will get warm enough tomorrow then. We are ready. I think we are up to the plate and ready to crush a fastball outta the park.

Accuweather says this week should be crazy week......hang on fellaz. 52 degrees a week from this tuesday. Even if it get into the upper 40's there will be some long nights COOKIN!

03-03-2013, 06:36 PM
Here in Lapeer I put in 2 test taps last Sat. Feb 23, on known average producing trees, both taps on the East/NE sides of trees. So far one has yielded just under a quart, the other about half that. It seems that us in the East/thumb area have not had the warm days that the West side has seen - I seem to see a pattern of decent sap flows West, not much East.

Planning to tap Tuesday - should be "game on" later this week, will be glad to have freshly drilled holes for the forecasted warm spell.

03-03-2013, 07:43 PM
oh, ya, I got some storage, hopefully enough!! Using food grade 5 gal. pails I picked up from the local Mennonite store. Have 6 of them. If I need more, I'll just run and get more. I "plan on" trying to keep up by boiling everytime I get around 20 gallons of sap. Only have 2 - full size steamer pans on a homemade block arch this year. I'm pretty lucky that the hubs allows me to stay home and persue all these hobbies of mine!! 2 big gardens, I can A LOT, and now the maple syrup!! I may have to start going to farmer's markets and selling some goods to pay for all these addictions!

03-03-2013, 08:13 PM
Here's the sap literally running out of one of my big road side sugar maple.


shane hickey
03-03-2013, 09:07 PM
Nothing here next run looks like wensday putting new brakes and one air line on the truck tomorrow so its ready for the big run.

03-03-2013, 09:25 PM
We got 46 taps in this weekend. We only had 2 taps that gave any sap after drilling. Those 2 taps were on the south side of the tree and were drilled mid afternoon after the sun made a brief apperence. Just to cold today I suppose. I have probably a dozen or so more taps to put in before the flood gates open.

03-04-2013, 12:03 AM
Man Starting Tuesday my trees are gonna flow for over a week straight! I can't wait!!!!


03-04-2013, 06:53 AM
Don - LOL - Who was it - that gave you a Sap Flow Promise? I've been chatting with Mother Nature and when I ask her about Sap Flow - She just gets a smile and tells me to be patient.....Thats no answer - but - I sure don't want to get het mad...........Well - mine are tapped - lots of snow and ice - but - the Sun is out. Deer are wandering all over looking for food - years ago we would put out a few bales to get them through March (The killer month). But the State does not want mere citizens to feed the deer - so - I don't. Well - LOL - the Quiet Time - before the mad rush to gather and boil and bottle begins...... -----Mike-----

03-04-2013, 09:06 AM
I remember putting out Bales of Hay for the deer...Unless you're in the TB Zone you can still put out 2.5 Gallons within 500 feet of your residence for you Viewing Pleasure...

Mother Nature didn't talk to me... I'm assuming that weather guy is right...and I hope that don't make me an ash instead of Syrup...LOL:lol:

03-04-2013, 11:53 AM
I went out and put the last of my taps in. I drilled the holes and as soon as I pulled the bit out of the hole, sap was literally pouring down the side of the tree. The shavings were completly sopping wet!!!! The sun is really warming those trees today because my home weather station is reading 30*. I checked the rest of my taps and most have a really good sap flow going already. The only ones that don't are the 4 I tapped early in February. Sure hope they haven't sealed up and are done for the year :( But....is only 4 so no biggie, live and learn!

03-04-2013, 01:34 PM
Gratiot county finally produced enough sap for a boil. 100 on buckets and 150 on bags. Some did fill up but froze too quickly to collect last week. Collected buckets on Wednesday the 27th and dumped a fair amount of ice. Ended up with 40 gallons of 2.7% sugar sap. Collected the bags on Thursday the 28th after dark (parent teacher conferences...) and got 80 gallons of 2.6% sugar sap. Left the ice in the bags of course. Boiled Friday afternoon and got the syrup pan up to 2 degrees above the boiling point of water. Very happy to get the pans close to sweet prior to the big push this weekend. Spent the rest of the weekend cutting firewood for the house and the sugar shack and cutting a couple of new trails to collect sap more efficiently. Should have gone ice fishing but doesn't sound like I missed much.

May your sap run strong,

03-04-2013, 05:08 PM
collected at 4. 2 gallons for the day today. Not to shabby for it not being real warm today. I think that potent March sun had a little something to do with it.

03-04-2013, 07:15 PM
hfitch that is just a fraction of what you're gonna get...just you wait!!!!

My Bucket trees flowed a tad bit today, gravity tube didn't thaw yet...

03-04-2013, 07:32 PM
Welp, day number 1, and got maybe 1/2-1 gallon for almost 300 taps, we are up on taps since I counted em back 2 years ago.

Its dang cold, but things should change. Cleaned out the ash pan under the arch tonight, and need to get some fire gasket for the pan. Should set the pan tommorrow night.

03-04-2013, 07:43 PM
Finished tapping today. South side was dripping, weather looks promising later this week. Eastern. Charlevoix. Cty.
500 taps on line
2X6 w/preheater

03-05-2013, 07:27 AM
Gave everything the once-over last night. Taps on the south side were running hard, all others were still frozen.

Laterals are full and heavy, choked with ice. My longest lateral pulled right out of the fitting at the mainline it was so bad. Added a hose clamp to that one, won’t be happening again.

Hasn’t been warm enough to melt all of the ice in the laterals, especially near the saddles, so what does run just gets trapped. Some of those laterals are so full I’ve got sap all the way up the drops to within an inch of the tap. Good slope on those, too.

Need some heat to get those lines moving, maybe today, tomorrow for sure. I just hope I’ve got enough capacity at the bottom of the hill, because once all of this lets go there’s going to be more right behind it.

Need to do a bucket run tonight, pump out the tanks. Good run coming tomorrow, methinks. :D

03-05-2013, 09:57 AM
I'm in the same boat... My 5/16 Gravity line needs some heat to unthaw it and so do some of my buckets with tube going in then and then all heck is gonna break loose!

03-05-2013, 07:24 PM
This is my Sap report at 2:30pm today...


Gravity Tube line Thawed out around 5pm... Should get a good flow tomorrow and Thursday for sure!

03-05-2013, 07:47 PM
Didn't warm up enough around these parts. The vacuum kicked on but the lines never thawed enough.

Here's crossed fingers that the weathermen have it right for the next 9 days because it's looking pretty good.

shane hickey
03-05-2013, 08:23 PM
Don thats about how mine ran today should be better
tomarrow hope that snow storm dont hit ya.. its
just south of me doesn't look like we are going to get any of it

Run Forest Run!
03-05-2013, 08:29 PM
Hey Don. Was that one of the spiles that you put in six weeks ago or a fresh one?

03-05-2013, 08:48 PM
Shane I am east of you and north a bit so it shouldn't hit me...

Karen. That's one I put in February 9th. Thats when I put in my tube lines and 10 Buckets and it's one of the 10...

On February 27th I added 16 more I think. I can't remember, LOL but that one is definately from the 1st Tapping of Feb 9th.

They can't grow Bateria to close up when it's below freezing. If your worried about a tap that was tapped weeks ago not flowing like one that was just tapped recently I believe it's because the hole that has been open longer probally froze and is going to take a little longer to thaw.

I had only the taps facing the sun dripping today when I checked...

Run Forest Run!
03-05-2013, 09:04 PM
Don, that's exactly why I asked. My spiles went in at the same time as yours and seeing yours drip in the video was great!

Is this a safe place to admit that I bought a few more spiles today? I felt like I should be wearing dark sunglasses and a trenchcoat when I went up to the counter to purchase them. Another tragic victim of the sugar bug.

03-05-2013, 09:19 PM
I still wanna buy MORE and I am at 41 Taps! Everytime I walk my woods to check buckets my mind is saying, " I can tap that one...and I can tap that one...that one too..."

Makes me kinda feel like I am young and single again, LOL!:lol:

03-06-2013, 06:39 AM
Picked up about 75 gallons last night. A few of the buckets were running like yours, Don, some weren’t running at all.

Today should be better, but I’m going to make a prediction: There’s still a lot of frost in the ground. I think it will be 3 or 4 more days with these warmer temps before things really kick into high gear. Hope I’m wrong, but that is the gut feel right now.

With my pointy hat donned, I suggest that Saturday will be the day those spouts will look like a waterfall, at about 3 PM. Now whether I picked the wizard or the dunce cap only Ma Nature will tell, because I so frequently get the two confused.:lol:

Oh, and Karen…UPS delivers, and nobody but you and the supplier knows what’s in the box. And if you don’t want the better half to know, meet the truck at the end of the driveway…that’s what I do!:lol:

Run Forest Run!
03-06-2013, 07:58 AM
Tweegs, I think you're on to something there. :lol:

03-06-2013, 09:34 AM
Talk about Frost and ground frozen this is a still shot for a minute ago from the feed on my Dad's Deer Blind. My Buckets trees are on the other side of that creek and them trees! When I let the dog out I see parts of my Tube line is still froze and some of the taps are leaking cause they are flowing with nowhere to go...

03-06-2013, 10:15 AM
I have the same problem don. It is driving me nuts and that is not a far trip. If sap dont flow pretty quick I may have to dig out the ice fishing gear again.

03-06-2013, 10:31 AM
I have the same problem don. It is driving me nuts and that is not a far trip. If sap dont flow pretty quick I may have to dig out the ice fishing gear again.

LOL that's funny and I agree...not a far trip! Hey it's gonna flow...I'd say MAYBE today but for sure by Friday well be Nuts from alot of Sap!

03-06-2013, 10:47 AM
Guess What?!! I just checked my 5/6 Gravity Tube Line and it's Starting to Drip already!!!!!! Flowage Today!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

03-06-2013, 12:40 PM
sap is running nicely today. Got my hands on a refractometer so I tested the 10 trees that I have 19 taps in. I got an average of 2.95, with the lowest being 1.5 and the highest being 3.75. From what I've seen on here, that's something to be happy about :D

03-06-2013, 12:56 PM
Cool Hfitch! I'm really diggin' how much flow I'm getting from my gravity tube! I'll take a Video when I go walk the bucket lines and video them too!

03-06-2013, 01:05 PM
always look forward to your videos, Don!!! Lots can be learned just by watching!

03-06-2013, 01:57 PM
always look forward to your videos, Don!!! Lots can be learned just by watching!

Sometime what NOT to do too! LOL!

As soon as Tyler gets home from school were gonna go collect if need be and take some video!

03-06-2013, 04:18 PM
Today's Sap flow report.

26 Bucket Taps got 20 gallons

15 Tap 5/16 Gravity tube is still flowing guessing I'll end up with 10 gallons from that!

Video from today:


Right now it's 7pm, Dark out, 34 Degrees and my Gravity Tube is still Drizzling! Definately have 10 gallons in that barrel and counting. Not supposed to hit 32 F til 9pm I wonder how long it's gonna flow!

Too Tall
03-06-2013, 06:25 PM
Great video. I was a little disappointed today. I had big hopes of collecting 6+ gallons off of my 12 taps but I only got 3. Maybe tomorrow is the day it really starts around here.

03-06-2013, 06:33 PM
Great video. I was a little disappointed today. I had big hopes of collecting 6+ gallons off of my 12 taps but I only got 3. Maybe tomorrow is the day it really starts around here.

I was disappointed today as well. It seems like the trees warm up enough to really start flowing at the end of the day when I am collecting and then it falls below freezing again. Maybe tomorrow will be a bit more exciting.

03-06-2013, 06:33 PM
That's pretty good Too Tall. I have almost 4 times as many taps as you and only got around 25 Gallons.

Saturday here it's gonna go above freezing and stay there til Sunday night...that should be a good flow! Plus Thurday and Friday above freezing Both Days Daytime!

03-06-2013, 06:45 PM
Math Class Don....TooTall got 3 gallons, 4 x that is12 gallons, you got 25 gallons. So that is 8 x what he got. Seems you did really good.

What you feeding your trees ???:lol:


03-06-2013, 06:48 PM
I have a creek going through my Property... Maybe the extra water from that helps Most of my trees are withing 50 yards of it...

He still did good though Terry!:cool:

03-06-2013, 07:03 PM
you did good, TooTall. I got about 3 1/2 gallons from 17 taps and 2 taps in a really large shaded tree still aren't running that great. Our yard where the trees are at sits on top of a small hill that's gravely but has a lot of springs in spots. Not running tons, yet, but I'm very pleased with the 2.95 sugar content average. Using the rule of 86, I'll need 29.15 gallons of sap for 1 gallon of syrup at this rate.

03-06-2013, 07:19 PM
Couldn't wait any longer and tapped 30 yesterday. Had one dripping and 5 others seeping but it only got to 32 today so no sap for me. Must have offended the sap nazi. Looks like we may get above freezing for the next 3 days.

Ed R
03-06-2013, 07:46 PM
Went out and checked my closest tap at 8:30 & its running better now than at 5:00. There should be quite a bit of sap tomorrow depending on freeze up time tonite.

03-06-2013, 08:00 PM
Good to see you guys getting some sap going, being a snowplower I had NO time in Feb to get anything ready to tap, then got sick late last week....so alas.....there is no drippy drippy going on here!.......lol I hope to be out of bed by Friday to get some holes in some trees. Looks like a more "normal" March this year so THAT will be nice!

Let me re-phrase

being a snowplower on the west side of michigan, cause I know winter here, was WAY different than on the East side of the state

We had 80" from Jan 20-March 1st.

So pretty much I worked every day

WI Sugarpop
03-06-2013, 08:08 PM
Great video. I was a little disappointed today. I had big hopes of collecting 6+ gallons off of my 12 taps but I only got 3. Maybe tomorrow is the day it really starts around here.

That's better than over here on the other side of the lake. We have 194 taps in and haven't got anything yet. Last year on March 10 we were done already. :(

03-06-2013, 08:35 PM
That's better than over here on the other side of the lake. We have 194 taps in and haven't got anything yet. Last year on March 10 we were done already. :(

Last year sure left a mark.

Today we just got done putting in 20,000 taps. Three weeks on snowshoes and five pounds lighter. Hope it only warms up enough to do some leak checking. Looks like a cool down for a couple days after the weekend to catch up.

03-06-2013, 08:52 PM
Grand total of 8 gallons off almost 300 taps today. Its still COLD!!

was hoping for better results. If by saturday we still dont have enough sap, then we tapped a week too early. I dont think that will be the case though.

shane hickey
03-06-2013, 09:02 PM
Same here in vermontville to cold

03-06-2013, 09:11 PM
When I went outside at 10 pm i didn't hear any dripping. Lifted the lid a bit to peek in to see how much I got and it started streaming out again. It's 31 F now and going down to 29 F so I think it's done for the most part for tonight so we'll see what tomorrow brings!

03-06-2013, 09:18 PM
Same story here. 46 taps out right now and only about 10 gallons to show for it.

03-06-2013, 11:46 PM
Second collection of the year today - 40 gallons for a total of 80 for the year. Boiling this weekend.

03-07-2013, 06:25 AM
Really didn’t get much here either.

Walked around and kicked a few buckets, a little over a quart per tap, I’d say. Left it in the woods, I’ll get it tonight.

Found one squirrel chew, just enough to make it leak a bit. A little tape will hold ‘til I can fix it proper this weekend. Need to check all of those lines, I suppose.

03-07-2013, 08:38 AM
Here is something interesting I found today. I have very old trees with thick bark and I may have to drill a little deeper. I am going to test test it later today.

Abrtract. Because bark thickness of sugar maple trees varies considerably, the depth of tapholes for collecting maple sap should be varied accord- ingly to get the taphole depth that will produce the best sap flow. A sys- tem of removable collars on the drill bit is recommended as a means of regulating taphole depth in research studies.
When tapholes for collecting sap from sugar maple trees are bored to a uniform depth from the surface of the tree bole, which is the usual prac- tice, how deep the hole goes into the wood depends on how thick the bark is. Since sap flows only from the wood or xylem tissues, these dif- ferences in penetration of the wood may be a source of variation in sap yields and thus could have serious implications in research work on sap and sugar production.
Several investigators have recognized the influence of taphole depth on total maple sap yield. Cope' observed that up to one-third of the total sap flow from a 4-inch taphole may be obtained from the innermost 2 inches. Morrow2 reported a signficant increase in sap yields from 3%- inch tapholes as compared to 2-inch tapholes (depth was exclusive of bark thickness). Robbins3 found that sap yields from 4-inch deep tapholes
(including bark) were significantly greater than from those at 2- or 6- inch depths.
lCope, J. A. DEPTHOF TAPPING IN RELATION TO YIELD OF MAPLE SAP.J. Forestry 47: 478-480, 1949.
ZMorrow, Robert R. INFLUENCOFENUMBER AND DEPTH OF TAPHOLES ON MAPLE SAP FLOWC.ornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., N.Y. State Coll. Agr. Bull. 982. 3 pp. 1963.
3Robbins, Putnam, W. INFLUENOCFETAPPING TECHNIQUES ON MAPLE SAP YIELDMS.ich. State Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. 28. 11 pp. 1965.

03-07-2013, 08:41 AM
Here is something interesting I found today. I have very old trees with thick bark and I may have to drill a little deeper. I am going to test test it later today.

Abrtract. Because bark thickness of sugar maple trees varies considerably, the depth of tapholes for collecting maple sap should be varied accord- ingly to get the taphole depth that will produce the best sap flow. A sys- tem of removable collars on the drill bit is recommended as a means of regulating taphole depth in research studies.
When tapholes for collecting sap from sugar maple trees are bored to a uniform depth from the surface of the tree bole, which is the usual prac- tice, how deep the hole goes into the wood depends on how thick the bark is. Since sap flows only from the wood or xylem tissues, these dif- ferences in penetration of the wood may be a source of variation in sap yields and thus could have serious implications in research work on sap and sugar production.
Several investigators have recognized the influence of taphole depth on total maple sap yield. Cope' observed that up to one-third of the total sap flow from a 4-inch taphole may be obtained from the innermost 2 inches. Morrow2 reported a signficant increase in sap yields from 3%- inch tapholes as compared to 2-inch tapholes (depth was exclusive of bark thickness). Robbins3 found that sap yields from 4-inch deep tapholes
(including bark) were significantly greater than from those at 2- or 6- inch depths.
lCope, J. A. DEPTHOF TAPPING IN RELATION TO YIELD OF MAPLE SAP.J. Forestry 47: 478-480, 1949.
ZMorrow, Robert R. INFLUENCOFENUMBER AND DEPTH OF TAPHOLES ON MAPLE SAP FLOWC.ornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., N.Y. State Coll. Agr. Bull. 982. 3 pp. 1963.
3Robbins, Putnam, W. INFLUENOCFETAPPING TECHNIQUES ON MAPLE SAP YIELDMS.ich. State Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Rep. 28. 11 pp. 1965.

Here is the link to the rest of the study: http://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/pubs/rn/rn_ne61.pdf

03-07-2013, 09:21 AM
I am so grateful to have found this fine group of tree tappers! I've been reading all the 2013 tapping updates to help me with this adventure the last couple days. I'm a homeschooling mom to three kids between 8 and 12 years old, and this is our first time tapping trees. Our first is a black walnut, since that is the closest tree to us (about 1/4 mile down the road at a neighbors house) and I only have one kit. I also wanted the novelty of tapping walnut because most people don't think you can tap anything but maple. I had problem after problem with the devil not wanting this tree to get tapped, but we prevailed and got about 1/4 cup sap in an hour last night. I've already ordered three more kits to go tap my mom's sugar maples. I'm so geeked about this experience and have learned so much already just in the last 24 hours. I was so afraid I missed this season's best, but I think I started in the nick of time, if only I had more supplies. :)

03-07-2013, 11:09 AM
Welcome Tina! Yep you didn't miss much the flow actually is just starting in my area and you're only around 30 miles west of me. I tapped Feb 9th and that only gave me 75 gallons but every little bit helps!

I saw you said you tapped a black walnut and was gonna say whoa but then read more and now have to do some of my own research cause all I have heard of tapping is Maples and Birch later in the season. I assume you boil it seperate from the maples?

I'm sure you'll be hooked and addicted like the rest of us! Did you see my Video Thread in the Michigan section?

Good Luck and have fun!:lol:

03-07-2013, 11:53 AM
Just went out and checked my Gravity Tube line... It's Flowing today too! I'll probally wait til Friday afternoon and collect buckets again and then boil again Saturday!

03-07-2013, 11:56 AM
I probably will reduce the walnut separately just to find out what it tastes like and can then brag about it. :D I hope I get enough from that tree. Once I get more supplies, I can put another tap on that 100 year old tree. I've been following your posts very closely Don since you seemed to be closest to me and post regularly. I've seen several of your videos, but will check out the thread as well. I'll be lurking here quite a bit, I would imagine, for the next couple weeks or so.

03-07-2013, 12:31 PM
I had to go out and collect about an hour ago because my jugs on the bigger trees were almost full!! I'm thinking they must have held the warmth of the day yesterday and ran a while into the night. I dumped yesterday at 4. They're dripping better today than I thought they would with no sunshine today.

03-07-2013, 12:42 PM
Collected this morning at 10. Got 25 gallons from 71 taps. Already a quart in each bags over the last 3 hours. 7258

shane hickey
03-07-2013, 03:05 PM
Running good collecting all day tomarrow

03-07-2013, 03:15 PM
My 3 closest buckets are on 7/16 taps and 2.5 gallons buckets and they are 1/4 full. Gravity tube is running about the same as yesterday.

Gonna collect buckets tomorrow evening (2 days worth) and expect 30-40 gallons from them...and my tube line should produce another 20 gallons on top of the 10 I got yesterday. So I'm predicting tomorrow evening I have 55 gallons 35 from 26 buckets and 20 from 15 tap gravity line, 2 days worth.

Lets see how close I guess!

03-07-2013, 05:44 PM
I am so grateful to have found this fine group of tree tappers! I've been reading all the 2013 tapping updates to help me with this adventure the last couple days. I'm a homeschooling mom to three kids between 8 and 12 years old, and this is our first time tapping trees. Our first is a black walnut, since that is the closest tree to us (about 1/4 mile down the road at a neighbors house) and I only have one kit. I also wanted the novelty of tapping walnut because most people don't think you can tap anything but maple. I had problem after problem with the devil not wanting this tree to get tapped, but we prevailed and got about 1/4 cup sap in an hour last night. I've already ordered three more kits to go tap my mom's sugar maples. I'm so geeked about this experience and have learned so much already just in the last 24 hours. I was so afraid I missed this season's best, but I think I started in the nick of time, if only I had more supplies. :)

I didn't know you could tap a Walnut, how interesting. Is there any concern with syrup because of the Juglone in the Walnut. Juglone is the water soluable chemical in Walnuts that inhibits and can kill other plants.

Too Tall
03-07-2013, 06:04 PM
Well, I did good today. 6+ gallons on 12 taps. That's about what I hope for on an average day. Still several of the trees were pretty meager while a couple had almost a gallon each. Learned a lesson, my 2 wheel drive quad can't quite make it up the hill to my taps. Definitely need a sled or 4x4 next year.

Looking forward to Fri/Sat and a boil on Sunday. I'm hoping to get 1/2 - 3/4 gallon of Syrup.

03-07-2013, 06:14 PM
Too Tall, if your funds allow, seriously look into a Polaris Ranger 4x4, either a 400 or 500. We have the 400 and that thing is unstoppable!!! We were looking at the 500 but the only difference was 3 more horsepower and fuel injected. Our 2012 is a 400 but the actually engine size is 455 cc. And we've never had a problem getting it to start without the fuel injection and just a choke, even on those really, really cold days we had this year. The 400 and 500 also have a tow rating of I think 1200 lbs and the box can handle 1000 lb. I use ours for everything you can imagine gardening, towing grandkids on the sled, deer hunting, ice fishing and now sugaring! And the 400 and 500 both can be hauled in the bed of a full size pickup, only 52 inches wide, that was our biggest selling point.

03-07-2013, 06:25 PM
As I write this we've collected ~350 gallons off from 530 taps not too shabby. Looks like the vacuum might run another hour or so (temp controlled).

David in MI
03-07-2013, 06:56 PM
I got nuthin'! Wife checked our taps today around 1:30 or so and not much activity to speak of. About half our bags had a couple inches in them and about half the lines were dripping as well. No real accumulation to speak of yet. We're in Ortonville and the majority of our taps are Northward facing so it may take us a couple of days to warm up enough to get things moving very well. I'm off tomorrow and hoping for a great run.

03-07-2013, 07:00 PM
collected 55 gallons from 96 taps and it was still dripping good at 5:00pm

David in MI
03-07-2013, 07:00 PM

Sounds like we have several things in common! My kids are homeskewed ;) too! Our property lies in Ortonville; we'll be there tomorrow afternoon so if you'd like to come & have a look around you're more than welcome. I'm sure we have extra supplies too, so if you need a few taps & bags we can hook you up. Just send me a PM or e-mail and I'll get you our cell numbers. Welcome to the forum!

I am so grateful to have found this fine group of tree tappers! I've been reading all the 2013 tapping updates to help me with this adventure the last couple days. I'm a homeschooling mom to three kids between 8 and 12 years old, and this is our first time tapping trees. Our first is a black walnut, since that is the closest tree to us (about 1/4 mile down the road at a neighbors house) and I only have one kit. I also wanted the novelty of tapping walnut because most people don't think you can tap anything but maple. I had problem after problem with the devil not wanting this tree to get tapped, but we prevailed and got about 1/4 cup sap in an hour last night. I've already ordered three more kits to go tap my mom's sugar maples. I'm so geeked about this experience and have learned so much already just in the last 24 hours. I was so afraid I missed this season's best, but I think I started in the nick of time, if only I had more supplies. :)

03-07-2013, 07:12 PM
I am so grateful to have found this fine group of tree tappers! I've been reading all the 2013 tapping updates to help me with this adventure the last couple days. I'm a homeschooling mom to three kids between 8 and 12 years old, and this is our first time tapping trees. Our first is a black walnut, since that is the closest tree to us (about 1/4 mile down the road at a neighbors house) and I only have one kit. I also wanted the novelty of tapping walnut because most people don't think you can tap anything but maple. I had problem after problem with the devil not wanting this tree to get tapped, but we prevailed and got about 1/4 cup sap in an hour last night. I've already ordered three more kits to go tap my mom's sugar maples. I'm so geeked about this experience and have learned so much already just in the last 24 hours. I was so afraid I missed this season's best, but I think I started in the nick of time, if only I had more supplies. :)

LOL - When I first read Your post - I thought maybe You were just having some fun with us. But - before I opened my big mouth and stuck my foot in it - thought I'd better put a search engine to work. Lot of chatter out there about making it - but - very little real information. Some claim to have made syrup from Black Walnut and say it is a good syrup - but give no indication what it taste like - Black Walnut - I would assume. they say the Sugar Content of the sap is very low - so - would take a lot of sap to make a gallon of syrup. But -----If the Black Walnut flavor was there - might be used like Vanilla etc - to flavor cookies - cakes - etc. Years ago - when we lived in Southern Michigan - we would gather Black Walnuts - alot of work for the nut meat but they really were great in baked goods for flavor. Sugar or Hard Maple is used for making Maple Syrup - because it normally has the highest Sugar Content in its sap. Just like in Wine making - Grapes are normally used because the have the highest natural sugar content -- although yoy can make wine out of about anything. So - Go for it - You might be on to something. Hey! Would You please check the sugar content and tell us what it is - if possible. --Welcome aboard --- Best of Luck in Your Syrup Makin - Interesting -----Mike-----

03-07-2013, 07:33 PM
Howdy Mike! How the Sap flow Up dere?

shane hickey
03-07-2013, 08:00 PM
Alot of sap ran today i will be flooded the first thing tomorrow. Bring it on mother nature.

03-07-2013, 08:01 PM
LHey! Would You please check the sugar content and tell us what it is - if possible. --Welcome aboard --- Best of Luck in Your Syrup Makin - Interesting -----Mike-----

Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. I'm good with math and can calculate the sugar content by using the beginning amount and comparing it with the finished amount, but is there a better method? A meter or something? Also, I didn't check into the chemical that somebody was speaking of in the Walnut trees. Indians have been doing this far longer than me and if it is good enough for them, I'm in. :) I read about all the types of sugar trees, sycamore and birch as well, in GRIT magazine. Tina

03-07-2013, 08:29 PM
tberryer....a refractometer is what is used to test sugar content in sap.

03-07-2013, 08:39 PM
a refractometer is what is used to test sugar content in sap.

Can I buy that locally or is mail order best. BTW, where is a good place to get supplies?

03-07-2013, 08:40 PM
I have a refractor from a shop that closed that was used for coolant is that the same or not

shane hickey
03-07-2013, 08:43 PM
I would suggest sugarbush supplies they gave me my start haighs dont care to much for me because of the compition.

03-07-2013, 08:46 PM
Amazon has a couple of good ones. I have a Milwaukee digital refractometer that works form zero to 85 Brix. See my Flux Capacitor thread. The green thing in the first posts pictures. Advantage over a hydrometer is that you only need a few drops of sap/ syrup to measure sugar content.

David in MI
03-07-2013, 08:47 PM
Sugarbush supplies has been helpful to us as well. Are you a dealer, too, Shane?

03-07-2013, 08:48 PM
A coolant refractometer can be used for sap. It measures zero to 10 Brix.

03-07-2013, 08:49 PM
Shane, do you sell syrup by the barrel in single barrels or only large quantity?

03-07-2013, 08:54 PM
Flowed a "little" bit in my neck of the woods today. I collected about 8-10 gallons today and left some of the less full buckets out to get tomorrow. I also put in 4 more taps for a total of 50 now. Each hole I drilled was running. I have 5 more taps to put in tomorrow(it got dark on me today)after work. Hopefully I will have enough sap for a boil this weekend.

shane hickey
03-07-2013, 09:21 PM
Sugarbush supplies has been helpful to us as well. Are you a dealer, too, Shane?

No i am not though i do buy jugs
and resell them for more then what i pay for
them. Its more then sugarbush supplies but its the
convience for the smaller operations.

shane hickey
03-07-2013, 09:27 PM
Shane, do you sell syrup by the barrel in single barrels or only large quantity?
I sell it how ever i can to 5 gallon containers to
single barrel or thousand gallon at a time
I find that selling bulk is easier for me but retail is where
The money is.

shane hickey
03-07-2013, 09:34 PM
[QUOTE=David in MI;212360]Sugarbush supplies has been helpful to us as well. Are you a dealer, too, Shane?[/

My self and 8 other producer sell syrup at the annual syrup
Festival in vermontville and they all think its a big conditioner on
Who makes the most syrup. They all know what kind of operation i have
But i dont give them very much information other then
Quality syrup should always be ahead of quantity.

03-08-2013, 04:54 AM
Can I buy that locally or is mail order best. BTW, where is a good place to get supplies?

I found an aluminum refractometer 0-10% ATA for $19 on Amazon. Should get it today. I will let you know if it good quality.


03-08-2013, 04:57 AM
I found an aluminum refractometer 0-10% ATA for $19 on Amazon. Should get it today. I will let you know if it good quality.


LOL. I just ordered that same one last night. Tina

03-08-2013, 05:11 AM
I have a refractor from a shop that closed that was used for coolant is that the same or not

What do your homemade sap bag holders look like? I made mine from PVC pipe with a 1" hole that goes over the tap and then I notched the bottom end of the pipe to hold a zip tie then I bought PVC caps that fit over the top.

03-08-2013, 07:12 AM
Ran OK yesterday, I wouldn’t call it great.
Picked up 100 gallons last night, but that was 2 days worth.
Temp only got to 34 at my place, cloudy, things are still pretty well frozen up.
Today should get it moving though.

175 gallons in the holding tank, plus today’s run, should equal a nice long boil tomorrow.

sugar daddy 1
03-08-2013, 07:52 AM
All tapped as of Wed. Mondays pails have ran well on the road some have over 3 gal in them collect today boil tonight. Sap is testing over 3% :-)

03-08-2013, 07:56 AM

The refractometer on Amazon: I bought it last year for my cider. It goes up to 32 percent. Then I bought the same version with a 0-10 scale and it was exactly the same. They took it back. Make sure the scale only goes to 10. Otherwise it's very inaccurate for sap. That is why I bought the more expensive Milwaukee digital.

As far as sap bag holders. I added a step to your process. I boil the pipe, and if you boil it for a minute or so it gets soft. I then push the pipe somewhat flat, and complete push the top flat. No need to buy a top for it then. It's almost shut.


03-08-2013, 07:57 AM
Beginning my 1st ever try at making Maple Syrup this year. My dad has done it the last 2 years with good success. My wife and I moved to a new home on 20 acres and we have quite a few mature Maple trees mixed in with Ash & Popple. I have 10 taps on trees right now. I hope to begin boiling sap this weekend as the sap is running here in the Traverse City area.

03-08-2013, 08:07 AM

The refractometer on Amazon: I bought it last year for my cider. It goes up to 32 percent. Then I bought the same version with a 0-10 scale and it was exactly the same. They took it back. Make sure the scale only goes to 10. Otherwise it's very inaccurate for sap. That is why I bought the more expensive Milwaukee digital.

As far as sap bag holders. I added a step to your process. I boil the pipe, and if you boil it for a minute or so it gets soft. I then push the pipe somewhat flat, and complete push the top flat. No need to buy a top for it then. It's almost shut.


Thanks, the meter I bought says 0-10 but I will make sure.
Interesting idea boiling. Can you post a pic.


03-08-2013, 12:23 PM
LOL. I just ordered that same one last night. Tina

As did I... LOL

03-08-2013, 01:14 PM

No i am not though i do buy jugs
and resell them for more then what i pay for
them. Its more then sugarbush supplies but its the
convience for the smaller operations.

I'm in middleville shane If I need more jugs then you have some

03-08-2013, 01:17 PM
What do your homemade sap bag holders look like? I made mine from PVC pipe with a 1" hole that goes over the tap and then I notched the bottom end of the pipe to hold a zip tie then I bought PVC caps that fit over the top.

Mine are four inches long with 1/2 hole and 1 1/4 hole to form key and I have acces to lathe to put grove for zip tie

03-08-2013, 04:13 PM
Pulled 2 taps out of a tree today that had only produced 1/4 cup of sap in 6 weeks and put them in a couple other trees. Glad I did. One of the trees gave me 1/2 gallon of sap in about 2 hours!! Collected a little over 6 gallons total today. Going to collect what runs overnight tonight at about noon tomorrow and going to boil. I would have liked to have done it Sunday, but they are calling for rain. At least the sap will flow good, rain and 48*!!!

03-08-2013, 04:17 PM
We just collected...4pm

28 Gallons from the 26 Buckets (2 days worth)

Gravity Tube Line got about 10 gallons today and 10 yesterday. I was right on with my guess from the tube line (20 Gal) and off minus 13 gallons on the buckets (guessed 35 gal)!

So I have 68 Gallons in storage on top of the 65 Gallons I already boiled down...For a to date total of 133 Gallons of Sap from 41 Taps!

Here's Today's Video...


03-08-2013, 06:24 PM
Collected about 20 gallons off 40 taps in Jackson county. Still haven't seen much sap out of some 32" Red Maples, only a quart or so today. Another 14" Maple nearbye had about 1 1/2 gallons today. How do you make sense of that!

03-08-2013, 06:52 PM
Collected about 20 gallons off 40 taps in Jackson county. Still haven't seen much sap out of some 32" Red Maples, only a quart or so today. Another 14" Maple nearbye had about 1 1/2 gallons today. How do you make sense of that!

It takes the bigger tree longer to thaw out?

03-08-2013, 07:30 PM
Collected ~400 gallons off from 530 taps today. Pretty good run considering that one of our main valves was jammed shut. Ugh, everything breaks in this business.

Tomorrow we'll fire up the new RO for the first time as soon as the run starts. It's an H2O unit with the model being Econox so I'm calling it "The Big Easy". Hopefully everything works. *crosses fingers*

shane hickey
03-08-2013, 07:41 PM
Boiling and making syrup spent all day collecting

03-08-2013, 08:06 PM
The last two days I picked up 24, 34 gallons and then 40 today off of 70 taps. I have 150gal in the tank and first boil is tomorrow!!

03-08-2013, 08:41 PM
Collected 60 gallons from 127 taps need big trees which is where bulk of my taps are in to thaw out

03-08-2013, 09:57 PM
Awesome Michigan! It's on! The busy time has hit! Good luck everyone!

I just hit 20 gallons in my Gravity Tube Line like I thought and it's still dripping a bit!

Run Forest Run!
03-08-2013, 10:04 PM
That's great sap for you today Don. My trees opened up for the first time today. A few are still rock solid - including all of the box elders. I've stashed my bit of sap on the patio tonight. I'm hoping for a little skiff of ice to remove from the sap in the morning.

03-08-2013, 10:13 PM
When I did tap 2 Box Elders last year they never really ran at all. Maybe you have to drill deeper or something? Keep me posted on your's cause if it works out I have probally over 50 Box Elders I can tap next year...

03-09-2013, 06:43 AM
I taped some small box elders couple days ago and I got as much sap out of them as sugar maples The sugar maples refract read a little over 3 for sugar content and the box elder read 2. Going back and seeing some of posts I would swear I drank too Much beer while boiling sap if only I liked beer i would have excuse.

03-09-2013, 10:26 AM
Pulling taps Sunday. Made over 100 gal, some sap is getting cloudy. Taps been in since January 23rd

shane hickey
03-09-2013, 10:39 AM
Collecting today boiling all night

03-09-2013, 12:52 PM
On a 130 gal boil right now. Should be done this evening in time to empty today's buckets. It's on like Donkey Kong!

03-09-2013, 01:44 PM
Im boiling right now...the gravity tube line is streaming in faster than my preheater pan is dripping into my Syrup pan! Haven't checked my buckets today but I bet them are flowing like crazy too!

David in MI
03-09-2013, 05:00 PM
We collected last night and the sap was flowing, albeit pretty slowly. Our ground is still frozen solid so I'm thinking a few more days of 40 degrees in the daytime will help out a ton. We got about 185 gallons from a hair under 500 taps. Collecting again tomorrow.

We did run our shiny new H2O Innovations 300 Concentrator today, though. Very nice piece of equipment.

03-09-2013, 05:49 PM
50 gallons today on 50 taps. I'll take it. Boiling again tomorrow.

03-09-2013, 06:11 PM
boiled today, took 10 gallons down to 1 gallon that I'll add back in to the sweet pan when I boil again. Took about 4 hours to do even fighting wet wood in the beginning, a block arch and 2 steamer pans. I hardly had any foam like I hear most have. Had a hard boil going, especially in the pan closest to the smoke stack, the sweet pan. Wonder why that is?? I'm actually really amazed at the amount of sugar sand there is, I thought there would be hardly any!

03-09-2013, 06:17 PM
Cool hfitch on yiur 1st Boil! Still at it...have about 30 more gallons to go and the gravity line is still streaming in!

Pics everyone! I wanna see pics and/or videos!

03-09-2013, 06:44 PM
Cool hfitch on yiur 1st Boil! Still at it...have about 30 more gallons to go and the gravity line is still streaming in!

Pics everyone! I wanna see pics and/or videos!

I can't do pics but what I can give you is a real time view of the collection tank and the vacuum level in our sugarbush. It uses an ultrasonic sensor to sense the level of liquid in the collection tank and a vacuum sensor. Here is the link: http://www.wilsonsugarhouse.com/MapleCommand/mc.php. Pretty cool because I can check on the state of things from anywhere that has an internet connection.

You'll have to excuse the tank sensor. It appears the microcontroller is having issues supplying it with steady power but even with the fluctuations it's in the ballpark.

Looking at the trending of the collection it appears tomorrow morning I'm going to fire up the RO again. Whoohoo!

03-09-2013, 06:52 PM
Thats really cool twofer!

shane hickey
03-09-2013, 07:03 PM
Hows the boiling going done make any syrup yet?
Its supposed to rain so sap will run all night long.
Is your shoulder holding up?

03-09-2013, 07:21 PM
Ran through 230 gallons sap today, made 4.25 gallons syrup. Sugar content is a little low. Not too surprising, it’s been sitting longer than it should have. First gallon or so came off medium, but then lightened up.

Auto draw off worked. A little chaotic at first, imagine my surprise when I had to set the draw off temp to 226.5 before it was really syrup. Should have cal’d it first but didn’t… got in the groove too quick. Once dialed in though, it worked like a charm, made the day a whole bunch easier.

Sap was running at a pretty good clip. Over 100 gallons in the woods tank, buckets around the shack had something near a half gallon each. Everything was still running when I came in at 7, albeit slower than earlier in the day.

Boiling again tomorrow.

03-09-2013, 07:28 PM
Howdy Shane...I've pulled off about a gallon should end up with about 3 gallons but I have to let it cool and stick it in the fridge til monday cause my bottleswont be here til Monday. Then im gonna boil finish and filter bottle.

My right arm is doing okay. .. I just don't use it and use my left arm. Thanks for asking!

shane hickey
03-09-2013, 07:29 PM
Hey tweegs just remember that number will change
Everyday day depends on the barometric pressure i sure
You probably know this. Since this is your first time with
One wanted to make sure. Good luck this season

03-09-2013, 08:14 PM
Wow my draw off temp today is 217.7 im at 670 ft whats your elevation twofer?

03-09-2013, 08:57 PM
collect 750 gals today as other have said still flowing at 7pm. My pumps are still on and working. I have found that looking for leaks is more fun than hauling buckets. Good bye buckets your life span is getting shorter. I'll fire up the RO and boil tomorrow just to whipped to keep going. Up and at it at 5:30 am today.

Cake O' Maple
03-09-2013, 09:16 PM
Gathered an average of 3 gals/tap from previously tapped but un-dumped buckets since the last warm up over a week ago. It would have been more, but lots of buckets were overflowing (ouch! hate to see that). Put in new taps yesterday, and got an average of 2 gallons/tap from them. Boiled til I couldn't boil no more...I hurt...but bring it on!

03-09-2013, 09:31 PM
I have about 55 gallons right now and will start my 1st boil after breakfast tomorrow. Whatever I collect tomorrow will get boiled too. I collected more today than I did all week. I also added 5 more taps yesterday for a total of 55 now. Looks like its time to get busy!

03-09-2013, 09:36 PM
About 1 1/2 gallons drawn off and another gallon to go yet tonight. Still have to finish/fiter/bottle Monday when my bottles get here!


03-09-2013, 10:36 PM
Wow my draw off temp today is 217.7 im at 670 ft whats your elevation twofer?

Hey Don. I'm in Gladwin Co. and that was my experience too. Syrup done at 217.7. I finished it today. Tastes wonderful!

03-10-2013, 07:47 AM
It was an oversight on my part, Shane.

Made a steam hood for the syrup pan and got preoccupied getting that hung. Was late getting the fire started and calibrating the draw off slipped my mind. I expected that it would be off, but not that far. There is an off-set adjustment on the controller, bet it has some goofy number programmed in. Started drawing at 219, was a real head scratcher when the hydrometer bottomed out in the cup. I’ll get it squared away this morning.

My wife has some bacon on the griddle, going to stuff some of that down my neck and then get started.
See y’all on the other side!

03-10-2013, 03:07 PM
question.....3 taps that are a week old and have been great running for some reason today have not produced a single drop?!? And these 2 trees were big producers this past week : ( Am I in need of some moisture in the ground? We still have quite a bit of frost in the ground here. Just strange, the other trees right next to these 2 trees are still running beautifully. On a brighter note, I just couldn't wait to add that "nearup" I had in the fridge to the the next boil. I took it all the way down to 66 brix today!!! 3 cups (3 jelly jars) from just shy of 10 gallons of sap. Nice amber color, too. A little cloudy but I'm only using felt to filter. No biggy, we'll just let the sand settle. It's just our personal syrup and for family and we don't mind it : ) I do believe I'm getting addicted!!!

03-10-2013, 04:35 PM
HFitch, Not sure why they aren't flowing...It did run all night and never froze and the trees need the freezing and thawing cycle and sometimes I think they just run out until it freezes again...

Well I'm officially drowning in SAP! My goodness I boiled down 68 Gallons yesterday and I already have another 72 Gallons from the last 2 days!

My 26 Buckets yeilded 52 Gallons the last 2 days and my Gravity Tube line 20 gallons the last 2 days!

My Season Sap Total is now 205 Gallons! Ugh!

I'm gonna need to split more wood and then maybe even buy a cord or two cause I'm almost out and haven't been able to use my Chainsaw!

03-10-2013, 06:00 PM
Vacuum ran all night at 20" and woke up to 820 gallons of sap in the tank. Fired up the new H2O RO and it performed like a champ. Been boiling since high noon and about to call it because we are only just keeping up with what the woods are giving up. Figure I'll get up in the morning and RO what sap we get overnight to ease how much wood we are going through.

03-10-2013, 07:25 PM

1st 3 jars ever!!! Sorry about the crappy background, best I could come up with to show off the color :D

03-10-2013, 07:31 PM
Awesome hfitch! Im starting a boil again in an hour or so... I wanna stay ahead not behind!

03-10-2013, 07:35 PM
Picked up another 230 gallons this morning. Everything all mixed (silvers and sugars), sloshed around and shaken, not stirred, it measured 2.7% going into the float box.
8 hours start up to shut down, pulled off 5 gallons.

Sap slowed way down today, maybe 30 gallons in the woods tank this evening, and that’s being somewhat generous.

Had the auto draw off probe too close to the bottom of the pan, methinks, only about 1/16 off. Moved it up to around a half inch off the bottom and it settled right down…niter, perhaps. Boiling point was 211.7, syrup at 219.1.

Way to go hfitch!

03-10-2013, 07:45 PM
Sweetened the pan and tried out the new hood and preheater. Put some in the finishing pan but not enough to filter or bottle. Probably pick up again mid week. We will see what this week brings.

03-10-2013, 07:47 PM
Had the auto draw off probe too close to the bottom of the pan, methinks, only about 1/16 off. Moved it up to around a half inch off the bottom and it settled right down…niter, perhaps. Boiling point was 211.7, syrup at 219.1.

Either my RTD/PID is off or our elevations are much different because we were pulling off syrup at 217.5 today.

03-11-2013, 03:33 AM
Well nearing the end of my 3rd boil and im out of wood!

I have about a half cord cut but not split. Looks like the new log splitter gets another workout!

Going to bed when this boil is done and when I wake up tomorrow its time to bottle!

David in MI
03-11-2013, 08:34 AM
We collected again yesterday afternoon and got about 250 gallons (from just under 500 taps). I was expecting a much better run. In fact, if most of our bags didn't look so pathetic I would think we had an issue with our tubing. Those Northern exposures just take a bit longer to thaw out, I suppose. A few more days of warm temps and we'll be in business.

03-11-2013, 08:49 AM
Either my RTD/PID is off or our elevations are much different because we were pulling off syrup at 217.5 today.

We should be pretty close to the same elevation. If either of us is off, it’s probably me.

I’m still trying to get this thing tuned. The numbers looked “normal” so I didn’t mess with it yesterday, beyond dunking it in boiling water and adjusting the RTD depth.

Most of the time the temp reading will fluctuate about half a degree, sometimes it will swing wildly though, down 2 degrees, up 1, down 2 more, up 1.5, then creep back to where it should be, still trying to pin down the cause of that. Need to play with it some more, off the evaporator.

03-11-2013, 11:06 AM
hate to say it, but we need a little freeze. My trees have all totally shut down : (

03-11-2013, 12:10 PM
hate to say it, but we need a little freeze. My trees have all totally shut down : (

Yes we do.

Calling for a low of 33 here. We tend to run a couple degrees cooler than forecast.

We might get a little bit between now and Wednesday, but I don’t see anything really good until Thurs.

03-11-2013, 12:23 PM
Our sugarbush is slowing down but with the 22" of vacuum is still giving up ~30 gallons of sap an hour.

03-11-2013, 04:59 PM
My gravity tube line was shooting out a little stream for 3-5 seconds about every minute all last night when I was boiling...Haven't check it today yet. we do need a freeze when I checked last night it was supposed to get close to 32 tonight...Hope so!

03-11-2013, 05:50 PM

1st 3 jars ever!!! Sorry about the crappy background, best I could come up with to show off the color :D

How awesome is that! I hope I get three jars in the end. I have a longs ways to go with my 4 taps that I just drilled. Tina

03-11-2013, 06:07 PM
So remember, I'm the newbie tapping the walnut tree. I got my refractometer today and tested the sap to be 2%. How fun that was! My kids were making sugar water testing the level. I put three more taps on the neighbor's maple trees, but nothing came out within an hour of tapping them. Did I do something wrong or is it the weather. The walnut tree is still flowing. Can't wait to get a total of 10 gallons so I can feel like I accomplished something. I've got 1 1/2 gal. right now. :) Tina

03-11-2013, 06:42 PM
Boiled 24 gallons down Friday night, 16 gallons Saturday, and 20 gallons Sunday to make a little shy of 1 gallon. We tap mostly silvers, so I'm usually in the 70-80 gallons to 1 ballpark. Brings my total for the year to 100 gallons sap and 1.5 gallons of syrup (from 23 taps). Best sap flow of the year for me so far was Friday and things slowed to a halt by mid-day Sunday. Starting to get some yellow sap today. Hopefully things will kick up again here in the next day or two.

03-11-2013, 07:00 PM
55 gallons sap from my first check today. Had about 12 taps that had zip so not too bad. Thought it would be at least a week till the first run. hasn't been below freezing for 2 days so I was a little surprised it ran so good today. Bottom went out on all of the trails I had been packing for the last two weeks. Was sinking about 18" but most taps are right next to the snowmobile trail. Might get a few bad days due to temps so I should get this boiled up and get everything else done that I've been putting off.

03-11-2013, 08:44 PM
My gravity tube looks like I got another 10 gallons today, haven't checked my buckets.

Ran out of wood last night and my plan was to re-heat and bottle today, get more wood and split it tomorrow then collect and boil again Friday evening.

Well I'm kinda pissed cause 1st I was told my Bottles would be here by Friday, then I was told For Sure today...Guess what? No botttles and my bank told me the charge to my debit card happend today at 2:15 pm! I highly doubt anyone is going to send an order before it's paid for so unless UPS picks up from them after 2pm and the sent it next day air I doubt I am gonna get them tomorrow either!

Never had a problem with this place before and they actually told me when I placed the order last Monday that I would get them TUESDAY, the NEXT Day!!

I'm a little fired up about this now I have to switch all my plans around and some I can't like going to a doctor appt. to make my Arm Surgery Appointment.... Grrrrr....There I vented!

03-12-2013, 06:58 AM
Made a quick check of things last night. Woods tank had a little, buckets had a little, shack trees weren’t running at all. It was raining and I didn’t feel much like being out in it, put my feet up instead.

Taking tomorrow off. While we have this lull in the action, figure I’ll pump out the woods tank tonight and give it a rinse. Get the main tank after a quick boil tomorrow.

03-12-2013, 12:48 PM
Not sure what the temp is outside but I see it's snowing a bit and no flow in my gravity line...hopefully the trees are soaking in the cold and prepping for the next big run!:cool:

My Bottles are here so I'm off to finish Syrup!;)

shane hickey
03-12-2013, 04:15 PM
Another night of boiling last time it was 36 hours straight

03-12-2013, 06:35 PM
Collected 120 gallons tonight, but that was probably from Sunday. Don’t think we got anything yesterday or today, tomorrow doesn’t look good either. Thursday could be interesting though.

Don’t envy you Shane, I need all the beauty sleep I can get. :lol:

03-12-2013, 07:55 PM
Tweegs, don't be too sure it didn't run today or yesterday. I boiled on Sunday and last collected at about 2pm and they had pretty much stopped running at that point but I got 15 gal from 30 taps both yesterday and then again today. Really wasn't expecting anything, so that's a 30 gallon bonus. Sort of makes up for the 20 gallons reduced to 1.5 gallons that I dropped in the dirt on Sunday...except for the firewood burnt and the time spent, of course.

03-12-2013, 08:01 PM
Getting ready to boil my first batch of sap on Thursday woo hoo

03-12-2013, 08:05 PM
Well I ended up with 1 Gallon, 96 ounces! I still have aout 4 Gallons of Sweet in my Evaporator and 30 Gallons of sap in my Tube Container and tomorrow I'm gonna try and collect buckets to see if anything flowed...

The pics of my Syrup are here http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?19765-2013-1st-Batch-Photos!

Scroll down cause I posted the 2nd Batch Photo's too!

Now I have to see if my Buddy comes by Tomorrow to cut some more wood if not then Thursday is a Wood Buying day!

shane hickey
03-12-2013, 11:51 PM
1:00 am still boiling should be done around 5:00 or so

03-13-2013, 12:02 AM
Sounds like my Boils Shane... Stay awake! :cool:

shane hickey
03-13-2013, 12:35 AM
Sounds like my Boils Shane... Stay awake! :cool:

Lots of pepsi

03-13-2013, 12:51 AM
Mt. DEW and maple sap!

shane hickey
03-13-2013, 03:28 AM
4:30am just finished guys will be here at 8 and start
Walking the tubing. It all pays off at the end of the year

03-13-2013, 10:13 AM

The refractometer on Amazon: I bought it last year for my cider. It goes up to 32 percent. Then I bought the same version with a 0-10 scale and it was exactly the same. They took it back. Make sure the scale only goes to 10. Otherwise it's very inaccurate for sap. That is why I bought the more expensive Milwaukee digital.

As far as sap bag holders. I added a step to your process. I boil the pipe, and if you boil it for a minute or so it gets soft. I then push the pipe somewhat flat, and complete push the top flat. No need to buy a top for it then. It's almost shut.



My Amazon.com refractometer came yesterday and it looks like what they advertised. It's a 0 to 10% with ATC. I just zeroed it out and will give it a go today.


03-13-2013, 10:48 AM
I found a boiling point app that calculates your elevation and barometric pressure using a GPS. It's practically instant. Pretty cool. It called Boiling by Piet Jonas. Today I am at 210.5 degrees. I should have syrup at 217.5.

03-13-2013, 12:36 PM
I have the same app... just be sure the elevation is right because it said 235 ft for me and I know I am like 670 ft. I had to search my city and pick the closest location that came up to get the right altitude...

03-13-2013, 12:38 PM
I have the same app... just be sure the elevation is right because it said 235 ft for me and I know I am like 670 ft. I had to search my city and pick the closest location that came up to get the right altitude...

I did the same to check the elevation. It seems to be within 1-3 ft. Either it's lucky or the technology is improving a bit.

03-13-2013, 12:52 PM
Man Deep Freeze and snow is back! No flow today!

03-13-2013, 12:54 PM
I haven't been at this forever, but I want to give you one little piece of advice. I never had any spoilage or mold until my 3rd year; I got in a bit of a hurry and left an air gap in some of my bottles. I had a few not many, develop a spot of mold. The only reason I can think of is that these were bottled with a larger air cavity at the top similar to that top bottle in your pic. By the way, if that happens, don't throw it out!!!! You can take out the mold and reheat the bottle to 185 if you are worried. I've wiped the mold out with a cue tip and used the syrup - we're all alive still !

03-13-2013, 01:23 PM
Man Deep Freeze and snow is back! No flow today!

That's for sure. It's like mid winter here. I went from 20 gallons on my roadside trees to not a drop yesterday or today. Time to cut wood and clean up supplies. I have .75 gallons of syrup in the fridge so far. Made some maple butter for my toast this morning. That was pretty incredible.


WI Sugarpop
03-13-2013, 04:08 PM
I haven't been at this forever, but I want to give you one little piece of advice. I never had any spoilage or mold until my 3rd year; I got in a bit of a hurry and left an air gap in some of my bottles. I had a few not many, develop a spot of mold. The only reason I can think of is that these were bottled with a larger air cavity at the top similar to that top bottle in your pic. By the way, if that happens, don't throw it out!!!! You can take out the mold and reheat the bottle to 185 if you are worried. I've wiped the mold out with a cue tip and used the syrup - we're all alive still !

I thought mold on syrup was caused by under cooking it.

03-13-2013, 04:23 PM
Mold can form on standard density syrup if it is packed in jugs at temperatures below 180 deg F.

03-13-2013, 04:23 PM
I thought mold on syrup was caused by under cooking it.

You can cook all you want but eventually you will get mold. It's air-born unless you use a preservative you can never prevent mold. As soon a your bottles and your syrup are exposed to air it is exposed to microbes and mold floating all around us. Maple syrup is part water as well. Whenever you have water in a product you need a preservative or just use it up before mold and bacteria have a chance to grow in large numbers. Packaged properly and unopened your syrup should last a year. Boil your bottles and bring your syrup to 180 degrees. Bottle your syrup and then lay the bottle down so the heat reaches the top of the bottle and the cap. This will heat it up and help it last a bit longer. Basically, a canning process.


03-14-2013, 02:11 PM
I found a boiling point app that calculates your elevation and barometric pressure using a GPS. It's practically instant. Pretty cool. It called Boiling by Piet Jonas. Today I am at 210.5 degrees. I should have syrup at 217.5.

I'm looking for that app! I boiled the other day and noticed the boiling temp was 221 degrees with a digital thermometer. I figured it's done. When I checked the syrup in the hydrometer it barely reached the mark. So I boiled a while longer and called it good. Not sure what to make of that.

03-14-2013, 02:42 PM
I'm looking for that app! I boiled the other day and noticed the boiling temp was 221 degrees with a digital thermometer. I figured it's done. When I checked the syrup in the hydrometer it barely reached the mark. So I boiled a while longer and called it good. Not sure what to make of that.

Your temp probe wasn’t touching the bottom of the pan, was it?

03-14-2013, 03:26 PM
Finally dripping a little again. Boiled down the 8 gallons I had today down to about a quart and a half and put that in the freezer for when I have more. Hope it gets flowing good again, I'm down to having just what's in the buckets. Maybe a gallon or so : (

03-14-2013, 05:05 PM
Getting a pretty good run today. Picked up 250 gallons since the vacuum kicked on a little after 1pm. For the last two hours the sugarbush has averaged about 55 gallons an hour.

03-14-2013, 05:09 PM
I'm looking for that app! I boiled the other day and noticed the boiling temp was 221 degrees with a digital thermometer. I figured it's done. When I checked the syrup in the hydrometer it barely reached the mark. So I boiled a while longer and called it good. Not sure what to make of that.

Ha, I thought I was the only crazy one. I boiled to 217 degrees then tested with my hydrometer and it didn't even float. Had to boil to 225 before it hit the right mark on my hydrometer. I used a brand new candy thermometer because I thought the first one I used wasn't accurate. I was very careful not to let it touch the pot in any way. I tried using my laser thermometer which is pretty cool and very expensive but it won't read accurately when there is foam on the surface. What gives?


03-14-2013, 05:37 PM
Why are two of my most devastated looking trees my biggest producers?
Completely hollow from the ground up but a rather large canopy.
I got 3 gallons a day for two days until it got cold.
This tree looks like a disaster from behind and not a huge canopy but at least a 15' crown and complete southern exposure.
I put in 3 taps around 4 pm today and had at least a gallon in 30 minutes. It didn't drip, it ran from all 3 holes.

03-14-2013, 08:38 PM
Your temp probe wasn’t touching the bottom of the pan, was it?
Nope, temp probe was not touching any part of the pan. I even checked the temp with a second, candy thermometer and it read the same, 221.
I'm not sure what's going on but I've read others that had the same thing.

03-14-2013, 08:42 PM
Sap running good today just got done collecting 76 gallons and some taps it was still streaming out almost all others where a very fast drip

03-14-2013, 09:15 PM
I too am wondering why it's supposed to be Syrup 7.5 F above the boiling point but I had to go to 221F for my Hydrometer to be Syrup...

I would say it could be my Hydrometer but others are seeing the same thing and my Hydrometer paper didn't slip either.

By any chance did any of you get your Hydrometers at Tapmytrees.com ?

shane hickey
03-14-2013, 09:22 PM
I have to deliver hay at 6:00 in the morning then start
Collecting sap after that. Ill be boiling tomorrow afternoon.

03-15-2013, 05:54 AM
I too am wondering why it's supposed to be Syrup 7.5 F above the boiling point but I had to go to 221F for my Hydrometer to be Syrup...

I would say it could be my Hydrometer but others are seeing the same thing and my Hydrometer paper didn't slip either.

By any chance did any of you get your Hydrometers at Tapmytrees.com ?

Mine is from Sugar Bush. Brand new.

03-15-2013, 07:15 AM
Nope, temp probe was not touching any part of the pan. I even checked the temp with a second, candy thermometer and it read the same, 221.
I'm not sure what's going on but I've read others that had the same thing.

I did have the same problem once, was reading up to 226 before I hit syrup, but I think I’ve got it figured out.

My problem was two-fold. First, I’m pretty sure I had the probe too close to the bottom of the pan, once I move it up the temp reading became more normal looking. Second, and the one that caused me the most grief, was that my temps were anything but stable, swinging as much as 2 degrees in a matter of seconds. This, I believe, was caused by placing the probe perpendicular to the bottom of the pan (mounted vertically). With the small surface area of the probe positioned in a manner that only monitored a small section of the pan, combined with rolling, boiling currents of sap/near syrup, it dawned on me why my temps might be swinging so wildly and could also explain the high temp reading (measuring a hot spot). I changed my probe bracket so that the probe is now mounted parallel with the bottom of the pan (horizontally) and completely submerged. More surface area of the probe is now in contact with a greater area of the pan and my temps swings have been dramatically reduced to about 2/10 of a degree.

It might be worth experimenting to see if you are having a similar problem. See if you can cover more than just a pin point in the pan with your probe. For those batching with steam pans, maybe give it a stir before taking a reading.

03-15-2013, 07:31 AM
I did have the same problem once, was reading up to 226 before I hit syrup, but I think I’ve got it figured out.

My problem was two-fold. First, I’m pretty sure I had the probe too close to the bottom of the pan, once I move it up the temp reading became more normal looking. Second, and the one that caused me the most grief, was that my temps were anything but stable, swinging as much as 2 degrees in a matter of seconds. This, I believe, was caused by placing the probe perpendicular to the bottom of the pan (mounted vertically). With the small surface area of the probe positioned in a manner that only monitored a small section of the pan, combined with rolling, boiling currents of sap/near syrup, it dawned on me why my temps might be swinging so wildly and could also explain the high temp reading (measuring a hot spot). I changed my probe bracket so that the probe is now mounted parallel with the bottom of the pan (horizontally) and completely submerged. More surface area of the probe is now in contact with a greater area of the pan and my temps swings have been dramatically reduced to about 2/10 of a degree.

It might be worth experimenting to see if you are having a similar problem. See if you can cover more than just a pin point in the pan with your probe. For those batching with steam pans, maybe give it a stir before taking a reading.

I think you are on to something here. The batch I was boiling was small and my thermometer may have been too close the the bottom of the pan. The bottom of the pan and the sides even an inch or two up differ hugely in temperature. In the end I trust my hydrometer first and thermometer second. I've used my laser thermometer when boiling and the syrup will read differently all over the pan even 5 degrees difference. The rolling boil is the hottest and the sides are the coolest. I hope for an average temperature overall and use my hydrometer as the final test.


03-15-2013, 12:15 PM
Interesting... I had a pretty deep batch and the thermometer was at a 45 degree angle and at least 3 inches of it was covered with liquid and it was up off the bottom too...

I'm gonna trust my Hydrometer I guess cause no one has complained that the Syrup is too thin or thick yet...

03-15-2013, 12:24 PM
I tapped this tree yesterday at 4pm and by 11am this morning I collected 5.5 gallons. Look at this tree! I can't believe it hasn't blown over or just fallen over. Update: 24 hour total for this tree is 8 gallons.

I have unfortunately been ignoring this tree for two weeks and only tapped it for a test. It was pouring out as soon as I pulled the drill bit out.

This morning I collected 18 gallons from 23 taps I installed at 4pm yesterday. Some are running at 2%.

Total today 37.5 gallons, mostly on new taps installed yesterday. Older taps were very slow and some dry.


03-15-2013, 06:54 PM
Have about 30 gallons to boil tonight. Most of it came Between Wednesday and today. Had some trees make a gallon per tap today and others make zilch. Some of my city trees (silvers) are fuzzy with big buds, so I may be shutting a few trees down soon.

I ran into the 220 deg plus syrup as well last weekend. I went with the hydrometer and I think the viscosity of the finished product is perfect. I even doubled up with digital probe thermometer as I was finishing because I was wondering if my candy thermometer was off. Both checked out. When making candy (fudge and stuff, not maple) I will first calibrate my thermometer by boiling distiller water. You can slide the glass tube up and down a little on a candy thermometer. I boil water, move the glass up or down to calibrate it to 212. I figure this way I don't have to compensate for humidity, elevation, etc.

03-15-2013, 07:24 PM
trees flowed really good today and are still going hard. Got 10 gallons off them today might have to go out at midnight or so and make sure my buckets have room til tomorrow. Will probably have to boil again Sunday. Having sooooo much fun, can't wait til next year already : )

03-15-2013, 07:59 PM
Big flow today, collected 165gallons on 85 Spiles, I have King Bags many of them overflowing this afternoon. Light rain as I started collecting thankfully let up about 1/2 way through the Bush. Hope it stays around 2.3 like the last collection; to late, to tired to check it. Five barrels and two full buckets on the way to Evaporator 1st thing tomorrow.

03-15-2013, 08:58 PM
Had a really good flow today. Unfortunatly do to prior obligations I only got time to collect from about 30 taps before it got dark. Those 30 taps gave me about 45 gallons! If the other 25 taps ran as good as the others I be boiling tomorrow. I will get the rest early in the morning while the ground is froze up a bit.

03-15-2013, 11:20 PM
We haven't Collected Buckets since Sunday and Collected them today. 40 Gallons from 26 Buckets in 5 days. My tube line was finally Streaming today too and I've gotten 30 Gallons from the tube line since Monday Morning. So I get to add 70 Gallons to my yearly total!

Also split a full cord of wood into smaller pieces today and stacked it by the Half-Pint Ready to start Boiling whenever I wake up tomorrow!:lol:

03-15-2013, 11:25 PM
Sitting in my makeshift sugar shack 6 hours into a big weekend boil. Have 160 gal of sap in inventory with more coming. Should end this weekend with a season total of 10+ gal of syrup which is 8.5 more than I made my first year. Homemade 2x4 oil tank cooker is rocking! Found some cool bottles and made some labels. Having fun!

03-15-2013, 11:51 PM
10+ Gallons of Syrup already with 50 Taps? I too am boiling this weekend and have 41 taps and I'll be lucky if I have 4 Gallons of Syrup after this weekend.

I want your trees!

03-16-2013, 05:38 AM
Sitting on 1400 gals of sap and 50 gals of syrup made. Only 90% more to hit my goal of 500 gals of syrup. Not making much lite sysrup this year and it's filtering hard for me. We aregoing to try and keep our red's sap seperate from our sugars and try to make some litgher sysrup this weekend. Off to farmers market this morning to get some cash!!!

03-16-2013, 07:02 AM
10+ Gallons of Syrup already with 50 Taps? I too am boiling this weekend and have 41 taps and I'll be lucky if I have 4 Gallons of Syrup after this weekend.

I want your trees!

10 of my trees are massive sugar maples that are averaging 3.25% sugar and on good days filling 5gal buckets. I have 9 5gal buckets lined up in my driveway from just yesterday and I basically stopped collecting my Norways. They are running about 2.25 to 2.5%.

Outside of earlier this week, the run here has been pretty good for two+ weeks.

03-16-2013, 07:05 AM
Montcalm Co, gathered 75 gal yesterday at 3.2 brix, on my way to fire it up. Have 12 gal finished so far.

03-16-2013, 08:24 AM
Remember last week we talked about the thermometers and temperature of boiling water. I have checked mine everyday since then and my water is still boiling at 209. I was wondering if you did this on the day you boiled and if you did what temp did you pull your sap off the cooker or did you rely on your hydrometer.

03-16-2013, 09:18 AM
7406Whopps, had my qt to gallon ratio wrong, 4 not 2, duh. make that 6 gallons. upper left and down: 2) half gals, 4) qts, 1/2 gal and 2 qts, 12 qt sauce pan to the 12 mark.

03-16-2013, 09:56 AM
What a great run yesterday Coopersville-Marne area

03-16-2013, 10:08 AM
Awsume run yesterday 118 gallons of sap and it was still running in middleville my trees that were not doing much are making up for it now definitly need bigger pan next year checking on getting a 30 inch by 72 inch pan with drop flues made at a college that teaches welding it may not look pretty but it will be cheap. Then I might attach my 4 ft pan to that for a total of 10 feet long.

03-16-2013, 11:04 AM
I check sap with a refractometer and finish syrup with a hydrometer. I triple checked a tree I have tapped because it registered a 5.25 on the refractometer. :o. I checked calibration because that is the highest I have registered so far.

03-16-2013, 12:54 PM
Sparta them are some awesome trees!

Cindee I check mine every time. Water is at a rolling boil around 210.5 F and my Hydrometer says Syrup when I hit 222 F...

Off to boil in a few I have 4 gallons of sweet in the pan and about 80 gallons of Sap to boil down!

03-16-2013, 06:38 PM
50 gals today

03-16-2013, 08:23 PM
The new preheater and hood worked great this weekend. Started with a sweetened pan and boiled 388 gallons in 12-1/2 hours. Bottled almost 7 gallons and we have 2-3 left to bottle. Also I loved the new to us filter press that really speeded up the bottling process.

shane hickey
03-16-2013, 08:35 PM
50 gals today

Welcome to the trader woody. Sittin in my high chair boiling away
Running low on barrels.

shane hickey
03-16-2013, 08:40 PM
Some reason the syrup is real light making fancy amber
Had some extremely dark grade b syrup yesterday.looks like it wont run here until monday then agian friday in my area

03-16-2013, 08:46 PM
Boy Spartazoo, have you got some great producers. I've got 40 taps, but not nearly the sap production and the sugar averages about 2%. So far have about 2 gallons of syrup made and about 60 gallons of sap ready to boil.

03-16-2013, 08:51 PM
Im boiling away too...got through 40 gallons since 4:15...

David in MI
03-16-2013, 08:52 PM
I've listened to you guys getting all this sap and boiling yourselves giddy over the past week or two and felt like the only guy at the dance without a date!!! Finally this weekend we had a decent run going. We got about 450 gallons from yesterday's run at about 2.1. Open the floodgates and let's get this show on the road!!! Can't wait to see what next week brings.

shane hickey
03-16-2013, 09:02 PM
Im boiling away too...got through 40 gallons since 4:15...

Big or small doesnt matter it never seams to go away fast enough been through almost 17000 gallons since yesturday
Into today have about 5000 more to go done for the next run

03-16-2013, 09:21 PM
Definately fine tuning things and boiling better here thats dor sure!

David glad ya finally got a date!

03-16-2013, 10:03 PM
Weird day. .. I cant get over 213 and I have a rolling boil in all 3 sections. Guess I gotta chance it a little bit lower.

03-16-2013, 10:19 PM
I collected up another 25 gallons today. I have one 60 gallon drum full and ready to boil down tomorrow. I have yet to test sugar content for this next boil but the last boil I did and it averaged 3.5%.
Hey Don be just be careful, dont get to low. I dont have a half pint but I get really nervous if the level gets around the 3/4" inch mark. Just make sure you have a few gallons of sap handy if it gets to low.