View Full Version : filter press blowout??

05-20-2006, 07:40 AM
I was filtering and bottling yesterday morning and was trying to get the last of it through. The syrup was well over 200 and I knew the plates were getting full, so, shut down and replaced 2 frames and started back up. It started getting full again as just a trickle was coming. I wanted to get it all through as there was only a few gallons of syrup left. Lo and behold I noticed syrup dripping out of the gear pump shaft, behind the pulley. It was throwing syrup all over inside the shield, figure i lost a 1/4 pint or so.

Question: Did I blow a seal out and now its always going to leak, or is this normal when you start expecting the unexpected? My pressure gauge is broken, so don't know exactlry what the pressure was. I was only running with a half press worth, due to not being able to heat 40 gallons up at one time. When I have ran with a full bank before, I have always blew a paper out if it got too bad. Mark

05-23-2006, 06:15 AM
So noone has encountered this before? I am selling 40 + gallons that i need to bottle up to a guy and will be doing this on the upcoming weekend. I guess I will find out whether or not it ikeeps dripping.

05-23-2006, 11:15 AM
I believe there is a packing nut behind the pully that can be snugged a little this may stop the leak, it has for me in the past.