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View Full Version : alamo 40

3 brothers
02-26-2013, 05:04 AM
ran great for awhile then it started reving down then back up.pulled exhaust/oil cover off and it was over flowing.is my pump flooded? drippers turned up to much? the oiler on the back is adjustable but the one by the pulley has no adjustment screw.any ideas from other surge users

02-26-2013, 05:22 AM
is there no sight glass with a wire inside on the pully side oiler? if not i would think that would be your problem, alittle to much oil. on my 40 i replaced to two sight glass oilers with an adjustable type oilers from hambydairy supply. its the set up for the 100 model, comes with 3 ports .

02-26-2013, 08:15 AM
ran great for awhile then it started reving down then back up.pulled exhaust/oil cover off and it was over flowing.is my pump flooded? drippers turned up to much? the oiler on the back is adjustable but the one by the pulley has no adjustment screw.any ideas from other surge users
do you have an oil reclaimer, some of the reclaimers did not drain back into the sump. you had to manually drain it from the top section and refill the lower section. mine is a alamo 30and i have adjustable drippers and the pulley side will leak out the shaft and run down the pump if it drips over 10/15 drips per minute

3 brothers
02-27-2013, 11:27 AM
i believe it does have a manual oil reclaimer, in the exhaust it has a screen filter to catch the big chunks but if i pull the back cover off the pump how much oil should be in there? 1/2 cup or something around there?it doesn't smoke and it's still only warm to the touch but still reving down and then back up. i'm only running 15" and when it drops will go down 1-1 1/2"'s

02-27-2013, 11:41 AM
are you using an electric motor or gas? is the reclaimer mounted directly above the exaust port? it seems like the oil isn't getting blown out int the reclaimer and just collecting in the pump body. is it running at a good rpm. after running for a little do you notice the oil level in the reclaimer drop and not come back to inital level?

3 brothers
02-27-2013, 02:07 PM
electric motor and the reclaimer is mounted on top of exhaust,but i haven't notice any real oil loss. the rpm's when it was running good seemed to be excellent 600 to 900 i guess if it was running to slow it wouldn't exhaust the oil.what's a good rpm 850-900?