View Full Version : Bye bye hose clamp

The Sweet Spot
02-25-2013, 08:36 PM
Ok has this happened to you? I'm on a very steep hill running 1/2" mainline. I slide a clamp on to secure a fitting and it slips!! Makes this funny sound, kind of a zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz. All the way to the bottom. I reach into my tool belt and I'm out:o. LOL life is good, I'm glad to be sappin. :)
Peace and love to everyone I hope your sap is 3%

Run Forest Run!
02-25-2013, 09:40 PM
I had something similar happen. While tying off my buckets with a role of binder twine yesterday, it slipped from my hand and took off down the hill, gaining speed the whole way. I finally caught up with it and had a big mess to re-roll.

02-26-2013, 06:45 AM
Oh no folks, you haven’t lived until you can pull off what I call the “yard sale”.

That’s where some wily branch hidden ‘neath the snow grabs your boot on a downhill grade. You start the maneuver taking tremendously long strides, followed by a face plant in the snow, a few tumbles, and then skid the rest of the way down with snow filling your coveralls all along your journey.

Not only do you reach the bottom with a snow impacted wedgee, but everything you had loaded in your pockets for line repair is now scattered hither and yon over the face of the hill.

02-26-2013, 12:20 PM
Oh no folks, you haven’t lived until you can pull off what I call the “yard sale”.

That’s where some wily branch hidden ‘neath the snow grabs your boot on a downhill grade. You start the maneuver taking tremendously long strides, followed by a face plant in the snow, a few tumbles, and then skid the rest of the way down with snow filling your coveralls all along your journey.

Not only do you reach the bottom with a snow impacted wedgee, but everything you had loaded in your pockets for line repair is now scattered hither and yon over the face of the hill.

You need to come work with me - I do that every day! I got hung up in a brush pile in snow deeper than my waist once and had to stop, drop and roll to escape!

02-26-2013, 01:53 PM
You need to come work with me - I do that every day! I got hung up in a brush pile in snow deeper than my waist once and had to stop, drop and roll to escape!

Heh, Birds of a feather :lol:

02-26-2013, 03:52 PM
Just the simple tap drop in 3ft of snow is fun.... or the stumble trip with two 5 gallon pails of sap...

Kids helping tap are an added fun factor, dumped the bucket with all the taps, drill, hooks etc... that was fun sifting snow :lol:

it's all good when you taste the syrup :D

02-26-2013, 08:18 PM
Was carrying my releaser down the slope to the tank Sunday. Slipped and fell, broke the elbow fitting on the releaser.

02-28-2013, 01:37 PM
And I was laughing too hard to help. Oh man, 2008 was brutal.

02-28-2013, 03:06 PM
The worst is falling with two full five gallon pails of sap. You lost a quart of syrup and more than likely most of it spilled on your pants. This can happen going up or down a steep hill (there seems to be more ravines and gullies than maple trees where we tap), or on level ground, where you slip on a patch of ice that has a skiff of snow on top.

maple flats
02-28-2013, 04:24 PM
That is why, after 2010, with 4' of snow in the woods, I removed about 30 taps, all on very steep ground. That bush went from 435 to 405 taps. I'm too old to do those kind of things anymore. Then I added several hundred in a second bush to compensate, where the slope runs from 3% to 8% max. I like that better. I still have hidden limbs and such to trip me, but a steep hill isn't there to make things worse.

Dennis H.
02-28-2013, 05:22 PM
This is the reason why I went all tubing. If only someone had been watching they would have been rolling on the ground laughing. I stumbled and tried so hard to save it but all I ended up doing is gaining more speed and hitting the graound harder and getting covered with more sap.

These are the memories that we get from sugar'in. enjoy them while we can.

03-01-2013, 06:25 AM
The worst is falling with two full five gallon pails of sap.

That is one of earliest sugaring memories....carrying two buckets through the deep snow, spilling both, one down each leg into my rubber boots, filling each boot to the top with cold sap.