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View Full Version : Arch build. Am I insane?

02-25-2013, 06:19 AM
I had planned to build a new 2x6 arch this years with 2x4 drop flu arch pan and 2x2 finish plan. Due to the expense of pans I never got carrid through. The plan was to use my current 2x4 flat pan on a block arch as I did last year. Now after spending too much time looking at all the arch builds on this site I think that I could build an arch from scratch and have it ready to boil on this Sunday.

I have acees to a full shop with welder, plasma cutter, and a decent supply of metal on hand. I also have insulation in stock so I don't really need to wait for supplies. Am I crazy to think that I can get something that will be a bit better than my block arch ready to boil on in about 30 hours?


02-25-2013, 06:29 AM
No insanity - you have access to the critical stuff where you are, plus access to numerous working designs and setups on this site. Go for it. Without intending to offend any of the block arch folks, anything you fabricate will be an improvement. Keep us posted on how you do, please!

02-25-2013, 12:39 PM
Go for it ! I built my dryer arch while collecting sap ... crazy, but fun working under pressure and as is said already any homebuilt arch will improve your boiling. Plus you now can justify a sugar shack !:lol:

02-25-2013, 12:54 PM
Do it, it's not hard at all, Here is the link to my build on an 30"x8' AOF arch. I think i did this is around 30 hours total time. Would have been faster but my harbor freight welder requires a 10 min rest for every 2 mins of welding :-(



02-25-2013, 01:09 PM
Yep your insane it"s called Maple Madness and there is no cure so you might as well start the arch biuld.

02-25-2013, 09:57 PM
Well I've got about 70 gallons of sap so far and a little less angle iron than I thought. More metal gets dropped off tommorow and then I'de better get rolling if I'm going to do anything with this sap.


mountain man
02-26-2013, 05:28 AM
I find diving right in is best.it's fine to plan things in advance but over thinking [or discussing]takes away from build time.
