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View Full Version : 5x9 Steam Away and a 4x8 pan

02-24-2013, 03:50 PM
I was looking for Steam Aways recently. I can't seem to find a used 4x8 to fit the evaporator I have, and I can't justify spending the $ to get a brand new one over an RO. I did however find a used 5x9 Steam Away online and was wondering... Is it possible to retro-fit something to make this work? I was thinking of an angled stainless cuff between the flu pan and the SA that would transition the two. Has anyone ever tried this or heard of it being done?

maple flats
02-24-2013, 04:36 PM
If the price is right, get a transition made. However the steam away likely won't do as well as it would have on a 5x9 flue pan. I'll guess you would still be real happy with it. A transition, to set on the flue pan and expand upward in 10 or 12" to the 5x9 should work. Realize the flare for length will all be forward because of the base stack. If you have a syrup pan hood, that needs to be redone.

02-24-2013, 04:50 PM
I would think a good tig welder and a game plan you could make it work. Maybe incorporate a channel for condensation.
Good luck