View Full Version : finally back after hurricane irene,

02-23-2013, 08:57 PM
im a vegitable farmer in schoharie county ny,lost most of my maple equpment in hurricane irene flood,i managed to get most of what was left cleaned and made 5 gals of syrup on an evaporator made from an old stainless 2 bay sink from a dairy farm and an old woodstove,did my boiling out in the driveway last year,i got all the mud and flood dabree out of my barn,im back inside and looking for a cheap 2x4 evap to replace the one i lost in the flood,ive replaced all my sap line now back to a line system instead of the plastic frosting buckets i got from a bakery last maple season,just praying for more than a week of sap this year.

Run Forest Run!
02-23-2013, 09:01 PM
Good luck this year. I can't imagine what you've been through.