View Full Version : Season is right around the corner.
02-23-2013, 07:35 PM
When is everyone going to start putting in some taps??? and where?
02-24-2013, 09:01 AM
Up here by Bemidji, I usually tap around the 10th of March but with 30" of snow in my woods and the 14 day forecast only showing a couple of days just touching the 32 degree mark, I don't foresee me putting my taps in until the 17th or maybe later. I am thinking if the snow sticks around this may be the perfect excuse for buying those tracks for my 4-wheeler! I have all my bags on their holders, batteries charged for my drill, sap tanks all ready to go...... getting pretty anxious! I tried to go out and put my tubing up but the snow is just too deep so I will wait a week or so and hope the snow settles some more. We went most of the winter with very little snow and now in the last two weeks we have had snowfalls of 11", 4", 4", 15", 2" good for the drought if it doesn't just run off but bad for the sapping!
Hi, I am near Aitkin, we also have a lot of snow but it has been spread out and I have been able to keep my trails open for the JD Trail Buck. I will probably tap about March 10th (depending on the weather). I am going to 250 bags this year. Made 150 Bag holders and have them ready go with bags attached. Got a new drill charged and ready to go.
Good Luck.
02-24-2013, 06:49 PM
My test tree produced 2 cups of sap today and it looks like decent sap running weather here until Thursday. (isanti) Don't want to tap too early but I'm really itching to boil!
02-24-2013, 08:35 PM
we are up to 1400 taps this year and we are going to try and put some of them in this coming friday (mar 1st). The weather does not look good till the 9-10th but last year I waited and missed some great runs. We are north east of Duluth by 65 miles ( Finland )
I put a test tap in this morning, checked his evening and it had about a tablespoonor so. Looks like a couple of warm days and then back to below freezing for awhile. I'm thinking around the 10th, but maybe later depending on the forecast at the time. I am only doing probably 150 taps though so I can wait, although I am chomping at the bit to try out my modifications to my evaporator.
02-25-2013, 04:42 AM
Hello, I don't put much faith in long range forecasts seems that anything out more then a few days changes quite a bit..I did put out a few taps with check valves, i know its early but the checks should help and all i tap is soft maples so their season is short anyways....Hope everyone has a great season.
02-25-2013, 08:44 AM
I tapped some of my best producing trees last week just for fun (my indicator trees). We had a long hard freeze this winter without snow cover, so I don't expect to get an "early" run even if the weather forecast indicates nice sap flow conditions. Don't expect to tap many tree as all this week (may get anxious toward the end of the week).
02-25-2013, 06:58 PM
Iam in northern anoka county and am guessing about the 10th. last year put in my first tap on the 4th BUT it was a VERY warm year as we all know.... 70+ degrees a week or so later. but definitly chomping at the bit here too.
02-25-2013, 07:10 PM
I am tapping this week-end March 2nd. My calender over the yrs shows March 15 give or take a week either way.
I would say that is right on track for the Sandstone area.
Checked my test tap again today, and nothing. Didn't figure there would be much anyway.
02-26-2013, 09:30 AM
I drilled a tree yesterday and hung a bucket, just had to do it!:emb:
03-01-2013, 05:23 PM
Today we put in 825 taps, we had a few that were wet by the time we hammered the check valve in. We have about 600 left to go in on sat and sunday.
03-02-2013, 05:55 PM
I was going to wait for next weekend to tap my sisters silvers up in Cambridge but tapped them today instead. Out of thirteen taps three were oozing sap after being drilled...The test tap at my woods oozed a little today too...I think were getting close mabey another week or two:) Oh ya and the max temp i saw was 31*F.....Sun helps!
03-04-2013, 05:38 AM
We tapped 115 Silvers on vac yesterday. About a dozen had at least a little sap in the tube till we were done.
03-04-2013, 06:17 AM
We tapped 100 on Saturday A few were slowly dripping and a few wet.
03-04-2013, 04:04 PM
Put in 23 more taps at the house an a couple neighbors all reds and silvers. One more neighbor to go and he has sugars! That should put me around fifty taps this year..Looks like the weekend looks promising for good weather.
03-05-2013, 09:39 AM
This round of snow is going to make hauling buckets and taps interesting in the woods! Snowmageddan is upon us.....At least that's the way the news makes it sound! :lol:
03-05-2013, 04:01 PM
It will be a work out getting to them trees furthest away from the trail, I am planning on getting some trees tapped tomorrow.
03-05-2013, 04:05 PM
I'll say. Back in late January, I could still run an ATV in the woods. I decided then to put out my collection jugs, about a hundred of them. I use food grade 5 gallon containers with a screw top lid. After the first big snow, I ran my snowmobile around the trail and packed it down while it was soft. It froze into an easy walking hard pack.
Today, I went out again. My jugs were totally covered. I had trouble finding a lot of them. I still managed to get 50 taps in before I ran out of steam. Going back tomorrow with snow shoes to tap some more.
03-05-2013, 07:03 PM
I haven't tapped any yet and looking at the forecast for east central MN I will probably hold out for several days. It will give me time to get all prepared. Wonder what affect last year's drought will have and if all this snow will have any affect on this year's run?
03-06-2013, 06:24 AM
I'm going to wait a week, too. The forecast looks okay for Fri and Sat (in mid-30's), but then cold again for early next week. Late next week, it's supposed to get to the upper 30's. If the forecast stays in the upper 30's, then I'll start tapping.
I do plan to get everything else set up this weekend, though. I'm itching to get the shed set up, cooker ready, firewood stacked, ... Love getting outside this time of year!
03-06-2013, 09:27 AM
Got another 40 in this morning. Just taps and drop lines for the most part. I still have a lot of buried jugs I have to go ferret out with snow shoes.
03-07-2013, 06:44 AM
Tapped 3/4 of our woods last night (about 150 taps). Wow is there a lot of snow in the woods this year! Most of the trees were dry, but there were a few that were waking up. We will finish the rest this afternoon. I'm optomistic with next weeks temps that we could be collecting late next week. :cool:
warners point
03-07-2013, 09:49 PM
I'm heading up to McGregor tomorrow to get thing set up. Tons of stuff to get done. Mount blower on evaporator, Install float box, Plumb up new syrup pan. I was planning to start tapping on Saturday, but I think the weather might delay that until Sunday. It won't be long now!!
03-08-2013, 02:29 PM
I'm aiming to get most if not all my taps in this weekend. Looks like it might be kinda miserable outside (tomorrow anyway) but that's the way the cookie crumbles. With my work schedule my next shot to tap will be the following weekend, and I don't want to miss next week - looks like the possibility for things to start a flowin'!
03-08-2013, 06:43 PM
Nephew checked my taps today by Braham for me and they are running.
Hi, tapped 125 yesterday. Only one wet taphole. Will put in another 125 to 175 in the next couple of days. Deep snow making it tough walking snowshoes help but a real pain taking on and off to move the JD.
Good luck.
03-10-2013, 12:41 PM
I just put 2 test taps in one of my trees, nothing dripping. I can see them from the kitchen window, so when they start dripping, I'll go tap the other 4 trees. Hoping to top my 7 gallon best season in 2010.
03-10-2013, 01:26 PM
Based on the current forecast I plan to tap 200+ on Thursday if time allows. Been out in the woods doing trail work, etc and don't think I'm missing anything significant yet.
Well now my woods are impassible. We got about 6 inches of snow the consistency of wet cement on top of what we had. I tried to snowshoe out today to set some taps but there are so many obstacles of brush and branches weighted down with snow that it is futile. I have about 125 of 300 in so far. I am going to get some other work done and go back and tap the rest about Thursday. Hopefully by then the snow will recede a little. Looks like no warm weather until after that anyway.
03-10-2013, 04:17 PM
Went to Menards and bought a pair of snow shoes on clearance, glad I did snow being at least knee deep in the woods. Collected enough sap to boil a small batch enjoyed it over vanilla ice cream with my three daughters and wife, better then I rember fresh syrup to be:).
warners point
03-10-2013, 08:55 PM
I tried to snowshoe out today to set some taps but there are so many obstacles of brush and branches weighted down with snow that it is futile.
I hear you Leo. I managed to get 250 taps in today, but probably got 20 pounds of snow down my back. It would not be possible in our area without snow shoes. The taps are about 24 inches higher this year than last.
03-13-2013, 08:10 AM
Hey guys,
New to the forum and I have a question. I live in Prior Lake MN and out in the country there are some Maples, I looked on the county website and it is nobody's land. It is rigth off a county road. I looked at them and they show really old signs of being tapped. Are these fair game? Any help would be appreciated.
03-13-2013, 08:40 AM
I looked on the county website and it is nobody's land.
Define "nobody's land" - it has to belong to somebody, even if that somebody is a public entity like the county itself. Are they in the ditch next to the road? If so it's in the road right-of-way, and thus would be the county's. Otherwise if its some other sort of public land its probably owned by the state or the DNR or some other entity.
03-13-2013, 09:03 AM
Yeah your probably right, it is surrounded by acreages, houses with about 3 acres each. It is a small little section 40 yards by 40 yards maybe? On the county website there are no numbers on the grid lines. Is it possible to tap the maples? Would I contact the county? The city? They are beautiful big trees.
Contact your co. Land commissioner, he can issue a permit, if it is co. Land.
03-13-2013, 11:12 AM
Yeah the first thing is going to be to figure out who really does own the land and then go from there. Don't assume what you saw on the website is correct - if your county is anything like mine, the plat info on the website has a lot of mistakes in terms of where the lines are drawn. If it ends up being private land you can probably bribe the owners with a promise of some syrup. If it's public land try the appropriate channels to see if you can get approval. No matter how nice a group of trees though I wouldn't suggest tapping them without prior approval. Good luck!
03-13-2013, 10:26 PM
If it is too close to the road some do-gooder will pull your bags off the trees to "SAVE" them from you.
Ot kids will piss in the bags.
More than likely you would be better served finding trees away from where people will mind your business.
03-14-2013, 12:39 PM
good call guys, after some seriuos sluething on the county website which involved getting a hold of a brother, then a son, of the owners (who live in Texas) of the land. I found out that it is an old farmers land. They had sold off all acreage around there except for the old growth maples for syruping. I asked to see if I could tap there, the guy is skeptical but willing to meet me tomorrow, and to see what I am planning on doing! They have plenty of syrup so besides beer anybody know a good way to bribe??
03-14-2013, 02:34 PM
Thinking about tapping, however, the forecast does not look too promising. Except for today, it says it won't get above freezing until next week. I have a snowmobile and snowshoes, so the deep snow isn't a problem. We only put in 50 taps, so it won't take too long. What do you all think, should we wait until it warms up a bit or tap and wait until it flows?
I am trying 300 taps this year so I might start this weekend. If I was doing 50 and was able to tap midweek I would wait it out and see how the forecast is next week. The forecast around here has been changing daily.
03-14-2013, 09:22 PM
I tapped the first weekend of March. Thinking I may have made a big mistake.. Hope my taps don't dry up and produce when it decides to run.
03-15-2013, 06:19 AM
Thinking about tapping, however, the forecast does not look too promising. Except for today, it says it won't get above freezing until next week. I have a snowmobile and snowshoes, so the deep snow isn't a problem. We only put in 50 taps, so it won't take too long. What do you all think, should we wait until it warms up a bit or tap and wait until it flows?
With 50 taps I'd wait until it warms up a bit. I tapped and hung about 150 buckets yesterday. Most holes were dry. Maybe four trees dripped a little and added up to about a cup. I plan to put in the rest the next day the temps hit the 38+ range.
The weather will turn. Historically I think this is just about the start of season in east-central.
03-15-2013, 06:55 AM
good call guys, after some seriuos sluething on the county website which involved getting a hold of a brother, then a son, of the owners (who live in Texas) of the land. I found out that it is an old farmers land. They had sold off all acreage around there except for the old growth maples for syruping. I asked to see if I could tap there, the guy is skeptical but willing to meet me tomorrow, and to see what I am planning on doing! They have plenty of syrup so besides beer anybody know a good way to bribe??
Venison sausage or a good bottle of liquor usually work in this neighborhood.
03-15-2013, 07:00 AM
Went through the woods last night with the four wheeler to help blaze some trails through the deep snow. Looked into a few buckets and the only thing I found was a few tears cause there is nothing yet..... Maybe later next week! Crazy weather, last year we running around in t-shirts and shorts at this time. So we are still waiting to fire the new cooker. :(
03-15-2013, 09:20 AM
Thanks for the info. I was trying tell myself just wait until it warms up a bit...I've just been antsy.
Good luck to all in your maple sap season! :D
03-15-2013, 09:10 PM
I was in the woods here yesterday (14th) and noticed a few lines that where wet, I think once it warms up again the trees should be running.
03-15-2013, 09:42 PM
collected 3 gallons off of three trees that were running today around 3 pm, they were still dripping and it was only 33 today !
That's the best news I heard in awhile. That will motivate me to finish the last few things on my checklist. Forecast for here though don't look good to next weekend.
03-16-2013, 08:00 AM
All tapped out 150 galons so far in 1-1/2 days of funning at 22 inches of vac on 300 ish taps. A little sun helps even if at 27-32 stil not good
best of luck too every one.
03-17-2013, 12:57 PM
I tapped my five sugar maples on the 2nd. maybe a gallon of sap so far. A friend of mine in dayton has tapped as well (maybe 80 taps total) and he's gotten about 70 gallons of sap so far. his are mostly silvers, i wonder if thats why he's got sap running so much...
I don't know about everyone else but the corner that this season is around sure seems like a big corner.
03-20-2013, 09:05 AM
I don't know about everyone else but the corner that this season is around sure seems like a big corner.
YES!!! :(
I don't know about the rest of you all, but the wait is killing me. I'm holding out hope for a cool April though. If we get that we could still get a good (if late) season.
Super Sapper
03-20-2013, 11:53 AM
The corner is more like a circle and the waiting never ends. Every day the warm-up is pushed back 1 more day.
03-20-2013, 12:11 PM
After last seasons debacle it's really hard to keep waiting for the weather to turn in our favor. My trees have been tapped for 2 weeks now and haven't collected one gallon of sap.:(
03-20-2013, 03:45 PM
We have to go around the corner and over the hill...
03-21-2013, 07:26 AM
Then, finally through the woods.:D
03-21-2013, 07:39 AM
I tapped my five sugar maples on the 2nd. maybe a gallon of sap so far. A friend of mine in dayton has tapped as well (maybe 80 taps total) and he's gotten about 70 gallons of sap so far. his are mostly silvers, i wonder if thats why he's got sap running so much...
I am a back yard tapper to this point and have half sugars and half silvers. The silvers have been far more productive so far with sap than my sugars have. Wondering if sugars take a more consitent weather pattern to be productive.
Finally going to tap tomorrow. Hoping the weather will be a little warmer than predicted next week.
03-23-2013, 08:14 AM
Thinking about tapping but no flow from sample taps. Just too cold yet. Supposed to be in the 30's this week, so we'll just have to wait and see. Come on spring temps!
03-23-2013, 12:54 PM
Putting taps in today - 50 in so far - taking a little break and heading back out. I may not get my 250 all in - - waaaaayyyyy too much snow in my woods. I can't get down a couple of my trails so I hope to just get 150 in today. Temps are forecast for upper 30's to low 40's starting on Thursday so maybe,,,,,hopefully,,,, :D
03-23-2013, 06:49 PM
Put in 100 more taps today. I figure we are at the point where it can't really hurt. One way or another it will be over in a few weeks! Only about 2 trees were dripping. Very slowly.
I also put 100 taps out today. Tough walking for sure even with snowshoes with the wet snow and my dog stepping on my shoes. Had a dozen wet holes and a couple actually dripping.
03-23-2013, 09:44 PM
Nephew called today. I have abut an inch in the bags up by Braham.
03-24-2013, 02:34 PM
We put in 60 taps yesterday. Some dripping a little.We're buy Mille Lacs Lake.
03-24-2013, 03:02 PM
I tapped my parents huge silver maple this morning, the sap was pouring out. My sugar maples in my yard still aren't running. I figured with the sap from the silver, I'd at least have something to do until my sugar's start running. Hopefully this week my trees will run.
warners point
03-24-2013, 04:18 PM
Up in McGregor most of the trees started dripping yesterday since it got into the low 40's. Not a ton of sap, but they are getting real close to turning on. The only good thing about the delay in the season is that I've run out of things to do in the sugarshack.
put out 81 taps on saturday, same ol' story deep snow, a few wet holes and a couple that dripped.
Tapping just south east of the dead sea (Mille Lacs)
03-25-2013, 06:30 PM
Pulled about 16 gallons tonight at my taps by Wyoming, MN The ones I have in Barham I am concerned about the holes drying up. They are doing much of anything. I put them in the first weekend of March. Anyone think this will be an issue?
03-25-2013, 06:35 PM
My test tap was dripping when I got home from work, so I tapped the rest of my trees. Only 8 taps in silvers but all are dripping.
03-25-2013, 06:38 PM
It might have some effect but I've read as long as it stays cold it doesn't do as much harm as if it's warming up and cooling off over and over, because "drying up" has more to do with bacteria, and we've been in the freezer most of the time this month! I'm not that far away and there's almost nothing happening here yet, either, including the taps I put in today. By Sunday I bet you'll have lots of sap at Braham.
Checked taps today out of the fifty or so that I could see a dozen or so had a a quarter inch of sap in bags and a couple had a cup or more. It shouldn't be long now. I'm realty hoping to fire up the new rig this weekend.
03-26-2013, 04:59 AM
Had my taps in since the first weekend in march.....St paul taps are running good 3 gallons of of two large silvers...The trees on my 2 acre wooded lot are still pretty froze up except for a few that are around the edges of the yard those kicked out about a gallon yesterday.....
03-26-2013, 06:37 AM
Went to the woods last night to look things over. Few trees are thawing out, but out of 230 taps I would be lucky to have a gallon of sap. Hopefully by the weekend they will have cut loose and we can finally fire the cooker.
Anyone getting anything yet? I can't handle the waiting I'm done with prep work and have nothing to do.
03-26-2013, 10:15 PM
Just checked the lines and they are still wet, 10:00pm and not frozen yet. We pulled about 75 gallons today on 1300 taps. Hope it turns on soon.
03-27-2013, 03:48 AM
sap is starting to pick up. Collected 6 gallons from 5 trees at 4 pm today. Most others only had a small ammount...
03-27-2013, 03:53 AM
Interesting how your season is just getting started and ours is winding down.
First taps were Feb. 26 even then we missed a few good days.
Hope yours is over flowing!
S&S Sugarbush
03-27-2013, 08:17 AM
I tapped 25 yesterday, most dry - but a couple actually had a cosistant drip. Total taps in = 50; 50 more to get to 100.
Only been doing this 15 years - but this is the latest for me. After last years' bust - hoping for a good year.
03-27-2013, 01:02 PM
The next week is looking good. The trees are waking up. I think I'll have enough sap here in east-central for a test boil tomorrow afternoon or Friday, and the first real boil Friday or Saturday.
03-27-2013, 05:25 PM
I'm a backyard tapper with 12 taps this year. Today is the day things really started to take off. About half our trees are dripping decently with another three that are running very fast.
I'm running a boil right now with about 8 1/2 gallons and it smells great!
Anyone ever feel the need to redrill a tap because they weren't flowing? I've never done it but half my taps are producing great the last few days, the other half not a drop. They were all done the same way. I've read it's not a good idea but don't know why it should matter if a hole is redrilled. The first time it's drilled is certainly doing more to the tree than redoing it. The ones producing have all increased each day and new ones have started up each day, so I assume if I wait lo g enough the others will start as well.
03-27-2013, 06:24 PM
I pulled 50 gallons out today in Wyoming. The trees up in Braham started this morning an the nephew said there is about 5 inches in each bag (100 bags) as of 6:00 tonight. I guess it has started big time for me so will be boiling this weekend for sure.
03-27-2013, 07:17 PM
...The ones producing have all increased each day and new ones have started up each day, so I assume if I wait lo g enough the others will start as well.
I think that's a good bet with the weather over the last few weeks.
03-27-2013, 07:44 PM
i redrilled a couple taps today. I had originally tapped March 2 my five hard maples. they've been bone dry, my hard maples, well one ran a bit the day i tapped, but basically nil since. I tapped a silver maple a few days ago and pulled 4 gallons from that tree today for a total of 9 gallons from that one so far. hopefully my hard maples start running tomorrow or this weekend at the latest.
03-27-2013, 07:50 PM
Of my 160+ taps, there are a few starting to give me a couple of cups of sap and about half giving just a dribble. About a third are dry. Hoping to have at least a small boil this weekend... then the weather is supposed to turn colder for few days - I will just look at that little break as the calm before the (hopefully) storm!
03-27-2013, 08:45 PM
Had about 20 or 30 gallons from 115 taps today, hopefully tomorrow with temps in the 40's things will really take off.
03-28-2013, 12:18 AM
Things are picking up collected 12 gallons yesterday around 4 pm....Heard that my taps up in cambridge are starting to turn on....Probably boil this weekend for sure looking at the extender forecasts.....:D
03-28-2013, 07:01 AM
I talked to 3 other guys las night in our area and all of us are in the same boat.......Nothing. Out of 500-600 taps between all of us we would be lucky to have 20 gallons of sap. All of our trees are hard maples that are in the woods with a foot of snow still hanging around. Hoping that today 50's will not knock the snow down and thaw them out. This is starting to turn into a wierd season, hopefully nothing like last year though!
03-28-2013, 09:59 AM
My trees were still frozen 'til yesterday. In the afternoon I checked and about 3/4 of them were damp. Not enough to collect yet (about a dixie cup's worth of sap each, on average!) but with temps today & tomorrow I'm confident things are starting.
Just about all of my 250 bags had at least a half cup and a few had a quart or so and a couple had a half gallon. All sugar maples. Maybe tomorrow it will break loose.
03-28-2013, 09:37 PM
Still running well here in the Northern suburbs. Pulled 8 gallons today off 12 taps.
03-28-2013, 09:40 PM
we got just under 400 gallons today on out 1300 taps pulling around 23-25".
03-28-2013, 09:59 PM
I pulled 12 gallons from 8 taps in silvers today at 4 pm. That was from yesterday and today. Things are looking up.
03-29-2013, 04:49 AM
Pulled 14 gallons off the trees that are running at 4 pm yesterday.....13 taps in the cambridge area are lagging behind only 2.5 gallons since it started about a week ago.:-|...Since I boil outside and it looks like rain tomorrow I'm planning to fire up the improved block arch today, been waiting for this since middle of march last year.
03-29-2013, 06:40 AM
Put about 40 taps in today.. sap just pouring out. Had two gallons In the first pail is set after 2 hours. Here we go.!!!!
03-29-2013, 07:14 AM
Put about 40 taps in today.. sap just pouring out. Had two gallons In the first pail is set after 2 hours. Here we go.!!!!
One gallon (of water:) 15,140 drips x 2 = 30,280 drips
2 hours = 120 minutes = 7,200 seconds
30,280/7,200 = 4 drops per second
(drops per gallon
Your math checks out when it's really running fast!
We will be doing our first gather and boil today. None running nearly that fast as yours as of yesterday, but most trees were awake and dripping a few drops. Sun and highs in the 40s today should finally, at last, result in a good run for us in east central. [evening update, it DIDN'T result in a good run. We did collect enough to do a test boil which went well, so that was some progress. It's still 42 deg. as of 7:15 PM. Today really fooled me. Looks like it's not going to freeze tonight.]
03-29-2013, 08:58 PM
Hey guys just an update....Had enough sap to fire off my three pan arch....Went through 30+ gallons in a little over 4 hours and finished off on a propane cooker, made 1/2 pint shy of a gallon!!! I'm really pumped....I gathered sap around 9 am this morning one tree had a full sack, so I added another sack to the opposite side and the neighbor stopped by around 3pm to tell me that both sacks were full again!!!! Thanked him and handed him a fresh bottled pint still warm to the touch....My digital temp probe is a little wonky, Pulled off the sweet at 116 deg F cause itstarted to boil hard at 110.5....Took it to 124 degF until it sheeted and the hydro floated past the top red line, Guessing I need a new battery or probe for the thermometer...
Good luck all,
03-29-2013, 10:42 PM
You guys are killi'me :) Im out of town until Monday morning and cant check my trees! My daughter said there was about six inches in the silver test tree in the yard today. Hopefully the wife and her can go check the 100 taps we have a few miles away.
03-30-2013, 04:16 AM
...My digital temp probe is a little wonky, Pulled off the sweet at 116 deg F cause itstarted to boil hard at 110.5....Took it to 124 degF until it sheeted and the hydro floated past the top red line, Guessing I need a new battery or probe for the thermometer...
Glad to here you're getting some syrup. If you are talking about the digital thermometers with the cable and probe, every one I've ever used has failed. Don't know why. The one digital I've used that I trust is a Hanna 145 T shaped one.
03-30-2013, 05:56 AM
Hey buck3m,
Yup the prope on the cable is what I have, Looks like I may have to get a differnt set up, but after using a hydrometer I'm pretty sure I can now get it really close by watching the bubbles and how the almost syrup starts to sheet off my ladle.
Monday is a loooooonnnnnggggg way away hope those sacks don't burst before then :D
03-30-2013, 09:29 AM
Yesterday was another good one, though not as productive as Thursday. Not much going on today, our low temperature was about 40. Doing a big boil today to cook the past two days' gains and hopefully the cold weather Monday/Tuesday reactivates the trees for one more session next week.
03-30-2013, 09:45 AM
Hey buck3m,
Yup the prope on the cable is what I have, Looks like I may have to get a differnt set up, but after using a hydrometer I'm pretty sure I can now get it really close by watching the bubbles and how the almost syrup starts to sheet off my ladle.
Monday is a loooooonnnnnggggg way away hope those sacks don't burst before then :D
No worries - 90 percent of my taps are on drop lines and 5 gallon jugs. Only a hand full of sacks. The wife will check them all today and transfer the bags if they are full.
03-30-2013, 11:29 AM
I made a quart of syrup last night. Box elder. My neighbors sugar maples aren't running yet. Hope they start soon!
03-30-2013, 12:48 PM
How is that Box elder? Can you describe the taste? I have a bunch of them here and would like to tap them next year.
03-30-2013, 01:53 PM
I checked my 20 taps in silver maples that I tapped about 3 weeks ago, south of Hutchinson, MN. There was about 12oz total. There is still a decent amount of snow in the woods and only partially bare ground on the south side of the trees. I'm hoping for some sap action this coming week.
03-30-2013, 05:25 PM
Didn't freeze last night so not much is happening today. I setup my cooker and started to boil the 26 gallons I've collected over the last week. Looks like Sunday ,Monday, Tuesday nights might freeze and not looking good after that for a while.
03-30-2013, 05:46 PM
Nothing much happening in our sugar taps in central Otter Tail County. Snow is still very deep. Maybe mid week it will start doing something.
03-30-2013, 06:39 PM
I put 50 in today, I may regret it though because I had to walk in water to do so. As I was finishing up I noticed that the water had risen quite a bit in the 2 hours I was drilling and baggin.
I might have a problem tomorrow. Or I might be ok. Got to try though.
03-30-2013, 07:31 PM
no freeze last night still collected a few gallons around the neighborhood...Tapped three more large silvers and three barly tappable sugar maples..Those sugars are the first sugars that i've tapped, gonna mix it all together and see what its like..
03-31-2013, 09:45 AM
I gathered 10 gallons Friday between my Wyoming spot and Braham. The Wyoming spot is definitely out performing Braham
Made just 1-pint short of three gallons.
03-31-2013, 09:55 AM
Just got back from North side of Mille Lacs. 50 taps and almost no sap. Snow in woods dropped about 8", still challenging to walk through them. I'll just keep waiting............
03-31-2013, 04:39 PM
I started boiling down 17 gallons yesterday. I pulled it off when it hit 215, filtered it and set it aside until today when I could finish it. I boiled water and it boiled at 212, so I let the sap hit a good 219 and then tested for sheeting on a metal spoon and then pulled it off. ended up with 2.5 quarts. first time making maple syrup. If i get more sap, i'll make another batch.
I'll let the bottles settle for a couple days and then reheat to 190 and rebottle in pint jars.
warners point
03-31-2013, 04:45 PM
We lost almost 2 feet of snow in the last week. Now its only ankle deep. There is about 30 gallons sitting in the sacks right now. Once it warms up again I think it will go gang busters.
Run Forest Run!
03-31-2013, 04:51 PM
[QUOTE=craig101;220129 first time making maple syrup. If i get more sap, i'll make another batch.
Way to go Craig! Great job!
03-31-2013, 05:08 PM
Boiled down 16 gallons yesterday and ended up with just under 1/2 gallon of syrup. The new cooking setup with pre-heat pan is working as expected.
Not much dripping going on today and I don't expect much tomorrow either. Tuesday through Thursday this week look like they will be good but after that it will warm up significantly. I expect we'll hold our last big boil next weekend.
03-31-2013, 05:46 PM
Thank you Karen. I used a jelly bag type filter since I read how you do the filtering. worked nice, a bit slow, but nice. could be i poured too much sap in it and the top stuff starting cooling before it filtered thru, i'll pour less at a time and keep the sap warm.
Run Forest Run!
03-31-2013, 06:00 PM
Craig, I assume you are remembering to wet the filters with hot water before you run the syrup through. Dry filters don't work as well. And yes, sometimes the syrup will really start to slow down in the filter. On a couple of occasions I've ladeled some of the cooling syrup back out of the filters, put it in a pyrex measuring cup and popped it in the microwave for 20 or 30 seconds. That helped to loosen it up, but not get it so hot that it created niter.
Once you're done, put the filters in a zip bag and store them in the freezer. Swish them in your next bucket of sap so that you release the remaining sugar that is trapped in the filters. Just be careful not to dump the niter in your new batch otherwise you'll have that extra niter to filter out later as well.
S&S Sugarbush
03-31-2013, 08:05 PM
Have 75 taps in for a couple days now, May do a few more. Very little yet. A couple have been producing, but 90% a virtually nil. The snow here off the North West corner of Lake Mille Lacs is still 18-24" in the woods.
Hoping for some decent production this year after the poor season last year.
03-31-2013, 11:15 PM
Both my wife and myself prefer our "boxy gold" over sugar maple. The early stuff tastes like butterscotch! It's great on ice cream!
03-31-2013, 11:35 PM
I have 20 taps out on box elder as they usually start earlier than sugars. I haven't tapped the sugars yet as I have seen very little flow from 6 test holes. 1 quart of sap in 4 days. I am not drilling anymore until things pick up.
03-31-2013, 11:40 PM
We lost a lot of snow cover yesterday and I think this will help. I don't know if the lack of rain last year has anything to do with this or not. I emptied 18 bags this morning and when we got home later there was basically nothing in the bags. It's got to start soon!!!!!
Run Forest Run!
03-31-2013, 11:46 PM
I have 20 taps out on box elder as they usually start earlier than sugars.
That's really interesting to hear. My box elders have been the last to make an appearance. All the other varieties of maples that I tap have been running. I have 5 taps in box elders and I would barely have a gallon of sap so far. I think I'll boil that down just to taste what the syrup is like before gathering more or mixing it with my other saps. I'm sure I'll like it.
04-01-2013, 06:45 AM
We collected 60 gal of sap on 360 taps yesterday :( That was our first round of collecting. This is shaping up to be a bust like last year...... I'm holding out hope that this is the week!
04-01-2013, 11:04 AM
Checked my sugars this morning, nothing on central Ottertail county.
04-02-2013, 08:57 PM
Perfect weather around here today. Low in the morning was 20 degrees and it warmed up to 38. With the bright sun the trees opened up and literally poured. Those in the shade or on the North side of a hill were slower. We finished up with 9 gallons off 12 taps. It looks like tomorrow will be more of the same and then we'll start to peter out as the overnight lows rise above freezing.
04-02-2013, 10:45 PM
my sugars FINALLY starting running today. they should go good the next couple days.
04-03-2013, 06:15 AM
I'm hoping to get a gallon a tap by tomorrow morning, but we'll see. Looks like it won't freeze tonight so that will slow things down tomorrow, but in the next week it looks like about 4 more days of sap after today. This will probably be the biggest week of the year!
04-03-2013, 09:11 PM
Pulled another 12 gallons today off 12 taps. I think this is the peak of the season right here. We'll get more over the next week but nearly as much with the higher low temps that are forecast.
04-04-2013, 10:49 AM
Checked our woods last night and the trees could finally be turning out some sap. Wasn't a lot, but there were more wet buckets than before. Going to collect Friday afternoon and cross ours fingers that they have finally opened up! It would be nice to get a good run at the end.
04-04-2013, 04:09 PM
Finally, they're busting lose ! My 8 tap buckets were overflowing today ! I have a 4.5 gallon bucket for each tap , but with the hole in the side for the tube, they don't hold quite that much. I put over 30 gallons in the barrel, but I wonder how much ran over ! Oh well, nice problem to have. I've got 5 more taps at another place but can't get there until later tonight.
I have I full barrel and anther waiting.
04-04-2013, 05:48 PM
Still slow up north, only pulled about 300gallons today so far on 1300 taps
04-04-2013, 06:07 PM
I'm just trying to imagine a day like I had- but with 1300 taps !
04-04-2013, 07:09 PM
Pulled six gallons this morning on 125 taps. Checked again this afternoon. Did) not collect but not much more, though more trees are showing signs of life. (Ottertail County
04-04-2013, 07:41 PM
Total of a gallon and a halph today on 25 taps.
04-04-2013, 08:11 PM
Put another 8 gallons in the barrel from my other 5 taps. Kinda disappointed after what I got from my city trees this afternoon. Hoping to get a good 2 - 3 day run before the buds start. I can see them swelling now.
It's slowly picking up here. I still haven't bothered collecting yet .
04-04-2013, 08:48 PM
Last couple days have been very good. Got 37 gallons yesterday and 60 gallons today on 82 taps. Looking to boil the next 3 days, weather permitting! I live for these days!
got 15 gallons yesterday and 40 gallons today off 81 taps
S&S Sugarbush
04-06-2013, 06:04 AM
80 taps - collected 70-80 gallons. Really seems to be turning on ... last couple days most turned on.
Still have at least 20 taps that are still mostly dry - hoping they turn on also.
On a typical season, what is a reasonable expectatation for sap per tap? I have some regular 7/16
and some 'tree saver' 5/16 taps all with drop lines. Last year was my worst on record (15 years) at
3 gallons per tap, but would like to know what others get with drop lines.
All my trees are hard maples....
04-06-2013, 07:35 AM
On a typical season, what is a reasonable expectatation for sap per tap? I have some regular 7/16
and some 'tree saver' 5/16 taps all with drop lines.
I have all soft maples (so my numbers might be slightly smaller than what you would expect on hard maples), but mine are a mix of 5/16 and 7/16 taps like yours. All are either buckets hanging on the tree or drop lines down to a container. It really depends on the tree. If I get 5 gallons per tap for a medium sized tree in the woods that's doing alright. Bigger yard or fenceline trees should really put out closer to 15 gallons per tap for the season. I've got a good mix of both and if my season average is in the 8 or 9 gal/tap I would call that typical.
04-07-2013, 11:00 PM
I checked my buckets tonight and finally had 32 gallons from 26 taps over the weekend (near Hutchinson, MN). Time to get boiling. It'll be my first time boiling. I'm excited!
I have collected a total of 55 gallons sap from 30 taps in silver maples. I boiled down today, using a hydrometer, and got 1.75 gallons of finished syrup. That's 31 gallons of sap to one gallon of syrup, way above normal for a soft maple. The hydrometer was much easier to use than the candy thermometer and I will be using it from now on.
04-08-2013, 05:47 AM
We boiled about 350 gallons this weekend all from silvers and ended up with 10.5 gallons of syrup. Every time I have checked sap this year it has been at least 3%.
04-08-2013, 09:56 AM
Wooohoooo.....We finally got to cook. Collected 250 gallons on Friday night and cooked that down Saturday and than turned around and got another 100 gallons yesteday. One milk can is full to the top with liquid gold! :D I think there will be some more sap running later this week with the projected temps we are looking at.
04-08-2013, 11:21 AM
Over the weekend we collected about 50 gallons off 135 taps. All but two are sugar maples, the two oddballs are silvers in my yard and even they have slowed way down. (Central Ottertail County) I'd say over 50 percent of the sugars are still bone dry.
Boiling down the 50 now, and probably wont even bother collecting until Friday by the looks of the weather.
04-08-2013, 02:25 PM
got about 60 gallons last weekend. 55 gallons wednesday, 60 gallons thursday, 60 gallons saturday and about 50 gallons last night. i cant believe the sap i am getting. i can just barely keep up, after boiling this weekend i still have a 55 gallon drum in the garage and i gave 40 gallons of sap to the neighbor to make maple wine.. thinking 85 taps is almost too much for me:mrgreen:
So we've had several days in the high 40's without any freezing at night. At some point we run out of days to collect so what leads to the trees budding? Is it having enough warm days in a row, or length of daylight, or some combo of both? When did soft maples bud last year?
04-09-2013, 07:43 PM
When did soft maples bud last year?
Mine budded out on March 11. But that was a bizarre year!! Most years they bud in the 04/01-04/15 timeframe. Length of dayline might be a factor, but I think the biggest factor for sure is having a substantial enough string of warm days without a good hard freeze at night (and by hard freeze I mean like below 20). If the temps dip below that it seems to stun them into submission for awhile longer.
01-14-2014, 11:47 AM
The 2014 season is right around the corner...I was getting the big itch this last weekend when it got up in the 40's. Today though with the wind brought me back to reality. Got another farm to tap, so I should be at around 55 taps or so. Going through equipment this week, ordering small RO parts today, and waiting patiently to start.
You have an RO for 55 taps?
01-14-2014, 12:12 PM
rain rain rain, snow pack going away, temps in high 40's and above freezing at night. looking at colder weather next week and maybe some snow
01-14-2014, 01:04 PM
You have an RO for 55 taps?
Not yet but soon. It's a hobby size one that's designed for less than 75 taps.
01-15-2014, 08:59 AM
Not yet but soon. It's a hobby size one that's designed for less than 75 taps.
I'm really curious about what you got for an RO - Can you tell me more. I have a 2x3 evaporator and I'd like to keep it small but I can already see where this thing is going to get out of control. I thought I'd never go bigger then 50 taps and I've already marked 75 trees. Someone told me I should go with a 2x4 when I got my 2x3. I guess I should have listened. If you could pass on some info on your small RO, I'd appreciate it!
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