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View Full Version : What about the "ramp"

02-23-2013, 11:01 AM
Building an oil tank evaporator getting ready to cut the sheet metal for the back of the fire box , and the ramp.
Looking for some thoughts on this so I don't have to buy this metal and recut and weld all over again , know what I mean.
My pan is 36" long was thinking about an 18" long fire box this leaves 18" of pan over the ramp. Here's the question , how close to the pan should the fire brick on the ramp be for the best results. I would like to get it as close to right the first time.
Thanks for all the advice,

02-23-2013, 12:57 PM
Building an oil tank evaporator getting ready to cut the sheet metal for the back of the fire box , and the ramp.
Looking for some thoughts on this so I don't have to buy this metal and recut and weld all over again , know what I mean.
My pan is 36" long was thinking about an 18" long fire box this leaves 18" of pan over the ramp. Here's the question , how close to the pan should the fire brick on the ramp be for the best results. I would like to get it as close to right the first time.
Thanks for all the advice,

Good question, ill be watching for answers. I have mine at 3/8" before a 1/4" for my frame and the thickness of the gasket so in guessing it will be around an inch. But I have full thickness bricks on the "ramp" covering 1" fire board, so I have some options for adjusting that height. I've been told there is no set height just boil and see what works.

02-23-2013, 09:53 PM
Here is what I did... I made a 20" deep firebox, measured up the length of one firebrick, calculated an angle that was 2 firebricks long and went with that. Basing everything on the size of the firebricks minimized how many I had to cut. It worked out well. I just finished mine yesterday.

02-23-2013, 10:22 PM
Thanks Spartazoo , keep me posted on how well it boils and all I'm very interested.
thanks again,Tim

backyard sugaring
02-24-2013, 08:42 AM
I ended up bolted my ramp on, good thing I have to change my ramp 3 times. This time I think we are dialed in. Good Luck Lee

02-26-2013, 01:12 PM
Test boiled last night. Took me a while to get everything figured out (damper, air vents, etc) Once I did it boiled the full pan. I need to get more air into the firebox for sure. I will be working on that this week. Mine likes a raging fire for sure!

02-26-2013, 04:36 PM
I ended up bolted my ramp on, good thing I have to change my ramp 3 times. This time I think we are dialed in. Good Luck Lee

What did you find worked best, less space between pan and ramp or more?

02-26-2013, 08:58 PM
Thanks for the update Spartazoo , finished the welding on mine tonight. Hope to have it bricked and ready to test by the weekend
Thanks , Tim