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View Full Version : Making copper tube longer-extension-preheater ??

02-22-2013, 02:06 PM
Hello All:

DonMcJr, maybe an easy qustion here for you, yer a plumber !! If anybody know, please tell me.

I have approx. 10 ft. of copper tubing I have around my smoke pipe as a preheater and it drips into my pan.

I was reading that ideally that sap should be 190-200 degrees. I am sure mine is not that hot. I will be insulating the wrap this year, never did that last year.

I want to make my tubing longer and get more "wraps" around my pipe. I don't want to have to buy all new and hope I can join another 10 ft. I have the smaller copper tube, not sure what size it is, small like a pencil diameter, maybe a bit larger.

Can I join another piece? Is there a fitting or soldering possible ?



02-22-2013, 02:09 PM
I found a picture of it, if it helps.



02-22-2013, 02:19 PM
Looks to be 1/2 Soft Copper Maybe 3/8 hard to tell in the pic.... You have two choices, a Brass Compression coupling that you just tighten or a copper coupling that you solder to the next piece of soft copper. Cut off a small piece if you can and take it with you to the hardware store.