View Full Version : A REAL BUSH , a bunch of 1-4 inch maple trees..........

02-22-2013, 06:37 AM
A part of my "bush" is just that, sugar maple trees that you can hardly walk threw. I have been weeding out as much as possible and even tapping some of the 4 inchers that could come out with good success in getting sap from these trees. There is 1000's of 1-4 inch trees in this bush. I contemplate tapping a bunch of these smaller trees instead of cutting them out.

What is the long term effect from tapping these smaller trees ?

02-22-2013, 06:45 AM
If they are cull trees i would tap them. Might aswell get something out of them just my 2 cents

02-22-2013, 07:14 AM
One of our woods is in the same state. Lots of 3-6" trees growing so thick they look like a bamboo forest.

We've got plans to clear 70% of them out to speed up the growth of the ones with best potential, so i figured we may as well tap a bunch now and get what sap we can before cutting them, right?

02-22-2013, 07:48 AM
you could tap some but i would start clearing it pretty quick, i would take at least half out. this will greatly increase the grow of the remaining trees, if you do notclear a bunch the "bush" could remain stunted for decades. pick the best of the trees and cut the rest, you can use the pole wood for evap fuel or let it decay in place. you will want to protect you better trees by leaving some cover to prevent sun andwind damage. i know it seems counterproductive to cut maples but if you do not the growth rates will slow dramatically and the trees may not reach true tappable size in your lifetime or longer.so i guess i would tap all the ones that you will remove and see what you get and leave the remaining future crop trees. i think i read that very small trees produce low sugar content but could be mistaken.