View Full Version : Beginner questions about aluminum, block arch, filtering, bottling...

02-19-2013, 10:20 AM
Hello all. I've been lurking around here for a year or so now and find this site to be a wealth of information and friendliness! As I state in my profile, I've been small time with 6-12 taps on Silver Maples in my yard for the last few years. I do not have as much time for this hobby as I would like with a full-time job and 2 little kids and no other help. My goal is to tap all the trees that I have within walking distance (15-20) and efficiently and cost-effectively get it boiled down. I have an abundance of wood and I've decided that the cost of LP to run the turkey fryer is not desirable. I do this syrup thing because 1) I just enjoy "harvesting" and using maple syrup 2) I enjoy having something to give away to friends and family and 3) I like doing these kinds of things with my kids. Here are my questions:

My turkey fryer is aluminum, not stainless. Is this bad for taste or quality?

How do you small timers filter sap and syrup? I filter my sap with a towel; last year I filtered my syrup with something that didn't work well, but I don't remember what it was...

I like the idea of reusing bottles, especially beer bottles. Does anyone do this and if so how do you cap the bottle?

I think I've learned the basics about the block arch setup. Does anyone know of a good reference somewhere that puts it all together, like a step-by-step guide?


02-19-2013, 10:29 AM
I suggest getting rid of the round pot and get a square or retangle pan be it aluminum or stainless. Buy some paper cone filters and a natual cone filter, Maple Guys sell them. They also sell bottles. I dont think there are any step by step guides but there are plenty of pics on here. It really is all about trail and error.

Have fun!!

02-19-2013, 11:49 AM
Block arch building is easy. See the link in my signature.

Try to get as much surface area as possible and long and narrow is better than short and wide. I'd recommend you try to get some steel pans if you can. Lots of steam table pan in use and not that expensive.

Reusing bottles works fine assuming 2 things. The glass is suitable for accepting HOT syrup (won't crack), and you can properly seal it. Lots of folks use mason jars for their syrup. For personal use you can freeze your syrup if you're not certain of the seal.

If you're boiling on an outside setup, no point filtering the sap before boiling. Pick out any big stuff and boil away. A commercial cone filter is probably best for what you want, but a clean white t-shirt or similar is better than nothing. Wash several times is hot water with no soap or fabric softener before use and again between bottling sessions.

happy thoughts
02-19-2013, 12:13 PM
There is a lot of myth about aluminum. I would not worry personally. There is no scientific evidence that supports health risks from cooking in it. Even the Alzheimer's foundation refutes that it's harmful. But given the choice I'd choose stainless only because it is easier to clean than aluminum and should last longer in normal use because it is less reactive thus less pitting and pinholes. For a block arch, go with full size SS steam pans that are 6" deep. I got mine at a restaurant supply house that sold used equipment. Used cost about half the price of new ones.

As a small producer myself, I let the niter settle out by gravity.

For block arch design, do a search of these forums. Over the years there have been many threads about building them, many with pictures.

Any home brew store should sell new caps for beer bottles.

Good luck and have a great season! :)