View Full Version : stack height question

02-17-2013, 08:23 PM
I'm just wondering how high can you go with a stack before it's not helping anymore. My stack is now 6' above my evaporator, wich would mean around 9' from the ground. I have found another 3' stack piece in my garage, but should I bother adding it to my setup? It's a very small setup. It only holds 1 "hotel pan". (21" X 13" I think)

02-17-2013, 08:42 PM
They say stack height should = 2 x the length of your arch min. You might get better draft if you go higher. You may have to secure it with wire ore cable so it won't fall down. With your small rig it may not be worth the trouble. If it's boiling good maybe you should leave it alone.

maple flats
02-18-2013, 04:05 AM
When I had a half pint (2' x 3') I used 10' of stack, just to get it up above the tarp roof more. I also sloped it away about 20 degrees and braced it. The stack and fire worked good. Adding more stack will give more draft. If you get too much draft just adjust the air inlet. Just remember, you want the fire to burn as fast as your rig can handle, only slow it if you have geysers shooting up and out of the pan.

02-19-2013, 06:17 AM
Thanks for the replies. I may try it. I like doing these test boils to tweak things, but I can't wait for the weather to turn up here. I'm gonna run out of wood before I get sap.