View Full Version : What are your plans for tomorrow (McGuinty Day) ?

Bruce L
02-17-2013, 07:15 AM
Had big plans for finishing up getting ready for the season,but with the temperature here of minus 10 fahrenheit this morning,kind of puts that thought on the back burner.My sons want to go skiing tomorrow before they go back to school Tuesday,might be able to if it stays this cold.

02-17-2013, 10:34 AM
I was planning to organize the sugar shack, move some wood inside and generally putter,,,, but i just stuck my head outside and decided its way too cold for anything that isnt excercise... Going to drag out some firewood for next year instead i think. Monday looks like taking the boys swimming, skating and then bulls game. See forecast updated and next saturday/sunday now up to zero so its almost go time!

Mike R.
02-17-2013, 11:14 AM
Probably go for a snowmobile ride up to the mountain property in the morning then clean the snow off the roof of the sugar-shack and maybe set the pads for the evaporator.