02-17-2013, 06:15 AM
I have a remote sugarbush so all my sap gets a truck ride 1st. The question is do I store the sap at the pump station and transfer it to the truck 400' forward when I'm there? Or to transfer the sap forward as it comes in and store a the pick up site? The front pump station has 400 taps mech double releaser 50 gal storage under the releaser with a sap pump and float switch. The rear station has an electric releaser(500 taps) and will move the sap forward to the front station to be pump to storage tanks with front station's sap. Is a 1 inch pvc line going to be enough to handle these sap volumes from back to the front and from the front to the truck. Then next thought is do I slope these (I feel the back to front needs slope) lines or can the be run somewhat flat, no sags allowed. I know lots of ????'s the groung has no natural slope Thanks for your thoughts